Drop mines right at the moment where you engine kill and start your turning, this way, the opponent coming at you usually cannot see the mine until its too late and you score a hit. It is what I use most and so far, it was a great success for taking out shields and causing hull damage. Of course, its a secondary strategy, not an offensive one.
Zig Zag engine kill also works well if you are avoiding and retreating without giving a notice. It can be used to "attract" the enemy near a capital ship in the joy of battle without them noticing. Just, don't avoid the battle constantly and every 2-3 zigzags, make a full round and fire on opponents to make them feel you are actually opposing them.
' Wrote:You're using a Virage? I've got a Freelancer Virage in Liberty, Masayuki.Minamoto. He's using a strictly store-bought setup, no codes. Your opponent had a lower projectile speed, which makes aiming a little harder; a test against mine would show how you do against shots that hit more often, but don't hit as hard
Ok perhaps I will take you up on that sometime. Virage pilot is "Cobra_One". Currently I'm thinking of having Paralyzer and then stacking Black Widows.
Ok thanks for the posts everyone this stuff really helped me get a better idea.