So you can't mount a Battle Razor on a yacht, that is what makes a yacht useless?
Last I checked a Yacht was for transporting people.
There is a point to mounting a GB gun on that slot, it is there to intimidate, and buy you time while your enemy is wondering what to do about it. Time you need to get away.
It isn't a gunship... if you want to WTFPWN someone... why on Earth are you in a Yacht?
If you are looking to trade in it ... why are you so concerned with needing a Battlerazor when all the ship needs is a Cerb or a solaris turret to give it a little more punch when it is defending itself.
If you are looking to RP... then mount the BattleRazor that doesn't fire, close your eyes and pretend really really hard that it does.
Keep the GB slot. What I think needs to be ditched is the keel. For the love of God, take the keel off. It's a spaceship, spaceships do not need keels.
I have a Yacht myself, and find it to be a useful and unique vessel. It has two CM slots, and it's faster than anything in it's class. I use it as a smuggling ship for my Buccaneer. RP-wise, it's the ideal smuggling vessel. Small and fast, capable of slipping away from any would try to stop it. Take a look at real-world smuggling vessels for an example.
A barely functional Class-8 weapon slot is a minor issue in a vessel that's purpose-designed to evade nearly any threat without a fight, and look good doing it.
Don't mess with my GB Pulse cannon, I've pvp'ed with it many times had have no issues, sad I can't fire missiles but whatever, don't take away the GB turret mount,
and In order to delete the model you'd have to char wiped as you can never delete any model or base from the server once it has been publicly exchanged info with the client info. Would cause massive crashes, both client and server side.
I've used this ship as a midsize defensive flank vessel and taken out many foes with it, so just let it be.
uhhhh, if it's a huge problem why dont you jut mount a transport turret on it like you suggsted? The class 8 slot on it allows a standard transport turret OR a few low powered gb turrets. (or did before the last update, havent checked since)
so, you could do that, make it exactly how you suggested for your ship, and not ruin it for everyone else who wants to pretend they have a forward gun on their transport
Ok, the SNAC isn't a cruise missile, it's an anti-matter gun of sorts.
' Wrote:So you can't mount a Battle Razor on a yacht, that is what makes a yacht useless?
Last I checked a Yacht was for transporting people.
There is a point to mounting a GB gun on that slot, it is there to intimidate, and buy you time while your enemy is wondering what to do about it. Time you need to get away.
It isn't a gunship... if you want to WTFPWN someone... why on Earth are you in a Yacht?
If you are looking to trade in it ... why are you so concerned with needing a Battlerazor when all the ship needs is a Cerb or a solaris turret to give it a little more punch when it is defending itself.
If you are looking to RP... then mount the BattleRazor that doesn't fire, close your eyes and pretend really really hard that it does.
Leave the yacht be, it is fine as it is.
Thankyou that's kinda my point but I wouldn't mind if it was... beefed up a little. And that Gallic GB needs more power I've decided.
(Whilst not a cruise missile, there are rumours that the Pelorus has one. Unconfirmed though, since such a thing if it existed would be denied by the owner, as he would have some serious questions to answer.)
How about mounting a basic gunboat gun and all solaris transport turrets and use it for smuggling/trading. You can outrun anything but fighters and bombers, and with that loadout, you should be able to buy yourself some time to escape, or maybe even destroy their ships.
All your arguments are understandable as the yacht is great for smuggling and the likes of everything else you suggested. The thing is when the turrets got upgraded then this yacht lost out since if I remember correctly, this yacht was able to use a BR some time before they got upgraded or whatever. I would like to see this ship upgraded so it can be worth it. In all the time I have spent in kusari I have only seen ONE of this ship when I was either pirating or protecting kusari. I have been around for a while so I think it is safe to say you all either have it and don't use it much or have it and know about some sneaky route sine I'm also active in the omicrons and sigmas:unsure:I can estimate only 15 of these ships are currently in use and many more are probably collecting dust or have dust on them already. IF this is the case then no one really wants to use this ship and it's a waste of space so it's time for something new. Another thing to note there are only TWO yachts here one is the Democritus and the other is the Geisha. Both have advantages and disadvantages and we should have better options in my opinion but that is for another day. As for a GB turret making a yacht a yacht? Well let's see you don't see a rl yacht having a machine gun do you? More over you dont see it have a machine gun on the thing and having no bullets to shoot ja? Same thing here. It was given a GB turret and it had the power core to use ALL gb turrets, now with the upgrade, no one noticed till now and that's only because I was looking for a yacht to rp in and well there are only two!
@Roly: The fact this slot forces it to use a pulse or BR as it's a forward gun arch type of thing. In other words this ship was made to shoot at least a BR with this in mind. I'm not complaining about what it can do currently, I'm complaining that it was able to do more before and now it does less...