Beach Volleyball was about the only entertaining bit, opening ceremony was about as bad as they get and the rest was a crock of poo. Who knew the greatest pride for being British is the NHS?! Waste of time.
Overall, just looking at the organisation of the games and the feedback I heard from the city itself. It was a great succes. The coverage was arranged so good I could switch through 12 different live streams at most times during the day.
The city population itself withdrew from the area opening up a lot of space for the visitors of the games. Tourists stayed away because of overcrowding fear and hotel fees that were through the roof before the event.
Lets face it, the city held it together, the hotel operators in the city failed in overestimating the amount of guests. Tourism that comes to London normally was less but will rise again in the coming years, maybe even higher then it already was and not just for the city but the surroundings.
I think London will be hosting more events on this scale as they have showed they can handle it.
Sportswise I'm not gonna voice my opinion as I am not an expert.
There used to be pictures here
once known as Richard Farbridge, OBE and Ronaldo Benitez