Message to: Modnar, Corporate, OSC
From: Waverly, TAZ, Port Canaria
As always, your cruise ships are welcome to beautiful Omega 49 and Gran Canaria.
Of special interest is our Annual Harvest Festival (formerly the.. ahem.. Dung Festival). I will make sure you receive brochures well in advance for next year's Festival.
You may also want to place the deLuna Memorial on your agenda. It is a marvelous and mysterious edifice to a great Sirius family which sufffered an unfortunate demise.
Call on any TAZ (~V~) vessel for assistance should you be bothered by troublesome elements while in our neighborhood.
I will be contacting you at a later date regarding exclusive tours and accomodations at the new Baffin Spa and Resort, and the nearby Temple of Eris Esoteric, located inside a huge geode.
Reginald Waverly
Waverly LLC,
makers of Oro de Veranda Premium Coffee,
Canaria Cheroots,
"It's the Berries!" Blue Sapphire Gin,
and Kallisti Gold Pineal Enhancer
Incoming Transmission
Comm ID: [OSC]-Eman_Modnar
Name: Eman Modnar
Position: Senior VP of Field Operations
Division: Corporate
To: All [OSC] Personnel
Subject: First Contact with NLH
Begin transmission
Earlier tonight I had my first encounter with NLH pilots, one by the name of Ayr's_Guard, and another named Flora's_Defender.
I was parked just off the Shetland's bow when Ayr's_Guard appeared on the long range scanners. I hailed him and asked his intentions. Said something about protecting Gaia. Then he told me to leave the system or prepare to die. I responded that I would be doing neither. He charged toward me, obviously intending to attack, but broke off once he realized what he was up against. I was able to take a look at what he was carrying and saw that he had no way of putting a significant dent in my shield.
Apparently he got in touch with his superiors and was ordered back to Islay. So I turned my attention to some other Gaians and some Outcasts that were in the area.
Before too long, Ayr's_Guard was back on the scanner, along with another ship, Flora's_Defender. Flora's_Defender hailed me and asked my intentions. I responded that I was there to protect OSC's interests. He requested that I have the tourists' access to Gaia restricted, but I could not comply, as that falls under the jurisdiction of the Resorts division, a group I have no influence on. After being informed of this, Flora's_Defender said something about not being able to come to an agreement, and the ships began another approach.
This time, the ships did not break off their attack, so I targetted Flora's_Defender and made a quick inventory of his equipment before he got in range. I noticed he had a pair of Corsair pulse weapons, but thought I could manage targetting whichever ship was closer. I abandoned this idea when it became apparent that his guns were a real threat to my ship, and concentrated my fire on him. It was a tough scrap, and they managed to score a few good hits on my hull, but I was able to take out Flora's_Defender.
I turned my attention to Ayr's_Guard, and after a long while, it looked like I was just about to take him down, when a temporal storm hit without warning, sending us both who knows where.
When I came to, I found myself docked back at the Shetland, and launched again. The two Gaians and I exchanged a few more words before we went our seperate ways.
After this encounter, I can see that these tree huggers are a bit more organized than the Plague Dogs were, and could be a serious threat to our operations in Bretonia. Therefore, I advise that all Supply vessels proceed with caution when bringing supplies to the Shetland. Try to bring along a member of the Defense division if possible, or if need be, someone from RepEx Security, who have offered to assist us in this matter. Don't hesitate to assist them if need be.
Keep your wits about you and you should be fine. They are dangerous, but with skill and preparedness, we can keep them off our backs.
Incoming Transmission
Comm ID: [OSC]-Eman_Modnar
Name: Eman Modnar
Position: Senior VP of Field Operations
Division: Corporate
To: All [OSC] Personnel
Subject: Reorganization
Begin transmission
I have decided that, from today on, we shall take a cue from RepEx and create a defense wing consisting of all Supply and Cruise Division pilots. As such, all supply division pilots will be given funds to establish a fighter for use when needed.
All such ships will be identified as follows:
[OSC]-Defender.(your assigned number)
Current Number assignments are as follows:
Eman Modnar-001
Albrecht Nantz-002
Further numbers will be added as existing members check in and new members join.
With the new threat of NLH, our defense is now more important than ever. Hopefully, this move will help us keep our interests safe.
Incoming Transmission
Comm ID: [OSC]-Eman_Modnar
Name: Eman Modnar
Position: Senior VP of Field Operations
Division: Corporate
To: Global Press Release
Subject: Donation to the TAZ
Begin transmission
At the request of the President of Orbital Spa and Cruise, I have bestowed upon the "leader" of the Temporary Autonomous Zoners a donation of 25 Million Credits. The donation is to assist with the purchase and renovation of the Baffin system.
The following is a statement from the President of OSC:
"Creativity is essential to the operation of our resorts, and the TAZ seek to establish places where creativity can flourish. It is hoped that, with a home to call their own in close proximity to one of our own resorts, we will be able to establish regular tours to their new home, as well as a vacation spot for our employees to renew their creative energies."
