I -likelikelike- the idea. Oh and one note, the 'kill NPCs' mission should say right away in the mission desciption in the bar, if NPC capitals and/or failboats will come. Its really not cool taking a mission for only 250000 credits on Crete and you will need to fight 3 bounty hunter GBs.
Hey guys, I recently posted some mission ideas in the main suggestion thread.
I thought i'll throw em in here as well, so you can discuss em:
-Add some anti capship missions for other factions apart from BHG and Corsairs/Outcasts. Other factions have capships too, or they would not be bulding/selling them.
If you are repping for RM, why dont you throw in some missions, where the hessians have captured some gunboat like ship and you have to destroy it.
-Add some different Station models. For now we have the Large Space staion and the weapons platform. Isn't it possible to add some other models that have different charactersistics like HP, hotspots, towers.
-Add some rewards: More Money or Maybe one of the stations has a storage full of cardamine!?
-Add some easy to code missions like:
-Cargo dump. Waste disposal (could be done with a "/") Maybe into an asteroid field or into the sun...
-Prison Transport/VIP Transport wildly getting attacked by npcs but well paid.
-Escort freighter.
-Espionage (take some pictures of a certain base)
-Sabotage-Destroy a depot near a NPC main base)
-Jack Bauer Mission - Bring an bomb to a Station and get the hell away before it blows up, turing the docking mechanism off for some time.
The question is, is if possible to code these missions?
While we're at it, we could change missions to stop saying things like "kill all Liberty Rogue ships". They're objects, they're not alive. Therefore you cannot kill them.
But yeah, more mission stories would be nice.
[17:45:39] Wolfs Ghost (Murphy): Tom, you have problems. Go kill yourself.
[19:25:12] Johnny (Jam): Tomtom, I will beat you with a spoon.
[14:22:56] Prarabdh Thakur: KILL HIM WITH A SHEEP.
[17:40:48] Eagle (Junes): Tom should be slapped with a spoon.
[11:32:18] Warspite: Thank you for being so awesome Tom. <3
[18:17:36] Metano: I love you tomtom
[20:06:24] Warspite: I will seriously give you epic head.
' Wrote:Edit: also, Tomtomrawr, fappin' like a boss.
' Wrote:Bow before the prophet of the great god Lolwut. He sayeth unto you, "2millordai".
Now I handeth down the laws of Lolwut.
1) Shooteth he who rp, for he is the devil.
2) Demandeth credits from starfleas.
3) Sayeth Lol and typeth smileys to end sentence fragments.
4) Screameth, "Ennngggaagggeee" to appeaseth the evil god "Admin".
5) Attacketh only with capships, and only those who flyeth transports.
These are the laws of the great god Lolwut. Offendeth him at your own risk.
A Convoy raid mission wouldn't actually be that hard to do if you made it a sub-type of a base-kill mission.
Stationary transports in place of the weapons platforms, and maybe larger ones replacing the stations.
There are different weapons platforms for each of the vary levels of mission difficulty, so using those to determine the type of transports encountered would help. Lower level ones would be spawning the normal transports and large transports, while the higher level ones would give you trains and such.
Mind you, the ships wouldn't move, as they'd be spawned as stations rather than actual ships, but they'd shoot back.
On a similar note, placing battleships instead of stations for the higher level base-kills might be a bit of a challenge.
EDIT: It might be possible to copy the BaseKill mission type and simply alter the infocard stuff for the copy so that it seems like a seperate convoykill mission type. That way, you could set it up so that base-transports only are created for the new convoykill mission type, while the original base-kill missions remain as they are.
This would allow you to write fitting descriptors for the mission that make sense. I'll have to look into that.
Characters Alan Markson: The Hellfire Legion's Lord Commander The Perihelion: Freeport Four's guardian, and yet much more. Missing and assumed Lost with all hands. Eric Dresmund: Junker, smuggler, thief. Last seen drunk on Beaumont Vayrn Wyard: IMG Recon pilot turned Neo-Terran Captain. Last location unknown