Anyways, have we agreed on the probable time to perform the event at? I will probably be able to come on the next weekend, 18h GMT would be nice.
Oh, by the way, Reptile. If you don't understand what did those members who you quoted write, what is clear, you may use Google Translate to translate it. It sometimes sucks, but it's better than nothing. There are also other translators. Just type "translate", or "translator" in Google Search. I hope it will help you!
(11-13-2012, 07:48 PM)Debeli_Boda Wrote: Anyways, have we agreed on the probable time to perform the event at? I will probably be able to come on the next weekend, 18h GMT would be nice.
(11-13-2012, 06:26 PM)Reptile Wrote: Bombers?did you ever use them? try it,you will like it.
And strategy! Tactics!
And guys,please please please PLEASE stop crying!
You winning all this times in Leeds and you crying already,even when you win.
In today's fight we had an equal mix of bombers and destroyers. We have and use different tactics. This isn't our first time having to deal with large capital ship forces in Bretonia.
While, yes we did win these last two fights. No one here is crying, no one here is whining. We are enjoying ourselves, what this thread is suppose to do is make sure things stay friendly between the different player groups.
I'll point at Rheinland and Liberty once more... the RNC raid into Texas got so bad that [LN] told their indies to log off and ignore the RNC that were attacking.
I don't know about you... but I enjoy playing Freelancer, I don't want to log off when I see a horde of RNS gearing up for an attack, heck, I want to fight back and have a good time.
(11-13-2012, 06:26 PM)Reptile Wrote: Last time when LNS eneter Berlin on caps - we all log all bombers and kill them all in 5 minutes.This is even not so hard - this is not interesting to kill caps,very easy for bombers. And you want say that we must play as you want? Why?
We use a mixture of bombers and capital ships. That's how we always handled these situations, and that tradition will continue. We're not telling you to change how you play. We're asking you to work with us so we can both enjoy the game and capital ship fights.
(11-13-2012, 06:26 PM)Reptile Wrote: Can i fly on any Gallic ship? - can.
Can i go for fight in Leeds? - can.
Can other people go to Leeds with me? - can.
Can we fight there? - can.
Can you kill us all? - can!
(11-13-2012, 06:26 PM)Reptile Wrote: so your words - this is only your rules,in which we must play? i dont want fight in enemy rules,becuase this is not intersting,when you talking to take other ship,which we not like.
In this idea i can say - take other ship,because i dont like your ship...
Not exactly sure what you're trying to get at here, though I answered the first half above, the second half? No one is telling you not to bring capital ships. In fact we're encouraging it. The only thing we're saying is really, contact us so that when you're ready to raid, we can get an equal amount of defenders online to fight you guys.
Be fair and respect your fellow player. Cutting off a lone capital ship while it's trying to regroup or camping gates / jumpholes / stations and engagbug all red I see, takes away from the experience of the game and community.
But don't you see that a pre-emptive "we will play with you, but only if you are nice" thread is incredibly patronizing. Factor in the language differences as well, and you have a recipe for bad vibes. Let's just play the game and have fun, and worry about stuff when/if it happens.
(11-13-2012, 09:43 PM)Anaximander Wrote: Let's just play the game and have fun, and worry about stuff when/if it happens.
See, that's the issue.
The stuff that hasn't happened, has actually happened. Yeah, it might not have been in Leeds or between RNS/HMS ships, but it happened, and this RNS group consists of the exact same members as the RNC group that Liberty has to deal with on a practically daily basis. Stuff between both the GRN| and BAF| official factions have going on right now between them are great, and both factions welcome Capship fights, as long as neither side puts a bad taste in the others mouth.
lets play - agree.
I like how BAF fighting today. I have no bad words to them.
i dont like people who starting whinning on forum,because they only died - this is way of weak people.Strong players looking for mistakes and trying to correct them,and going to fight again.
This is big difference in BAF and LN.LN - weak,have no organisation.
BAF - showing to us that they are strong and organised.
But this is not end.We only testing your strategy,all soon will happend.
now you must only not loose you potential and fight.