Maaaaaybe you should follow the criteria more closely... it doesn't seem to have the "wow" effect for some reasons:
#1d: The two aren't facing back-to-back, which means the pics probably don't fit because they kinda now look a bit listless... without a sense of "story"... or more accurately "direction".
#1e: Your coloring is too... bright. I also noticed you took away the shadowing effect of both characters and the girl's tears... I don't wanna encourage that, so try to make the coloring fit the details while it was still black-and-white
#2: The background's not very distinct... On leonardo's side, it looks more like you posted a sky-wards photo, not even Mila's side looks a bit... sad... cool, but not sad and chaotic... The planet looks cool though, maybe place another SIMILAR (not exact, cause I can tell) one on each side, not just on the center, but of a different hue.
As the same, try to make the ships fit the background than making them pronounced
For future REFERENCES on the ships and/or planet(s) everyone to get my real point out:
It looks great... but... it... just... is... missing...
*mind starts to go fuzzy*
it's still missing the full "wow" effect, but at least it's there...
maybe these will help:
1.) Make the chars REALLY still have the details from black-and-white.. That means you don't take away any of the tears and shadowing of original, then color
2.) Make ships go side-by-side on the planet's orbit instead of that fancy cross
3.) as I've said, make them smaller... and opaque and real, like they really are dwarfed by the planet
Aw man... not to say anything bad, but... it's still missing it... the perspective that would amaze me...
The only suggestions left I can use to help you are:
1.) Make the ships smaller... by measurement, the luxury liner's only 3-5 times the distance of that nearby moon... also, make them both opaque like in-game animation, and put in some great engine trails...
2.) People don't usually blush blue unless they are suffocating :laugh:Make the blush red-tinted and fitting.
3.) Make the fonts not totally in line with each other, and have them differently-fonted and color... but don't use flashy colors
That's all I have... I don't know... Maybe the characters' colorings aren't right, or the sig's a bit empty. I can't tell you exactly what I'm looking for, because the "wow" factor only comes when I feel it's there... And sadly I just don't feel it strong enough in the sig... I hope you find the right solution. Kudos. Though I have to admit it's a bit awesome...
Okay, so these are not the two people you gave to use, but I couldn't be arsed to color them anyome, cause I couldn't get the effect I wanted ... so I used two different. If you like it, you do, if not then not ...
Where'd you get those symbols at the back of Milarosa's font? Those look great, like Final-fantasy-series-ish
But... I think I've found the solution... maybe...
It's your way you color the characters... My senses tell me you may have used paint to fill in the colors... Maybe try harder than that. Also, try to place them like they're touching each other, like Mwerte's test image of the characters several posts before.
The engine trails you used? I know those aren't the in-game type of engine trails I saw on a Luxury Liner... sun-bright yellow, I think? Same goes for the Nomad... A blast of white for that one.
Oh yeah... There doesn't seem to be any shadowing on the ships... could you place that?
' Wrote:Okay, so these are not the two people you gave to use, but I couldn't be arsed to color them anyome, cause I couldn't get the effect I wanted ... so I used two different. If you like it, you do, if not then not ...
Hmmm... It's pretty awesome, and it follows most of the criteria...
Too bad I don't really approve of the guy looking like a got--- wait a sec... He DOES have the demeanor of an unenthustiastic teenager, so... hmmm...
It would've been almost perfect, but the two don't seem to be showing the ..."emotion"... of compatibility. Could be because the two are different? :laugh: You sure you can't find some pics that do show compatibility?...
Could you place in some looming planets on both sides as well? Also put in some proper engine-trails and air-cutting effects.
Overall, apart from the characters, most of it looks well played... a fine piece of art... but the characters are important for 40% of the "wow" effect I think, so it's still only satisfactory.
The ships only get 30%, while the rest have the whole rest of the 30%... so you may want to focus on the characters mostly.
Hmmm... I think it lacks the perspective of scale... I guess the ships' large sizes and no gigantic planets to scale them down makes them not look epic, like the tale of an pilgrimage. What I meant is make the ships orbit around a planet instead...
apologetic note: Sorry if I come out too demanding, guys... but I'm really looking for the most "totally-epic" signature to use, and I have a high-class taste. Please bear with me... I'm trying the best to find the perfect artwork, and for those that are willing to go the extra mile, I salute thee... ah... I feel inspired all over again:P