I have killed a lot of you guys and got killed several times too, it is true that you used swarm and ganking tactics but it is ok really because the options are there and you are not to blame if you use it. If someone complains from ganking well- bring more people or just stay in Connecticut so you can have as much fighter duels as you wish. Nobody is obliged to fight you 1v1 with fighters because you are feeling better in fighters and have more skills in them. EDGE are great GB pilots really.
Beeing better in PvP then someone doesn't mean that he should not win against you really- it is very bad way of thinking.
The bad that you have done is to fly eagles without wings and using rocks to bump your caps into it- both are bad form of rule breaking. But I always find having active BHG players a challenge for pirate factions- so it is bad that you are done.
It is really sad that you disband.
(10-09-2013, 10:51 AM)Knjaz Wrote: Official faction players that are often accused of elitism, never deploy them and have those weird, immersion killing "fair fight/dueling" suicidal hobbies. (yes, i've seen enough of those lolduels, where house military with overwhelming force on the field willingly loses a pilot in a duel. ffs.)
' Wrote:So, you're saying... When a "Grab the biggest ship you can & gank all lone fighters you see then brag about how awesome you are killin lone fighters in your CAU8 gunboats" group gets disbanded, people should come in and go like "oh what a shame, you were actually fun to play with even though you played dirty" just so the community looks nice and friendly even though the same group who have posted this notice never was toward the community?
More on topic; these types of factions never last long, really. The main reason for that is too much paperwork because of a flawed and complicated system. So yeah, if you're still gonna be playing FL I hope you keep having fun, if not, well, goodbye I guess.
Meanwhile in my pm:
[16:57:01] ???: я ж кстати, когда-то в эджах был
это был такой маразм
[16:58:59] ???: сидишь на соляре, зафейлил на гб - идешь за бомбак, там зафелил - идешь за вхф
[17:00:07] ???: у каждого было минимум по 3 перса, и их по почереди юзали, противореча одному из основных правил
"i was in edge once"
"it was so stupid"
"you sit on solarius, failed in gb - take bomber, failed in bomber - take vhf"
"everybody had at least 3 chars, and they used it in a row, breaking one of main rules"
Posting with sender's permission.
UPD: That guy says that only he had just 2 ships, most other people had the whole line from makos and down. Oh well.
' Wrote:I'll miss all your 3v1, EK + chainfire of basics, gate locking and all else stunts. ;(
Indeed- they were refreshing. :)
(10-09-2013, 10:51 AM)Knjaz Wrote: Official faction players that are often accused of elitism, never deploy them and have those weird, immersion killing "fair fight/dueling" suicidal hobbies. (yes, i've seen enough of those lolduels, where house military with overwhelming force on the field willingly loses a pilot in a duel. ffs.)
' Wrote:I hate to point this out, Guszaban, but saying "we have fought fairly on these occasions" does not mean that it was the standard practice. A man with a drinking problem saying "I'm not an alcoholic, look, I'm not drinking right now!" is a poor argument.
The ingroup bias idea youmentioned with your stuff lifted from wiki, applied equally to EDGE as it did to those who disliked it.
Aside from that, while I didn't always approve of your methods, you made a lot of claims on the lib bounty board. You were also patient while I attempted to get someone in place who had the time to sort it out reliably. So thank you for that.
I'll just note, the BHG ID doesn't suit a 'private army for hire', you're right. But the problem isn't the ID, it's the roleplay setup and bounty system as a whole.
Well, I feel obliged to answer you here, as you're one of those community members who earned my deepest respect through dedication and effort put into Discovery. Indeed, the bias applies equally to everyone. I have eight years of academic training focused on making me less biased when looking at things and the results are still varying. But we can agree that crude numbers are less misleading and less prone to preconceptions and stereotypical thinking. So let me analyse just one series of claims.
Claims for Bretonia Police Authority, you can check all claims with screens under following link.
