As far as I can tell, the information presented in this thread does not make obsolete a single line of RP between [TBH] and [U]. It says nowhere on the infocard that the Gaians are now completely cut off from the Corsairs, so there is really no reason for a Gaian group to actively avoid Corsair interaction. This means that the [U] can have their diplomacy with the Corsairs as they want it, while the Gaian faction as a whole gains a larger ZoI and more possibilities.
Blodo makes an excellent point. It's just neutrality, that's all. Hell, Gaians & Zoners have had historically close ties for years & years through the NLH & TAZ and yet have always been listed as neutral to one another
::edit- don't be mad, Mad. chill & check your pms::
The Gaians and LWB have a strong relation because they are both against altering biospheres.
The Gaians are just treehuggers that want to save the galaxy. The LWB are very much focused on 1 planet and 1 faction. This means that the LWB would get Gaian support, the other way round is less likely as the LWB don't have the manpower not the motivation to expand their activities.
This does support the gaian-LWB relationship
The Gaians and the Corsairs have a dependency on eachother in terms of influence in Bretonia
The Corsairs are trying to cordon off the Outcast and the molly zones of Influence in Bretonia. Their means of achieving this is through the Gaians as they can not succesfully deploy enough of their own forces(Hessian conflict and all that). Mollies aren't a really green operation so the Gaians have no love lost for them.
Gaians on the other hand get parts of their supplies from the Corsairs(they steal stuff in Bretonia, might be easier to get rid of it locally and take home more important stuff).
Yes, the Corsairs and the Gaians have different goals, the means of how the Corsairs want to reach their goal(by supporting the gaians with gear, stuff and occasional support) actually helps the gaians reach their goals
I fail to see how the love for the LWB kills off the love for the Corsairs who support their effort.
There used to be pictures here
once known as Richard Farbridge, OBE and Ronaldo Benitez
As far as I'm concerned, everything about this new infocard is amazing, and has reflected the RP the Underloch has undertaken quite appropriately, except for the omission of Corsairs from the Gaians' allies. As the faction leader of the Underloch, I personally would want the Corsairs to remain listed as allies, considering the RP that has transpired between the TBH and the Underloch, and the future RPs that I do have planned between us. It's only one little word to change on the infocard, so I don't think it's worth making a big deal over it.
Everything else you've done, Marburg, is wonderful. Keep up the good work.
' Wrote:Everything else you've done, Marburg, is wonderful. Keep up the good work.
All I did was make a thread basically saying "Hey! Gaians can go into Rheinland now & interact thanks to LWB alliedship. enjoy!" For the 3rd time everyone, I didn't do anything other than that. I didn't write it. I didn't add the LWB & I didn't drop the 'sairs off the green, but since I'm famous for being anti sair, gaian-wise, I'm willing to take the heat as the scapegoat if it makes people feel better.
Just one question about the Gaians. Why are they fighting with the Mollys?
Basicly most of the unlawful faction in the hauses are allied, but the Gaian-Molly relations are not good at all. I think Mollys can offer more support, equipment and space for operations than the Corsairs. Since Mollys are based in Bretonia i think they could be a more valuable ally.
P.S. To Corsairs. For the "most hated" faction you are not being shot in Kusari because of the Hogosha and you have more pilots ooRP and inRP than most of the factions in Sirius(including the Hessians, Outcasts, BAF)
That discussion has multiple levels & deserves it's own thread, but in a nutshell, Mollys have a bad habit time & again of getting in bed with the crown in order to further their own goals.
' Wrote:A leader of a dead faction trying to dictate the current live one.
Get off your goddamned high horse and go play in Gamma. I don't agree with Marburg, but [U] activity has been excellent for a faction restricted to Bretonia. You should also remember that because Gaians don't have caps (14kdps max on claymore w/ basics, 22k waran permafired novas, 11k waran permafired snacs, 22k ahoudori with 1 cerb 6 basics), most have been on their Legates (~220kdps) shooting Smallwood. It will be even better now that we can go to active systems with the blessings of 2iC.
Puv, chill plz. I created the thread because I started to realize that a big ZOI change was made & no one seemed to notice. Bearsair went off 1/2 cocked & started trying to kill the messenger for a short bit, but that time is over & the thread has moved on...plz don't drag it down. I'd rather keep it all civil & shiz so that people get the memo sans all the drama
& yeah, I tip my hat to the 'loch for stepping up their game big time after the big bump-down