Well, I've once had an idea to suggest making sol system in the destroyed form and adding it to the mod. 1 jumphole leading to a cloudy, lifeless, Newcastle-like system - transit, so that noone wanted to visit too often and at the opposite end of it, another jumphole or sereies of jumpholes, leading to various regions of Sol. And depending on if we acknowldege the official or extended intro, there would be good looking, populated and dockable planets or decimated, sometimes in pieces and non-dockable.
The storyline itself should not perhaps be as revolutionary as FL 2, after all, this is a mod, not a separate release. Besides, I bet we'd have legal problems when we'd name it FL 2. However, imo, it should develop constantly. For example: Kusari-bretonia war ends, Tau-31 made into a DMZ, both sides accept a mutual white peace and complete the trade lanes inside te system as well as a new jumpgate. BMM outpost in Tau-23 gets taken over by IMG, which funds a trade lane between it and Java. Really, I'd love to see more infrastructure in places like these.
You do know, that when a sun goes nova, it generally destroys completely the planet around it.. So you might find a few asteroids at most.. No planet, in pieces or whole.
Well, that old guy from the extended intro had to take off from somewhere. The dark side of Pluto, wan't it? So my bet is, that the farthest parts would survive. And it's indeed quite weird, that the nomads, while possesing the technology to obliterate sol, wouldn't do the same with every single human-inhabited system in Sirius.
Kittani, Discovery happens 30 years after Freelancer, so Lord Hakua is probably dead at the time. Yeah, I dont agree with corsairs and the Order in the same side. The Order was more to be neutral in the war between outcasts and corsairs, and most concerned with hunting nomads. I known the corsairs are fighting nomads in Omicron Delta, but there are zoners in Omicron Delta as well.
Templar, why do you want to end the war between Bretonia and Kusari? Ah, right, nobody is playing it, because people declare war out of personal vendettas, and call it "roleplay". And why do you want BMM outpost being taken by IMG? Hmmm...
Edit: I forget, the zoners are now allied with the Order too.
We were planetform-aligned some time ago, in the times before KNF even thought of existing. I still remember raiding Kusari from Leeds to New Tokyo, blasting any Kusari NPC I saw in my sights. Pretty recently we've asked the fighting KNF and SF to fly farther away from Holman. That battleship salvo damaged the base too badly already.
The KU-BR war simply has to end some day. Or.... let it resemble the 100-years' war between England and France? Matter of time. Currently Bretonia is losing, but its industry and minerals give them a nice edge in reinforcements. They can easily replace the ships they lose. Kusari on the other hand lack resources, required to build new ships at a rate like Bretonia. They have to rely on GMG supplying the fuel and possibly IMG suppliying more solid minerals. KU however have a considerable superiority over Bretonia in terms of technology.
Even now it's still hard to predict, who will ultimately win. Maybe the two remaining houses could get mixed in too? Liberty is closer to Bretonia, while Rheinland surely will support IMG = KNF.
(His name is Lord Hakerra, and I don't think he was the actual leader of the BD, just a high ranking member-not sure though. I don't think the KNF control Tekagi's arch because my KNF character is red to the base.)
The Blood Dragons and the Order might have an understanding between each other because they assisted each other in killing a mutual enemy: Governor Tekagi. But I believe that the relationship really boiled down to that between Orilion and Hakerra, but not beyond it. The Blood Dragons wanted Tekagi dead because either by blood or priviledge, he was a member of the current Shogun dynasty in power in Kusari. The Blood Dragons would see him as a primary target in their efforts to overthrow the Kusari regime and replace it with the original Shogun blood line. The Order wanted Tekagi dead because they new he had been possesed by a nomad parasite. The Order could care less about who is in power in Kusari. So the two factions may have worked together in killing Tekagi, but they did it for different reasons. Hakerra seemed to be the 'go between' with the two factions. He was the only person to see the mutual interests of the two factions and get them to work together. Hear George Takei's voice playing Hakerra: "What? You want me to tell you we have finally come upon an enemy more deadly than our own hubris?" He was a hero of the Nomad war because he saw past the relatively petty interests of his own faction to the truth of the situation. Rather than continue in the Blood Dragon pursuit of the throne, Hakerra orchestrated the cooperation between the Order and the BD to bring down a possessed Kusari governor. This does not equate to alliance between BD and Order in my opinion. It is unlikely very many of either organization where privy to the cooperation and probably remains a secret to only but the highest ranked people.