1st claim: Orca and BHB vs. Imperator and Correo (acceptable odds)
2nd claim: Orca and BHB vs. Gladiator (major advantage)
3rd claim: 2 Mantas vs. 3 Titans and Cadiz (major disadvantage)
4th claim: 2 BHB vs. Gladiator, 2 Praefects and Cadiz (major disadvantage)
5th claim: 2 BHB vs. 2 Imperators (major disadvantage)
6th claim: 6 Mantas vs. 2 Rocs and Tridente (major advantage)
Manta and Eagle vs. 2 Rocs (acceptable odds)
7th claim: Manta vs. Wasupu (acceptable odds)
8th claim: Orca vs. BWT and Imperator (acceptable odds)
9th claim: Orca, 2 BN, 2 BHB and 2 Mantas vs. Raba and 2 Imperators (major advantage)
10th claim: Orca, 2 BN and 3 Mantas vs. 5 Mamoru, 2 Wasupu and Kusari Battleship (acceptable odds)
11th claim: Orca, BN, 3 Mantas, 2 Nyxes vs. 5 Titans (major advantage)
Orca vs. 3 Centurions (acceptable odds)
12th claim: 2 BHB vs. Rogue GB (acceptable odds)
13th claim: 4 Mantas and BN vs. Scylla (acceptable odds)
14th claim: Orca and 2 Mantas vs. Werewolf (major advantage)
15th claim: BN vs. 2 Correos (acceptable odds)
16th claim: 2 Orcas and 2 Mantas vs. Praetorian, Titan and 2 Imperators (acceptable odds)
17th claim: CBA to check all the situations in this claim (unclassified)
18th claim: 2 Orcas vs. Praefect (acceptable odds)
19th claim: Manta vs. Titan (acceptable odds)
20th claim: Orca, 3 BHB vs. Legate and Titan (acceptable odds)
This earns us 5 major advantage situations, 3 major disadvantage situations and 11 acceptable odds situations just when considering claims for BPA. So, using your comparison, Joe, we were drinking a lot but we were not alcoholics. Anybody interested in checking this data by themselves are encouraged to visit our bounty databases where you can browse all claims made by EDGE.
This character is retired. Associated forum account is disabled.
' Wrote:Meanwhile in my pm:
[16:57:01] ???: я ж кстати, когда-то в эджах был
это был такой маразм
[16:58:59] ???: сидишь на соляре, зафейлил на гб - идешь за бомбак, там зафелил - идешь за вхф
[17:00:07] ???: у каждого было минимум по 3 перса, и их по почереди юзали, противореча одному из основных правил
"i was in edge once"
"it was so stupid"
"you sit on solarius, failed in gb - take bomber, failed in bomber - take vhf"
"everybody had at least 3 chars, and they used it in a row, breaking one of main rules"
Posting with sender's permission.
UPD: That guy says that only he had just 2 ships, most other people had the whole line from makos and down. Oh well.
This is simply a lie. We had always a publicly accessible list of ships listing all of them and their ownership. Later on we even introduced a special naming convention to allow everyone to identify a player behind a character: EDGE|XX|Shipname, where XX was unique ID of a player. Accusing us of re-engagement is just lame. If you mean, however, that we were withdrawing part of our forces from the system, and then these players, in accordance with the rules, switched to more appropriate ships, then you're damn right. This is called battle flexibility, it is allowed by the rules and makes perfect sense. If we were re-engaging, why nobody was sanctioned for it? This is just low. And by the way, during 14 months of existence we had only three battleships in total.
This character is retired. Associated forum account is disabled.
' Wrote:Meanwhile in my pm:
[16:57:01] ???: я ж кстати, когда-то в эджах был
это был такой маразм
[16:58:59] ???: сидишь на соляре, зафейлил на гб - идешь за бомбак, там зафелил - идешь за вхф
[17:00:07] ???: у каждого было минимум по 3 перса, и их по почереди юзали, противореча одному из основных правил
"i was in edge once"
"it was so stupid"
"you sit on solarius, failed in gb - take bomber, failed in bomber - take vhf"
"everybody had at least 3 chars, and they used it in a row, breaking one of main rules"
Posting with sender's permission.
UPD: That guy says that only he had just 2 ships, most other people had the whole line from makos and down. Oh well.
Well, say hi to ****** from me. :) Nothing in the rules that forfeits you from using your <strike>characters</strike> ships in a row, as long as you stay alive and are able to dock outside of enemy range. Am I wrong?
But I guess ****** got that part wrong.
And well, since you brought it here....
Quote:[2011-08-12 14:41:54 | Edited 14:43:32] Илья.(me): erm, I'll describe it in one sentence.
****** starts a duel (I dunno whether it was inRP or ooRP) in shared [RF] sabre against RM, when RM was losing Azure in his EDGE manta was passing by, RM asked for help, got feeded, ****** went to our channel in Ragemode.
Then he decided EDGE isn't for him. Guess he's still angry at us.
As for rule violation part.
We were using EDGE|ID|shipname code in our ships. Also, before that was implemented, you could always check our database, all our ships and players/characters they belong to were listed there. I really see no problem with sanctioning someone who violated the rules. You could ALWAYS check who you were fighting with. We were one of the most open faction in terms of available public information about our ships&players they belong to.
So, please, abstain from slander. If you have anything, go to the Rule Violation Reports section. K'ay?
' Wrote:Success is not something people easily forgive.
And you won the topic as always.
(10-09-2013, 10:51 AM)Knjaz Wrote: Official faction players that are often accused of elitism, never deploy them and have those weird, immersion killing "fair fight/dueling" suicidal hobbies. (yes, i've seen enough of those lolduels, where house military with overwhelming force on the field willingly loses a pilot in a duel. ffs.)