' Wrote:Wormholes are like shortcuts throughout places. They can bend space, and could be safe to use.
Blackholes are monsters. They bend space, but they also bend time. With the laws of gravity, this creates a destructive force, that would put your ship into billions of little peices.
Bending space is bending time. It's why it's called space time. Imagine bending a 2d piece of plastic. It becomes 3-D as it's bent. If you were to bend 3-D, it becomes 4-D. The fourth dimension is time.
From what I know regarding wormholes and spacetime, a jump-hole/wormhole is where two sections of space have undergone extreme gravitational stress, bending space to the point that two points touch. In reality, a wormhole can only be at the centre of a black hole, as that is how much gravitational force is required in order to bend space to any sort of significant degree.
Once you get into the technical aspects though, you're getting into terms such as negative mass and casimir effect. This is just what I understand from what others have told me.
' Wrote:Bending space is bending time. It's why it's called space time. Imagine bending a 2d piece of plastic. It becomes 3-D as it's bent. If you were to bend 3-D, it becomes 4-D. The fourth dimension is time.
From what I know regarding wormholes and spacetime, a jump-hole/wormhole is where two sections of space have undergone extreme gravitational stress, bending space to the point that two points touch. In reality, a wormhole can only be at the centre of a black hole, as that is how much gravitational force is required in order to bend space to any sort of significant degree.
Once you get into the technical aspects though, you're getting into terms such as negative mass and casimir effect. This is just what I understand from what others have told me.
Jumpholes are artificially created, semi-stable, wormholes that can collapse, and when so doing, naturally reform at new locations shortly thereafter.
Jumpgates are artificially created, semi-stable, static wormholes. They are tied to the gate, and can be turned on and off at will, but cannot move, or collapse. Jumpgate structures are the only methods known by humans of how to create a "jumphole."
There are no naturally occuring wormholes in Sirius... Yet.
' Wrote:I just wonder if Ageira promised a cake to the people testing their first Jump Gate project in year 130 A.S.;
And just wonder how old is this joke.
' Wrote:A jumpgate is a stabilised worm hole, that connects to a certain spot.
a Jumphole is the natural form of the wormhole and might collapse
but because this is a game that doesn't change connections between JH's
or can make them collapse, they are as stable as JG's.
inrp speaking, they are dangerous and you have a 50% change of dying in it...
uhm... there is one or two "unstable" jh's ingame... with a 50/50 chance to end up inside a instakill sun or a "survivebly radioactive" nebulae
Hmmm.... I wonder if there was a way the dev's could make jumpholes randomly send someone across space say... 5% of the time. This would make them interesting, and keep Lawfuls from using them(in RP)
Just think, a corsair jumps, and suddenly finds himself in Alpha? Or a KNF jumps, and poof in gamma, and so on. Could be fun. Also just think of that transport using a JH to avoid pirates, and poof he ends up other side of sirius in say a nomad system?
Not sure if posible, but it could be fun.
I have a pile of XX commodity to be sold at XX system. I jump back and forth jump holes until I luck out and get to the system I want instantly.
Power trading like a boss.
Jump holes are safe. They are just natural occurrences of Jump Gates. Jump Gates merely create temporary Jump Holes. I say Jump Gates are more dangerous, forcing open temporary Jump Holes from out of nowhere is more dangerous.
I wonder, what if I am on my way through a jump hole and the jump hole on the other end collapses before I jump out...
I have a pile of XX commodity to be sold at XX system. I jump back and forth jump holes until I luck out and get to the system I want instantly.
Power trading like a boss.
Hardly viable, given the fact:
- The probability of being sent somewhere else is 5% as suggested
- You have to wait 30 seconds to jump again
- You have more than 100 systems out of which you must hit the right one
Ageira tells you to avoid them because they're evil corporate bastards and they make money from building jump gates.
In reality, they are MUCH better than gates. Gate queues even with only a few ships WILL take forever, holes can move entire battleship fleets almost instantly.