' Wrote:I found that (in paint.net at least) I have to, HAVE to save it as a 24 bit .tga file with *no* RLE compression.
The file you are saving it in should be nav_prettymap.3db, not .cmp (There isnt even a cmp file by that name in my directory)
If you'd like, Ill PM you a copy of my own .3db file and you can see if that fixes it (it could just be that paint/net has formatting settings necessary to getting the image to work with the UTF editor, I think the blindingly white part is an indicator of this since it seems to me that the navmap shouldn't have an alpha channell yet in your case it does (which used to cause CTD's and white nav maps for me in the past))
For those who didn't want to read the geek-speak paragraph (though I think most of us speak it as a first language) I think its a correctable problem.
-I was using GIMP, which didn't give me those options D:
-.cmp, .3db, both open with HardCMP and have the same icon.
-I got the file, will check shortly.
EDIT: Works a charm.
Zealot Wrote:Just go play the game and have fun dammit.
Treewyrm Wrote:all in all the conclusion is that disco doesn't need antagonist factions, it doesn't need phantoms, it doesn't need nomads, it doesn't need coalition and it doesn't need many other things, no AIs, the game is hijacked by morons to confuse the game with their dickwaving generic competition games mixed up with troll-of-the-day.
Ah good! so it doesn't just work for me and bug out on other machines, thats a relief! :)
As for a tutorial I will certainly work on something of the sort, perhaps a visual guide as to how I made the map.
(Just as a general notice, Im out of town for a bit starting in about a week, so don't be surprised if I drop off the face of the earth for 2 or 3 weeks before new content shows up.)
But I digress.
When you (reavengitair) suggest the Sigma cloud extend into Rheinland, I think you mean the Omega cloud right? the orange one?
(The sigmas are up to the right of Kusari space, and Rheinland has a penchant for being orange-ish, which is the cloud that covers the Omega systems.....) Of course I could be wrong you might actually be talking about the big blue cloud....?
The more I look at it, the more I'm glad it was suggested to make Bretonia less 'thick'
As it was in v1, it looked more like one of the bio-fluidic nebulae from the Omicrons.
Definitely looks much better.
I'd still suggest extending the redness in the top left corner to accommodate the Gallic systems that are yet to be added.
looks great in version 2, now someone explain to me how i can get this map into my game please. i dont understand a word of that geek-talk paragraph and havent got a clue what i should do.
Nice, do you have any screenshot of it in the ingame HUD after importing it with UTF Editor?
Also, I'd like to remind everyone that the starspheres in Gallia probably are still subject to change, as are many starspheres of Discovery-implemented systems.
So... Gallia might not look that red in 4.86.