Question 1: The Mollys have been beaten up time & time again with different names and 'clans'. I want to know what they actually are in the lore. Republic, Council, etc?
Union of Gold .:UoG:. official Molly faction. Organised ceasefire with and capitulated to Bretonian Government. Highly controversial since the character organising it all on the Molly side was accused of being a Bretonian agent.
Mag.Folan and Dara.O'Gara were the guiding members of the Mollies after the inactivity of the .:UoG:. and before the rise of the Molly Republic.
Molly Republic [MR] official Molly faction. Refuted signed document of fealty from Molly faction to Bretonian Government. Returned to acts of terrorism against the state. Most active in piracy and aggression against the BAF. In its twilight, the Republic sent feelers out to the Bretonian government and entered a state of non-aggression with, I believe, a treaty.
Molly Council(click link for clarity) official Molly faction. A meeting of clans under one governing body. This is the time when four clans comprised the Molly nation. The Molly Council contained the leaders of these clans.
Those clans were:
Molly Separatists [MS] (official? I'm not sure.) Molly faction. A break-away group, in the sense that some members of [MR] formed it, and in the sense that it had divergent policies to the [MR]. All ties were cut with the Bretonian Government and the Mollies returned to war and pillage. The [MS] also predate the Molly Council.
La Tene unofficial Molly faction. Primarily a trade based Molly faction operating from the Newcastle Molly bases, taking advantage of the new (at that time) trade system, which gave Mollies profitable and interesting new routes. Low population, but persistent.
Knights of the Old Guard [OG] unofficial Molly faction (or the ghost of the official [MR] faction). A hack and slash clan, based on vanilla Molly principles with the express desire to destroy every BMM marked ship that could be found.
Clan Feeglename|CF unofficial Molly faction. The only Molly clan I managed to miss entirely in my time on the server. Shortlived, so far as I can tell.
Molly Mining Company =MMC= unofficial Molly faction. Set up by members of the [Garda] to take advantage of the mining system. While primarily a mining and trading faction, it also attacked BMM and Corsair targets of opportunity, usually in cooperation with other Molly clans.
Garda [Garda] unofficial Molly faction. Functioned as a pro-Bretonian (in the sense that they didn't kill Bretonians) police force in Dublin. Enforced the law by killing pirates and ensuring safe trade (may also have taken a few unofficial handouts from the BMM mollies they looked after).
Grainne.Mhaol took unofficial command of the Mollies during one of our many interregnums, prior to the rise of the Garda, MMC and Old Guard.
Question 2: The exact Molly ZOI. What are their everyday flight borders and Special borders?
Mollies (discounting player faction personal restrictions) are able to operate freely in any Bretonian House system, Tau 31, Omega 49, Omega 3. The Mollies are able to move beyond this ZoI for reasons of trade or to escort a (Molly?) trader.
Question 3: Any special faction relations?
Friendly to SCRA, Red Hessians, Liberty Rogues. Neutral to Outcasts, Lane Hackers, Junkers, IMG. Unfriendly to Zoners. Hostile to pretty much everything else.
^That is the basic disco replist. Personal and player faction reactions may vary.
Question 4: The Molly ID, can it mine gold ore effectively? If not, is there anyway for Molly players to mine gold Ore effectively with a combination of different items?
For all mining bonuses, see this wiki.
Question 5: INRP, are the Mollys too poor to start an effective war with the Corsairs in the Omega-49 system? & What is the INRP status of the Mollys at the moment? Are they pathetically weak, or mediocre in strength or prospering/powerful?
The Omega49->Dublin Jumphole in Omega49 is awash with high level Corsair npcs. However, that is not the only entrance to 49. Mollies have a backdoor through which to launch raids. In the old days I and a few other Mollies used to cargo pirate in Omega 49 with Ptranses. We targeted Zoners and the Corsairs, in the days when the [OPG] were active and traded artifacts and such through there.
My advice: Do not expect to wage a stand up war in Omega 49. But harrassing and retreating? Go for it.
Question 6: Is the smelter in Londonderry finally buying Ore for low profit?
I do not know.
If you could clarify that sentence I'd appreciate it, Hone.
Did the SCRA ruin their rep by attacking BMM that Mollies were defending?
Did the SCRA ruin their rep by attacking Mollies who were fighting BMM?
Did the SCRA ruin their rep by attacking Mollies, claiming the Mollies had attacked BMM?
Last I heard SCRA were hostile with Bretonia and its lawful corporations.
There was a period when Garda attacked SCRA for attacking BAF. In the fight I witnessed, I joined in on the SCRA side on my indie Molly. (Note that I did not shoot another Molly, I just helped to kill the BAF and then stepped back.)
So, Hone, you're going to post a picture of me? That's so nice! We defend the working class of Sirius. That's what we do. That's the best way to generate support for our movement.
' Wrote:So, Hone, you're going to post a picture of me? That's so nice! We defend the working class of Sirius. That's what we do. That's the best way to generate support for our movement.
Ah reminds me of History class, Stalin imposing Communism on Eastern Europe to the poor war torn countrys and America bringing in the Truman Doctrine and Marshall Aid to make Europe richer and thus making communism less attractive to the populations. :cool: