Well, actually there is nothing to keep in it, because the first post is only a note of mine about my observation and overall feeling. Just what came into my mind, and I wanted to share it with you, to nail this aspect of roleplay and to make you to watch after where your roleplay goes. Just want you to be aware...
Because fun roleplay is a cheap feel you earn here, as for me. There are things way more highier and more enjoyable than different ridiculous occasions. We all are artists more or less, we all are composers, we run a theatre with actors, so why not to try to make their play better after-all?
At fist I though this topic hase sense, but now people discussin' what is ''mature player'' now :wacko:
Swallow - I completely agree with you here. My Ronaldo sometimes says things that he must not to know, true. I cant just delete all information from my head, but Im trying to block is as hard as I can. because RP for me means more then proving my knowlege about some ooRP facts or something like it
again - we are just humans. we cant RP as we must to. just because we dont want sometimes or because we just cant keep something silent. this discussion about ''teenagers players with 11 years old LNC admirals'' is best proof for that. when we supposed to be silent - we shout as thousands Banshees
While I agree with you in general I disagree with your specifics.
Many people do prefer to play as an elite, and not just "One of the guys" which can be a shame. But at the same time, nomads are a lot more commonplace than they were 18 years ago, there are news reports about them, and "nomad detectors". Some people still mistakenly think they should be treated as mysteriously as they were in SP. And as for Sol, well.. what? It was 800 years ago. The roman empire was 2000 years ago, we have movies, books, plays, discussions, video games, whatever about it, and records were a lot worse back then than they are today. Theres no reason the history of sol wouldnt be taught to everyone in nursery school!
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' Wrote:While I agree with you in general I disagree with your specifics.
Many people do prefer to play as an elite, and not just "One of the guys" which can be a shame. But at the same time, nomads are a lot more commonplace than they were 18 years ago, there are news reports about them, and "nomad detectors". Some people still seem to think they should be treated as mysteriously as they were in SP. And as for Sol, well.. what? It was 800 years ago. The roman empire was 2000 years ago, we have movies, books, plays, discussions, video games, whatever about it, and records were a lot worse back then than they are today. Theres no reason the history of sol wouldnt be taught to everyone in nursery school!
If I were a common NPC in 800 a.s. I still hadn't know much about nomads. Even though they are not such a mistery, they should not be that commonspread, I suppose...But if you say so - you may know it better than me.
About Sol - I had couple occassions when different characters pointed at its destruction, at that they were there, and many other stuff. It is way to unclear (as for me) because I haven't seen iRP or lore notes about Sol status.
There is a point that wasn't mentioned - this server here is pretty much the only one, if you ask me. I can't bring myself to play in a server with a population of 20. This applies for a lot more people. The RP is something that comes with the deal package - if you desire to play here - you need to conform to this. I don't see this as a negative thing, but my point is that a lot of the players here wouldn't RP if given the chance. So, basically, you have a situation where some do it just to pass the bar, so to speak. Others are very serious about it, which is just as weird as admirable. In any case - for the few weeks I've spent here - I haven't met that much immature players. I know a few 17 yo's, and they aren't so immature, nor they are stupid. But you can definitely feel a difference between such players and, for example, a 30-40 year old player.
The conclusion from this, is that you just need to lower your expectations of what RP should be like here. Some will go very far, but you can't blame the ones that don't. I still love this game very much, I will RP if I have to in order play here, but I won't go as far as to invent a whole new life for it, keeping a book with facts and double-checking it with every step I take, to make sure I am iRP. I just love Freelancer, I also love the fact that there is a (one) server where I can play with so many people at once. Most of my RP will be improvised on the spot and I just can't see anything wrong with that. This reflects on my real personality - improvisation is much, much more likely to do for me, rather than complex planning.
There is something else I wanted to point out - a lot of your 'RP judgement' is ridiculous. I am not talking about any of you guys in particular, but the majority of players that rush to label someone's actions as ooRP. Excuse me, but I've been warned to not be ooRP when I make jokes in system chat. So, nobody in space has a sense of humor? To be honest, anything counts and this is how it should be. All this seriousness is often annoying and game-breaking, rather than game-protecting.
' Wrote:If I were a common NPC in 800 a.s. I still hadn't know much about nomads. Even though they are not such a mistery, they should not be that commonspread, I suppose...But if you say so - you may know it better than me.
About Sol - I had couple occassions when different characters pointed at its destruction, at that they were there, and many other stuff. It is way to unclear (as for me) because I haven't seen iRP or lore notes about Sol status.
