I'm thinking for an alternative to the original idea. What if we have we have trading bonuses(like mining bonuses) to those who use a proper ID and a proper ship to deliver a commodity to the proper base.
(08-13-2013, 07:13 AM)Scumbag Wrote: I'm thinking for an alternative to the original idea. What if we have we have trading bonuses(like mining bonuses) to those who use a proper ID and a proper ship to deliver a commodity to the proper base.
I support. That would bring game protects right RP automatically. And game would punish wrong RP without engaging so many admins to read reports and do punishing part manually.
Game must be more able to protect it's values by it's self.
Dunno it seems like a whole lot of work for something with a questionable outcome at best.
It doesn't bother me if someone haul weird things, sometimes I'll ask what's up, and I've been given some pretty good stories about their business with said unusual cargo.
(08-18-2013, 10:23 PM)Calmodulin Wrote: IMHO This sorting out of who can carry what is the job of the police eg. the LPI.
Uh yeah.. this. I've never been a fan of using game mechanics to force people to roleplay a certain way.
Also, Rodnas' post about this being a good idea to create diversity is kind of mindblowingly short sighted. If you want people to do more things, then you should give them incentive to. (Honestly, I'd sooner be in favor of equalizing the profit of all trade routes rather than restricting commodities to ID)
And.. dude, Pepe, "Wrong roleplay?" I'll be the first to admit that it's a little annoying seeing a Rogue hover over Manhattan with a nuclear warhead, but it isn't that difficult to ignore those people. Just like I've said about the tech nerf, all it does is give good people less incentive to play because they have to jump through more hoops to get things done.
(08-13-2013, 07:13 AM)Scumbag Wrote: I'm thinking for an alternative to the original idea. What if we have we have trading bonuses(like mining bonuses) to those who use a proper ID and a proper ship to deliver a commodity to the proper base.
This is a much better idea, and would actually see my support if done sensibly.
Some small bonuses / penalties for RP or oorp cargo per specific id would be very nice. You will not prevent anyone to trade anything he desires but some motivation for proper cargo would improve RP fremework. Even with penalty there could be RP reason to carry some at first glance oorp cargo, cause profit is not main motivation in that `unproper` case.
I strongly approve. Several variation though. Junkers recieve no bonus and no penalty for any commodity
Some factions who actually trade in very narrow commodity difference such as ALG can get huge boost to toxic waste , scrap , manifolds and such then others.
OsC should get considerable boost for human passangers and luxury staff.
Criminal get boost on contraband stuff etc.
Credits are not so important cause everyone will get every ship it wants if he plays patiently and constantly. So some more opportunities to earn more money will motivate people to carry more variety of goods.
(08-13-2013, 07:13 AM)Scumbag Wrote: What if we have we have trading bonuses(like mining bonuses) to those who use a proper ID and a proper ship to deliver a commodity to the proper base.
(08-19-2013, 12:14 AM)Hone Wrote: They havnt even explained how they think bonuses would work.
More space for certain items? They sell at a higher amount? They sell higher depending on who owns the station? They buy lower?
I didn't think anyone could not understand what i meant. I will give an example.
If you carry beryllium and aluminum to Scarborough Station where they make Super Alloy in a Shetland you get more money than transporting synth food in a liner to a LWB base.
I would at least like to see some logic, role play and regard for lore in the economy.