' Wrote:You might want to tell James something or another that trying to pirate my RepEx right outside of Cambridge ain't gonna go well. Best that can happen is I'll just dock, worst that can happen (and this did) is he blows up without scratching my hull. :haha:
And bombers being given out to new guys? Might want to tighten that ship/rank list up a bit.
Thank you. We already know. He is a new guy. He is not good at rp yet, but shows some interest and motyvation to be good. Thats why we accept him. For now he is at his lowest rank. After he will show some better rp he will get promoted. For now, just trying to help the buddy as we can. We all were nubs, remember?
Yes the bombers are given. Out base is Etna. We face lots of cap ships in eta. Sometimes we really need firepower. I remember how I was a rekrut in RHA, they do not allow bombers. And it was pain in the ... not to have one. As well it discoureges from the gameplay. And for not very skilled guy to pirate in hf / vhf is really a hard job. We are trying to give a guy a shot, helping him out as possible, of course it takes time. Not building up fences and watch if he gonna jump trought them.
' Wrote:I am not sure what text, or colour your using,but i cannot see anything in your post's most of the time Karolis. Same goes for your post's in the Congress post's about junker/corsairs. Please correct this. I am sure i am not the only person with this issue.
Use deep blue board style, and you will see it correctly.
Seen you guys around plenty of times; you're pretty much exactly like all other Corsairs, so I don't see much of a barrier to your joining the ranks of official Corsair factions, given that you've ponied up the 500M.
At first about that fight last night:
I contacted the present HAF beforehand about our intentions as well as about the fact that we were only fielding fighters. So don't tell us we should call you beforehand, you weren't even online at that time;)
Of course the reinforcements on our side weren't planned. But well, they didn't last that long anyway.
And I even don't mind having being outnumbered as the main purpose of the fight was to get some training and not to wtfpwn gamma.
But now about my general experience with the Sails:
Well, let me say that the higher ups are to aggressive in my opinion. Even if you are bringing supplies to the corsairs it feels like they are just waiting for you to say a wrong word and give them a reason to grab a blue message. The lower-ranked ones are less like that.
Next point is your 5m-piracy rule. Charging everyone for so much money is a little bit harsh. Some rules aren't even worth that much, especially if the transport is of a smaller size. Ore transports, sure. But remember that everyone is here to have fun, and having to pay all of your profit is far away from being so.
Furthermore you should try to separate your characters. Your Hogosha characters have nothing to do with the Kishiro captain that complained about your Corsair character in Honshu. Trying to get revenge on him by reporting his own corsair to the BDS is rather off. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about.
The lower ranked members, well they aren't leading for a purpose. Nothing very special, nor in a good way but also not in a bad way. At least nothing I would have experienced. Which isn't a bad thing. I prefer the average player who tends to be a little trigger happy to the average lolcap. And some of them will most likely improve anyway.
Well, guess that's it so far. Don't take it personally but I think issue with the leadership need to be adressed, that's why I was focussing on them.
' Wrote:Go play the game, within the given limitations. That is how role play games are played. Not by trying to work around those limitations or whining about them.
' Wrote:You might want to tell James something or another that trying to pirate my RepEx right outside of Cambridge ain't gonna go well. Best that can happen is I'll just dock, worst that can happen (and this did) is he blows up without scratching my hull. :haha:
And bombers being given out to new guys? Might want to tighten that ship/rank list up a bit.
Quote:(Thexare @ Jan 7 2010, 02:35 AM)
I would appreciate if you'd try to keep Corsair reinforcements in check when a battle's starting pretty even. It's nice that some of the Sails sat out, but I didn't hear anyone speaking up and trying to get the extras to back off.
It wasn't anything huge, and the Corsair reinforcements were far from the most irritating thing in Theta just now, but it'd be appreciated.
But I do know it can be hard, I play Outcasts after all.
I was sitting almost whole fight and telling them what to do instead of fighting. Extras were holding back, ask anyone who was there. I tried to keep it as fair as it's possible. I think if you are, let's say 5 and you fight against 6, it's not a big problem if couple of them are really new here.
Also, next time you'll want to have a little skirmish, just pm anyone of higher ranks, we'll bring same count of ships and go somewhere is to the corner where no-one will find us. Cheers..
I remember that, when Karolis trained me & other in OPG when we are Rats, his first rule is do not gank in a fight give a fair fight to the opponents.
Yeah, I was quite mad on that point. My mistake. Won't happen in future.
About being trigger happy. We are agressive. Our roleplay is aggressive one. Since we are wrath of corsairs who does all the dirty works. Benitez keeps on diplomatic issues. TBH on .. some sort of band of sacred soldiers I don't know (just seems to me) HAF are being Cretan Navy. And we are brutal pirates. who robs traders around our space. But trigger happy, I never want to kill the trader. I want him pay. Therefore there is rule "always give the last chance" to pay then the trader is almost at his end.
About 5 000 000 per transport. Personaly I do not do that. There is some mistakes which damands to be fixed in code of conduct. (that part with deut and plut). I don't know how about the others, I personaly take 500 ~ 750 credits per unit taxation. But I really do not want to force everyone to act the same. I really trying to make this faction more like a band of players who enjoy flying togheter more than strict player faction with bunch of rules wich limits members actions in order to keep it's reputation, and just boss around. Not the reputation matter, but the playtime of people. Of course with common sense we do not want to ruin the game for others.
I heard the fifth wife of the pirate Gentle. Senorita Isabella Gonzales callsign RedDog has been looking for a berth with a bunch of hard hitting pirates. Perhpas you should consider this an application from her. She likes the look of your mob from what i hear. She flies a centurion like hell has posessed her and hates the outcasts more than anything. She was the only one of Gentles wives to escape his slaughter so she is very cunning and devious. ideal for a band of scumbags like you.
Given what I just read about you guys from Gentle, your faction idea seems sound and logical, and makes sense from an in-roleplay point of view. Nothing wrong at all with aggressive-expansionistic Corsairs; frankly, it's only logical that the "Empire" would attempt to gain additional ground at some point. You produce quite a bit of military hardware, after all, it ought to be put to use at some point.