If you were a common npc in 800AS no, you wouldnt know much about nomads. but this is set 18 years later, AFTER the storyline, and the reveal of the nomads, now they are well known to exist in sirius, even if they arnt understood fully. If you dont believe me just go look at the news reports ingame. The Rhein/Lib war started because Rhein accused lib of experimenting on nomads. Thats public knowledge.
As for the destruction of sol. I call that nomad propoganda, doubtless other peoples RP will all believe different things. My advice to you is just to listen and see if it sounds reasonable to you. If it doesnt, call them crazy, and move on.
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' Wrote:There is a point that wasn't mentioned - this server here is pretty much the only one, if you ask me. I can't bring myself to play in a server with a population of 20. This applies for a lot more people. The RP is something that comes with the deal package - if you desire to play here - you need to conform to this. I don't see this as a negative thing, but my point is that a lot of the players here wouldn't RP if given the chance. So, basically, you have a situation where some do it just to pass the bar, so to speak. Others are very serious about it, which is just as weird as admirable. In any case - for the few weeks I've spent here - I haven't met that much immature players. I know a few 17 yo's, and they aren't so immature, nor they are stupid. But you can definitely feel a difference between such players and, for example, a 30-40 year old player.
The conclusion from this, is that you just need to lower your expectations of what RP should be like here. Some will go very far, but you can't blame the ones that don't. I still love this game very much, I will RP if I have to in order play here, but I won't go as far as to invent a whole new life for it, keeping a book with facts and double-checking it with every step I take, to make sure I am iRP. I just love Freelancer, I also love the fact that there is a (one) server where I can play with so many people at once. Most of my RP will be improvised on the spot and I just can't see anything wrong with that. This reflects on my real personality - improvisation is much, much more likely to do for me, rather than complex planning.
There is something else I wanted to point out - a lot of your 'RP judgement' is ridiculous. I am not talking about any of you guys in particular, but the majority of players that rush to label someone's actions as ooRP. Excuse me, but I've been warned to not be ooRP when I make jokes in system chat. So, nobody in space has a sense of humor? To be honest, anything counts and this is how it should be. All this seriousness is often annoying and game-breaking, rather than game-protecting.
I am afraid that *forced to roleplay* scheme is incorrect.
I'd leave once RP stronghold of this server falls.
Also I didn't treat humor in a system chat as a part of OORP, I pointed that such occasions are overused and they bring no deep roleplay sense and times to times are ridiculous or even silly.
' Wrote:If you were a common npc in 800AS no, you wouldnt know much about nomads. but this is set 18 years later, AFTER the storyline, and the reveal of the nomads, now they are well known to exist in sirius, even if they arnt understood fully. If you dont believe me just go look at the news reports ingame. The Rhein/Lib war started because Rhein accused lib of experimenting on nomads. Thats public knowledge.
As for the destruction of sol. I call that nomad propoganda, doubtless other peoples RP will all believe different things. My advice to you is just to listen and see if it sounds reasonable to you. If it doesnt, call them crazy, and move on.
' Wrote:There is something else I wanted to point out - a lot of your 'RP judgement' is ridiculous. I am not talking about any of you guys in particular, but the majority of players that rush to label someone's actions as ooRP.
Heh I was just going to make a long post about this aspect. I wholly agree with what you said. As I see it there are several types of players, one of which (maybe the majority) who would prefer no rp. Then there is another (fairly self-righteous) group with roleplay that seems to be based on the notion that noone but themselves do roleplay and that everyone are lolwuts/idiots unless proven otherwise. And they are just as bad as the non-rp'ers IMO. I've had talks with very well-respected members with apparantly great RP who say they can't be bothered RP'ing with anyone but their mates - I think that is disrespectful to other players.
For example, yesterday I was cruising along in my Storta at the edge of Liberty (Cortez/Magellan/Kansas) and I came across a band of pirates who decided to shoot me down. Fair enough, I do enjoy a good fight. Afterwards I did point out that the next time they attack something, they ought to make a clear demand, as the Indie Pierat ID doesn't allow for free engagement, but that I didn't really mind the pews. I got the reply that it was "oorp for a storta to be in Liberty" as if that was the justification. However, it really isn't - it's in direct conflict of the Council of Dons' and the LR's wishes, and it might have dire and unforeseen rp-consequences for my character at some point, if people bothered to RP it rather than just default to the classic Disco cop-out of "no u".
A lot of delightful RP could be had if people tried to stay in-character when they see what to them (as players, not characters) comes across as something oorp.
Not to dwell on the maturity-subject, but I think this desire for total linearity and conformity stems from lack of knowledge of the real world (which we are imitating) which is very contradictory, volatile and chaotic.
Following the "conformity" line of thought Trent would have never "betrayed" the LSF or flown half the ships he goes through in the SP-campaign.