What gets me about what you just said about fleet composition is this.
Your either going to have three or four battleships, the Rockwood, the Asimov, the Gendible and the Hardin
The TBH fleet has a grand total of two battleships, the Altaneria and the Velasco. You are proposing to double this. We also have to face the Alhambra, the Kana Keiko, the Tauri Seras, another one from the NovaPG, and then maybe one or two from Bushido. You do realise that with all that Armour your not really trying to balance it out.
Besides, four battleships is more than just about every unlawful faction out there...
This isn't Foundation. I'm stealing Asimov's material here, remember? While I'm plaigarising, I might as well make it work for me, too:DI think you're taking things too literally; it's roleplay, we're supposed to have fun with it. Just pretend, ey? And you're right about the population, sorry.
Dopa, don't you talk, you made it virtually impossible for me to start Outcast Special Forces (which is why I didn't try):P. You started a faction during that little rush too.
EDIT: Sorry, Conner, you posted as I was replying. Like I said, the Gendibal probably won't happen for a long time if this faction actually goes through, and the Rockwood might not even be built, just because it's so hard to move the dang thing; not enough guns for a ship of its size unless I have a crapload of cash lying around; as Exile will tell you, I don't. The original fleet size was put at five, but I cut that back because that is, I admit, completely ridiculous. I never intend to send more than two in at a time.
Quote:Quick comment - we thought that Panzer was the Leader, Swift. -Agmen
ima gonna come right out and say it, I'm against new factions, and a couple of the existing ones, unless they have damn good leadership and rocksolid RP...so, work with me, and eventually I may support your faction.
as the QCP can tell you, my support goes a long way.
RETRACTED: Okay, apparently there was some very, very large misunderstanding there that set off Eppy's sixteen-inch guns, so that's been resolved. I'll get to work on the faction status.
Quote:Quick comment - we thought that Panzer was the Leader, Swift. -Agmen
' Wrote:Dopa, don't you talk, you made it virtually impossible for me to start Outcast Special Forces (which is why I didn't try):P. You started a faction during that little rush too.
Well I didn't start mine just to start a faction. I started out with just a concept that i decided to make real when i saw how much support there was for it. And I meant physical room, not character room.