A lot of old time Junkers on this thread. As memory serves, weve all been a little outspoken at times & we all seem to have chilled a bit & just get on with it. I very much agree with your sentiments & would urge other players, to just play the game & not take it all so seriously.
If there wasnt so much self-serving crap on the board we might not have lost another 3 admin. I hope Xorias F1 essay made a few people empathize with their fellow gamer & learn a little grace. Really was a superb piece of writing.
@ Tinkerbell: We're cool. Just that I noticed this thread after posting on the other. I gotta stop makin assumptions. :) Anyway ... soon as I get my permanent home and my computer set up I'll be back on a bit more. As for me and this blasted laptop ... I get 10 minutes of play time before it locks up.
' Wrote:A lot of old time Junkers on this thread. As memory serves, weve all been a little outspoken at times & we all seem to have chilled a bit & just get on with it. I very much agree with your sentiments & would urge other players, to just play the game & not take it all so seriously.
If there wasnt so much self-serving crap on the board we might not have lost another 3 admin. I hope Xorias F1 essay made a few people empathize with their fellow gamer & learn a little grace. Really was a superb piece of writing.
Hi Taffic.
the server has--from a player balance standpoint--waaay better than it was when I arrived. The blatant favoritism that some showed is pretty much gone and there is more fairness than there was when I arrived. I haven't had to be "so outspoken" as then because I can mostly (not always) just "play"--which is why I am here.
My point in bringing up the forums is thats where the last dregs of the disatisfied come to try to slime everyone else. As a real community, we all should emphasize what's positive and helpful.
As to admins...kudos. I know they have been a varied bunch but if it had been up to me I would have crushed the tendency some have to use the forums to flame and insult them. Absolutely inapporpriate. I also know a lot of admins wrestled with being between two worlds--having been part of the old and having responsibility for integrating the new. What they have mostly received is gripes and conflict and I think they have overall done a great job. I've never had a beef with the admins here--its been player influence using admins to disenfranchise other players that has been my only real concern.
At this moment, things are in my mind here are pretty good. Sure a lot of things need tweaking here and there but those are primarily details. The only "last hurdle" we have in my own mind is the attitudes. If we become a freindly and positive server, it can only create good results.
There was a swearing, oorp talking troublemaker on the other day. I pmed him as politely as I could that he needed to tone down and got a railing tirade back about stupid admins and players and everything. My impulse was to simply put him on ignore but I asked him what the issues were making him so mad.
He said in three days of play he had been talked down to, threatened, called oorp, noob, etc. and that no one would actually help him. I spent about thirty minutes showing him how to neuter his rep and get set up and where to mine. he was perfectly fine after that. I think how "we" (people who have been here a bit) respond and act CREATES the server environment. A "noob" can challenge that but not destroy it unless we stoop down to the same level or have an equally bad outlook.
I honestly have no gripe right now with any player but I look at it this way:
Microsoft owns the game.
They allow players to have free reign and have never interfered (which is an act of God as far as MS goes).
Fans of scifi and programming and modeling have thrown in their pieces gladly to make it more fun.
Others host servers out of their own pockets and share help with others setting them up.
We all play for free.
What's to gripe about? I just don't want to see this all flushed down the toilet one day because of apathy or misassumption. Great game worth fighting for.
On a semi-related note: a lot of new players I have encountered have never played FL before and have never been through the SP mode. They just hopped on. Add all the RP and forum ins and outs and its easy to see how they can be very frustrated very quickly.
Simply telling them how to rep or where to get a necessary thing seems to help a lot.
If only the Angels were around more... I mean, I'm not trying to say we shouldn't be helping new players out with finding a place on the server or with understanding the rules, but I think a resurrection of the Angels faction would help out new players a ton, and maybe even out the server's populations of different people (AKA what Tinkerbell had pointed out in the OP).
More on topic though, I have found myself getting mad about the excessive use of, well, anything. I mean, the server has its ups and downs just like anything else, but if everyone was just a little bit more... sentimental? Then the amount of unhappiness and anger would go down.
For (classic) example: A lone indie pirate is trying to tax traders in x system and then, out of nowhere a fleet of x ships (be it cap ships, fighters, bombers, whatever) comes over and simply destroys the pirate with only "Time to die pirate." then of course the pirate is going to get pissed off and probably follow that kind of behavior.
Now how could we make this better for the pirate? Well the lawfuls could have:
- RPed a little more
- Sent fewer people or called people off
- Warned the pirate
Anyways, I think I'm kinda off topic now, so to the point: If people would put themselves in other people's shoes (as the saying goes) then I think there would be a lot less of x complaining.
Tinkerbell, you always were a wiseman.
Too much discussions about rules. Drop rules... make the game play itself, not be upheld by ascii rules. Make oorp equiptment impossible to get. Make oorp iff/id combinations impossible. Drop weird rules like 'cant cruise to catch up'. Make hitboxes bigger, especially on Sabre, so people wont be talking over 'shieldrunning' in 4-hour fights.
Right now, the hole game seems a niche to allow rule-lawyers to do what ever tehy want, while new people who are jsut trying to play a game get banned and sanctioned.
Make a 'welcome to discovery quest' that makes new people learn the how-to, reward will be some money on top of their 8500. Shoulda put efforts into that instead of gallia where u only get shot up by npcs so no one ever goes there.