I like the idea of making Discovery more story-centric. As the mod stands now, there is no overriding story other than 30 or so interesting and loosely related stories that you hear about in bars. We have enhancements like new alliances and wars, new ships and equipment. But we still mill about in a day to day hum drum of Sirius life with no over arching story to drive action (yes, house wars are hum drum compared with an alien invasion.) Those of us that play on the 24/7 RP server a lot sense this and end up devising our own drama to fill the void. Some of us get really far-out in terms of plausibility and relatedness to vanilla freelancer *cough(harley)cough*, others stay very close to the original story. And though some effort has been made to continue the original story, all we really have is life after the nomads. Trent destroyed what ever it was the nomads were using to invade Sirius. We still have nomads in the unknowns but they seem content to stay there. Frankly, now that we've seen what the nomads are, and know how to fight them, they just aren't the kind of evil that is needed to drive a good story. Something needs to change about them, otherwise we are just role playing a glorified clean up.
Well, they've lost their masters and a war to defeat the human race.
So if you can't beat them, join them. (OK, being radical here) Cooperation? Already humans know, how to build nomad ships and use their weapons and equipment.
A new, nomad "house", a few Nomad-only systems, where there would be no trade lanes, only jumpgates like that one in omi minor. Nomads could own all omicron majors and the pink unknown. Delta and the robot/monkey unknown being borderworlds between them and humans.
Whew, even had a nidea to make them critters have dockable bases. Snatching that ugly, blue thing, which crawled out of the chancellor from a cutscene and turning it into a base NPC. THAT would be progress.
And again I bet it's all hardcoded, impossible to implement and that it's all a bunch of baloney.
... this mod isnt crossifre, warriors of the sky, freeworlds, or anything like that. Its an EXPANSION, not a conversion, but the nomads could use more systems tho...
That's right, Disco is an expansion not a conversion. The purpose is for "us" (the community) to fill the void with our own RP. Not have Igiss invent an entirely new and updated history. He puts in a framework like the Ku/Br war, however it's up to us to breathe life into it.
' Wrote:Ok, if any of you played solo version of the game you all know that Blood Dragon High Comand is very much allies with the Order and also were in High Comand of the Order. Lord Hakua leader of the Blood Dragons showed us that. And, that would never change. All of Liberty would still be allies with The Order due to the fact they saved the President. Bretonia on the other hand would be against The Order. Since after all The Queen did get captured by the Nomads and they never did not mention what happened to her.
I'm afraid I'm going to have to disagree with this theory. As demonstrated by the dialogue in the final scenes of the single player campaign, the true role the Order played in the conflict, and even the conflict itself, were kept secret from the general public. Just because the queen may have been captured by the nomads (which I don't recall happening; I'll have to recheck the news feeds next time I play through) doesn't mean she would hold a grudge against the order. Now, allying with the Corsairs, that would probably tick off Bretonia pretty badly...
' Wrote:And, also The Wild would be better known as it's true self. The Coalation. The Coalation started the war in Starlancer. The Nomads started the war. That was why the Nomad ship came to Sol to destroy the system.
The Wild are not the Coalition. The Wild are remnants of the corrupted Rheinland military who are following the last instruction given to them by their nomad masters.
' Wrote:Remember the introduction movie to both versions. The war was fought for over 100 years and no one could remember why the war was started in the first place.
Now in the same exact storyline in Freelancer. No one knows why Rhineland is truely attacking Liberty, Bretonia, and Kusari in the first place. All we know is that there are 2 sides The Order and The Nomads. I say we revote for the storyline name of The Wild to their true name The Coalation and that Liberty Lawfuls and all Unlawfuls would be allied to The Odrer. And make Bretonia, Rhineland, and Kusari lawful enemies along with Nomads and The Coalation which I call them due to remaining true to the Storyline.
