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' Wrote:How about making that command only availible for official factions? I know, they are not always around when needed, but I say they are more trustworthy than most indies.
Not even then would I like the idea. Factions already have enough power over indies and we really don't need more. I say leave things alone.
' Wrote:If it's only useable on contraband, only usable by Guard IDs and only useable on your own bases (and possibly Local Corporation bases for Navys/Police) I don't see any room for abuse. It's legitimate roleplay if you're caught with contraband and dock on a lawful base that it would be confiscated.
Once again, how will restricting it only to Guard IDs help? People will just switch for Guard ID to use the command.
I don't think that Corporations would like Navy/Police to have that power over them. That may be acceptable in Rheinland but I doubt that police can storm a corporate base anytime they see a suspicious ship in houses like Liberty or Bretonia without a warrant issued by higher authority
Cosmos: there's these things called docking rings and mooring points that all ships use to get into and out of atmosphere. They also act as handy chokepoints for the lawful authorities to stop ships and confiscate cargo. Of course, you can make the case for smugglers not using them, which I'll concede; it is within the realm of possibility.
On lawful bases and stations though, there would be no place for criminal groups to hide and open up a secret docking port or whatever. It's simply too small for that.
And honestly? What's all this about factions having "too much" power over indies? What power over indies do they have right now? Oh, the fact that a [LN] outranks an indy LNS and can tell him what to do? BIG DEAL. Indies shouldn't be RPing as Grand Super High Admirals or whatever anyways.
' Wrote:And honestly? What's all this about factions having "too much" power over indies? What power over indies do they have right now? Oh, the fact that a [LN] outranks an indy LNS and can tell him what to do? BIG DEAL. Indies shouldn't be RPing as Grand Super High Admirals or whatever anyways.
Order them around as well as the power to screw up their reputation, which kind of stops them from docking and runs them out of the place.
So you're saying that an indy LNS, whose "RP" consists of going around telling people that he's the king of Liberty and then proceeding to shoot all the traders he sees, is being "restricted" in his "RP" when a [LN] orders him to sit down, shut up, and stop being an idiot? And then, when he refuses said orders and starts shooting the [LN] and his rep is changed, his "RP" is similarly being restricted?
Please point me to a well-documented example of Faction Right 2 being abused.
' Wrote:Once again, how will restricting it only to Guard IDs help? People will just switch for Guard ID to use the command.
I don't think that Corporations would like Navy/Police to have that power over them. That may be acceptable in Rheinland but I doubt that police can storm a corporate base anytime they see a suspicious ship in houses like Liberty or Bretonia without a warrant issued by higher authority
I restricted it to Guard IDs as they're harder to get. Don't forget that Guard IDs need high Guard rep, which is hard to do without putting a lot of time and effort into it first.
The longer it takes to get, the less likely it'll fall into the hands of a lolwut. A dedicated lolwut, maybe, but not a normal one.
Arms and Legs Guy Wrote:Don't tell them the truth : That in reality you are a potbellied german VW factory worker named Horst.
Hmm, maybe restrict it to certain bases, namely small bases, and defiantly not planets, Even if a smuggler manages to dock on a planet the place is so huge that trying to find one transport would be inconceivable. However if that person were to land on Juneau, a shipyard which the Liberty navy control, it would be really easy to find and arrest that person under the guise of Military ship, military ship, trader, military ship (which one doesn't belong).
As for abuse nah, just make it so people have apply for that command similar to a SRP ID, there by limiting it to a select few and keeping it out of indie hands.
Or do like someone mentioned and have an auto confiscate where on certain bases, not planets, it would remove them form your inventory.
However if its anything like Cannon's ID system...well you tried cannon, you tried.
Regardless of abuse potential, this will not do anything.
You can't take what has already been sold. It takes maybe ten seconds to go to the commodity trader and unload your load of cardi if you go straight for it. How many people can type out "/confiscate {(&^@absurdforeignname cardamine" in ten seconds? I'm a fast typer, and that took me longer than it would for me to sell my cargo. I don't think I need to explain the horrific abuse potential of a command that removes credits from other people's ships, especially if lag occurs and multiple policemen enter it at roughly the same time.
I've an idea that is A) less open to abuse and B) might actually work. A command wherein you, a Police ID'd player, set it such that if your target tries to dock within the next thirty seconds their illegal cargo is confiscated. It will, of course, notify them. Such a thing would represent the police red-flagging a transport to be caught by customs officers or something.
This would solve the issue of people simply ignoring dock orders while under fire from police players- without completely destroying their chance to talk their way out of it. Unfortunately... I haven't thought of a set of conditions wherein it isn't possible to "snipe" people who may or may not have already negotiated/paid fines/etc. You do your talking and enter dock animations thinking you're safe, suddenly you get the message after you can't exit the docking animation and lose all of your cargo. I wish I could say that people wouldn't be so capricious as to have pleasant interactions with their fellow players and then nail them after they think everything went well, but certain recent events make that a naive opinion.
Any technical thoughts on how you might get around the "sniping" problem with such a system?
' Wrote:So you're saying that an indy LNS, whose "RP" consists of going around telling people that he's the king of Liberty and then proceeding to shoot all the traders he sees, is being "restricted" in his "RP" when a [LN] orders him to sit down, shut up, and stop being an idiot? And then, when he refuses said orders and starts shooting the [LN] and his rep is changed, his "RP" is similarly being restricted?
Please point me to a well-documented example of Faction Right 2 being abused.
I am saying that faction power is powerful enough and you do not need any more, since your previous post was all like "we can't do anything against indies 1111!111", or somewhat along those lines.