Incoming Transmission
Comm ID: [OSC]-Eman_Modnar
Name: Eman Modnar
Position: Senior VP of Field Operations
Division: Corporate
To: All [OSC] personnel
Subject: Upcoming overhaul on the liner fleet
Begin transmission
In preparation for the upcoming overhaul on the Luxury Liner ship class, all current and future liners will be refitted with transport class weaponry and shielding. It is anticipated that the refit, once accomplished, will enable us to carry more passengers at a time, at the cost of the defensive capabilities previously possible.
End Transmission
Addendum Filed
Source: Same as original message
Access Granted
Begin Addendum
I have just taken my first look at the prototype for the new revision of the Luxury Liner. While the retrofit to be used on existing ships is still a ways away from being ready, work on the prototype appears to be nearly complete. It appears from the prototype that we will be gaining space for another 1400 passengers at the cost of the stronger shields and turrets current models can mount. Initial cost of new ships is expected to be about 10 Million credits more than the current generation.
Also, at the same time the new ship becomes available, all ships in all divisions who have the "Nomad Thruster" equipped will be required to replace them with the newly available "Enhanced Thruster," which provides the same stats without relying on alien technology.
All in all, the new equipment on the horizon looks to be quite impressive.
I look forward to the day it will be available. I don't know when that will be, but it shouldn't be too far off.
Incoming Transmission
Comm ID: [OSC]-Eman_Modnar
Name: Eman Modnar
Position: Senior VP of Field Operations
Division: Corporate
To: All [OSC] personnel
Subject: Additional meetings at Corporate HQ
Begin transmission
Just when I thought the meetings I needed to attend were done, the Chairman of the Board has asked that all Senior VP's meet together at a conference in a distant portion of the resort at Curacao. I'm not sure what the conference is about, or how long it will last, but it will take the majority of my time in the coming week at least.
I will see if I can return sooner, but there's no real way of knowing at this point.
In the mean time, I ask that all active members continue to recruit new pilots, particularly for the Supply and Cruise divisions. Our Cruise fleet is particularly lacking, as my Liner is the only such ship in our branch of the company.
I know things are a little hectic right now, but we can make this experiment work.
Incoming Transmission
Comm ID: Greenleaf
Name: Ricky Ross
To: All [OSC] personnel
Login Failed, please re-enter access code...
... starting bypass...
Bypass succeeded...
Link established
Begin transmission
This is Ricky Ross, captian of the Orbital Spa and Cruise Luxury Liner Greenleaf. As you may have already heard from the captain aboard Hawaii, I am doing regular runs to maintain the inflow of guests.
I am hereby offering assistence may it ever be needed, the Greenleaf is a glorious ships with several unique features.
Please come by sometime, and have a drink with me at one of our Lounge Cafe bars. We can discuss anything that we can mean for eachother.
Ricky Ross.
... Disconnecting
Clearing Neural Net entries...
Headers removed succesfully, change on backtrace 0.18%
"War. War never changes. Since the dawn of human kind, when our ancestors first discovered the killing power of rock and bone, blood has been spilled in the name of everything, from God to justice to simple, psychotic rage."
Message to: OSC? Curacao's HQ, right?
Comm ID: Eugene Krank
Location: Curacao, Cortez
Well, plying the same old trade routes all by my lonesome was starting to bore me. When I bought my first freighter, it's not exactly what I had in mind...well, it was, but it wasn't. I thought I wanted to become a trader, but had no idea it'd be so gosh darn boring. And so, plenty of time to think and remember about when I was a best memories were when my parents took me on a cruise. It was a real adventure, and so when I happened across an OSC-registered liner the other day in New York, it really got me to thinking.
Why am I floating back and forth alone on a freighter when I could be cruising the dangerous areas of Sirius in style, captain of a massive space yacht with as much firepower as a small warship, making memories for hundreds of families along the way? The choice was easy. I even get to keep my Camara, for when I feel the need to be alone! Not a bad deal, eh?
And that, sirs and madames, is why I'm glad to be here and look forward to my first voyage. Still thinking of a proper name for my Armored Transport, under construction on California Minor. I'm calling my Turanic Raiders fighter the "Useless". Not a lot of cargo space, not much better agility than a small freighter, and less weapons and shielding. But it's my runabout until the AT is complete.
Message to: OSC HQ
Comm ID: Eugene Krank
Location: Curacao, Cortez
Still no name for my soon-to-be-christened armored transport. I've really got to figure out a suitable name...bad luck to christen a ship without a name.
At any rate, construction has been delayed. Something about delivery of certain essential parts or something. I'm considering headed out in my Camara to get the things myself; but I'm not sure my wee freighter has enough space in her hold.
Just a bit of an update. Hope to be cruising soon!
-Captain Krank
ADDENDUM: Actually, I just came up with a name that might be decent: Pacifica. Means "Peacemaker", and kinda sounds like one of those old "wet" liners. Thoughts?