And, Chinese got eliminated by the Nomads in the original intro. Sol Sustem is gone. It would have cost production 250K to redo the invasion of Sol System by Nomads. And, then it would have wrecked the start-up of the game since you would have realized this was a war between The Order and Nomads.
This all assumes that the early version of the intro is still valid in the final storyline. In which case the following holds true, from what I gather from the early intro:
1. In the end, the two sides stopped their fighting when the nomad ship appeared, which tends to suggest that the majority of both sides knew nothing of them beforehand.
2. The Coalition was destroyed when the nomad ship destroyed the Sol system. Period. There weren't any left. (Which would cause problems for the SCRA, among others)
I, for one, don't think the early intro really holds any weight in the storyline. I think of it as an early draft form, not quite ready for the final version.
' Wrote:Even though Tekagi died Majority of Kusari High Command would still be infected with Rhineland and also Bretonia.
That would not explain the sudden end of hostilities at the end of the storyline. It's really quite simple: The Nomads are all forced into the Omicron sector of space by the hypergate. That includes all the ones inhabiting certain leaders in the house governments. With the infected people no longer in power, those who are left in the governments are filled in on what happened, and they stop the war. Everyone goes back to rebuild their houses, and the public is left wondering what the heck happened.
' Wrote:Which brings to the conclusion Freelancer 2. There needs to be a sequel. But, with Digital Anvil out of business. Freelancer 2 would not be made and we should make Discovery Freelancer 2 and stick to the storyline.
I have read every press release on this game and according to Digital Anvil Not 5 or 8 but 14 Skeeper Ships were made only 5 made it to Sirrus. Another thing The Nomads map was not just to Sirrus but to the whole entire Universe which means there would be a lot more Systems and perhaps galaxies destroyed. And, Nomads would even be more of a threat in Sirrus. Exception of Liberty. Where Liberty would have increased patrols.
Read the end log and you would realize all unlawfuls and Liberty would be the only allies in The Order. Bretonia relieved Tobias of command. I believe the Nomads definately infected Bretonia, Kusari, and still have Rhineland in control. The ending definately left more question marks than fillfilling the storyline.
Think of Nomads like this they eliminate galaxies and sytems. How do you destroy a galaxy inhabitated by enemies. First infect high comand and their leaders. Once they are infected. And, they have been weakened by attacks. They bring in their invasion force and finish them off. Which in Starlancer actually happened. Both Alliance and Coalation lost a lot of lives. Enough for Nomads to destroy Sol System, in original intro. Why The Exodus is so important. In Freelancer Storyline. Nomads started it again in the start-up of Freelancer. But, you do not know anything about Nomads Until halfway through the game.
Remeber Starlancer was an FPS not a RPG. So Nomads very much could have infected Coalation High Command.
Okay, I'm running out of individual quotes that IPB allows, so I'm addressing this all at once.
First of all, Tobias was never more than an enlisted fighter pilot. He was kicked out because he made inappropriate advances toward his commanding officer. Tobias was never involved with the Order. He left before we even meet Kress, who is the first person we meet who works for the Order.
The purpose of the nomads is not wanton destruction. They are parasites left behind to look after the Dom Kavosh (or however you spell it) empire. They saw the humans as invaders upon their turf. So they began a
plan to eliminate this invasion. Perhaps they first detected the humans shortly after the sleeper ships left for Sirius. They figured the easiest way to eliminate this threat is to simply wipe out the single system they were inhabiting. Fast forward about 800 years. When the Rheinlanders accidently awakened the Nomads in Sirius, the Nomads realised that they couldn't use the same tactic as before, since the humans now occupied dozens of systems throughout the sector. So they begin the process of starting a war between the houses. Orillian realises what's going on and forms the Order to stop them. The rest is history.
I agree that it would be great if there was a sequel to Freelancer, and I even have a few ideas of my own about it, but that is not the purpose of Discovery.