Konnichiwa Mr. Cross-san.
Arigatou sir.
I have lodged all paperwork through to accounting and am very pleased with the results.
Not only my company and I, but all the peoples of Kurile are grateful for your assistance and knowledge that they may feel safe in living their peaceful lives with our new defence network you have helped to set up.
Your vessels will always be welcome at this location.
The vessels owing to you have been cleared for release at your discretion, all we need is the identification you will have these registered as, for license purposes with Kusari.
Once this is done both ships will be yours to do with as you wish.
Planet Kurile has been going through some drastic changes as of late and is quickly becoming our fastest growing project.
Being this is the case, we will probably have further contracts open in the near future, I will be sure to keep your company in mind for these.
Konnichiwa Kazuya-san, we look forward to working with your organization again in the future. Here is the information you've requested.
The Akegata-class transport will be called the OSI-Magnum. The Ryuujin-class transport will be called the OSI-Guinevere. Arigatou for the honor of allowing our organization to utilize these vessels.