Comm ID: Alka Nica[color=#006600]; Source: Omicron Gamma;
I called you out several times but no luck. After the gunfire stopped for a minute or two you flew several Ks away and re-engaged when I was attempting to open another communication channel with you. I was literally sitting next to the Docking Ring. Oh and, this isn't about me at all.
Comm ID: Alka Nica[color=#006600]; Source: Omicron Gamma;
You were there at the Outcast attack. If not you arrived immediately after it was over. We had absolutely no interaction yet you attacked me and nearly took down my shield. I returned only a few few shots, barely noticeable. You then started screaming like the rest of your kin from [A] does and kept attacking. There is no reasoning behind that. Stop making excuses and stop calling me a liar. Show some respect - to me and, if possible, to yourself.
------------------------- opening case : [A]-Sassam ----------------------
Violations: Corsair Law 3 (Corsairs must not attack other Corsairs)
Even if the Council understands that pre-agreed duels are regular amongst Corsairs, if one of the parties adressed the Court, something was clearly not in order here. Sassam, you will pay the opposing party expenses caused by damage to his ship up to the sum of total equipment on that ship at given time (including specialised armor plating and ammunition). Alka Nica will calculate the loss caused with the engagement and will state the amount demamnded as compenstaion here. This will be in a form of a list of equpment damaged and destroyed.
(//amount cannot be higher than total cost of ship+AU's+ammo+'standardised' guns (ie NOT CODENAME GUNS))
------------------------ case closed -----------------------------------------
Magistrate: Espingarda
Corsair LawsCorsair Court Our forces combined, no-one shall stand before us. Our enemies shall be burnt and cast to the wind, our troops marching forward over their mangled corpses. True we stand alone, with wolves circling, but our isolation lends us our strength, for we are one and they are divided.
The days of Darkness are no longer, for we are the Corsairs and we are fear incarnate! Viva los Corsairs, the Empire shall rise!
The blood of the Hispania runs in our veins. The blood of our enemies shall wet our hands.
Comm ID: Alka Nica[color=#006600]; Source: Omicron Gamma, Planet Crete;
I'm glad to see that justice is served. Unfortunately the Alka'Leon, my ship, was completely destroyed save the ID transmitter, which was located in the escape pod. Due to the very aggressive attack nothing was salvageable.
M10 "Titan" Corsair Very Heavy Fighter - 1,825,000
4x Salamanca Mk II - 633,600
2x Tizona del Cid - 375,000
Tizona del Cid Turret - 144,200
Mini Razor - 4,185,000
Armor Upgrade Mk VIII - 15,250,000
Enhanced Thruster - 826,000
Adv. Champion H.F. Shield - 612,280
CM-4 Enhance Countermeasure Dropper - 318,000
70x CM-4 flares - 28,000
Advanced Cargo Scanner - 274,500
The total sum would be 24,471,580 but for easier calculation I'll drop it to 24,000,000 credits. As a gesture of good will, I will further decrease my demand by 20% if the opposing party sends an official apology to me for the said actions. Out of gratitude I decided to donate another 20% to the Corsair Nation treasury after receiving the payment. I'd like to have the details to an account where I can transfer the credits.
These are the audio logs of the incident. As you can see all the flaws I pointed out in his story are justified.
[Some of the testing I described in my testimony had already started and shots were exchanged on both sides, when I scratched his hull he got vicious and snapped]
*playing recording*
Alka'Leon: hitting my hull, are we?
Alka'Leon: Sassam. You
[At this point I took some distance to review the situation and he started taunting me]
Alka'Leon: Had enough? Smartass
[D.Brothers]Travis-Wood: Wrong guy to mess Alka...
[D.Brothers]Travis-Wood: He he he
[D.Brothers]Travis-Wood: *smokes*
Alka'Leon: Oh really?
[A]-Sassam.: YALALALAL!
[D.Brothers]Travis-Wood: see
[D.Brothers]Travis-Wood: He's mental
[D.Brothers]Travis-Wood: He he he
[He clearly messed with the wrong guy]
Alka'Leon: Well
Alka'Leon: sassam
Death: Alka'Leon was put out of action by [A]-Sassam. (Gun).
*ogling clean hair in the mirror*
*sending transmitted evidence*
*killing off transmission*