Incoming Transmission from Scarborough Station, Newcastle
To: Potential Employee Priority: Medium Topic: Recruitment
Message Contents:
Mr Peter John Childe, sorry your application took so long. So, down to the point then. We've had some time to discuss about you and your interview and we'd like to offer you an offer of employment on the condition that we speak to you, over secure channels for a little bit first! We'd like to get to know you just that little bit more.
John Appleton
Department Manager, HR
Borderworld Exports
- Where was your last place of employment? What experience do you have?
My father was an independent shipwright contracted with Bretonia Mining & Manufacturing. Education being as it is, my childhood and early adult life revolved around laying beam and assembling superstructures. For a time, I was assigned to pre-delivery repairs to perform in-flight maintenance on craft queued for delivery to Her Majesty's service.
- To what division are you applying?
- Why are you interested in working for Border World Exports?
Whilst the Corams have, whether appropriately, prided themselves on their fabrication talents, it remains true that resources grow more scarce each day. The business has been sold to several investors with which the family has invested in transports of its own. I serve the family and Her Majesty be seeking to put them to use.
- You happen across a Gateway convoy that is under attack by Red Hessians. What do you do and why?
In all humility, it depends on which craft I may be piloting. It may serve as a shield or have speedier characteristics adequate for rescue operations.
- You encounter a corporate trader of Gallic origin. It croaks mockingly at you. What do you do and why?
Continue in Her Majesty's service by completing my task. The more we work, the less they mock.
- How do you feel about Glaswegian badgers?[/b]
I am quite satisfied that they properly evolved from their stench-enveloped skunk brethren.
- Were you referred to Bowex by a Bowex) or BMM- employee?
Unfortunately, I was not. However, I hope my service to the Crown will be otherwise acceptable.
Incoming Transmission from Scarborough Station, Newcastle
To: Potential Employee Priority: Medium Topic: Recruitment
Message Contents:
Mr Coram, It was a pleasure to meet you in your interview. You sounded like a rather intelligent man who wanted to strive for goodness. Hence forth, I'd like to offer you a non-conditional offer of employment. We'll be seeing you very shortly. If you can send me your S.K.Y.P.3 protocol as soon as you see this message, it would be appreciated.
John Appleton
Department Manager, HR
Borderworld Exports
- What is your full name?
My name is Ryan Miller, Captain of the Avangarius.
- Where was your last place of employment? What experience do you have?
Till now I am an independent trader in Bretonian, Kusari and Rheinland Space
- To what division are you applying?
Mainly I am a trader so I would join the Shipping Combine, but for sure my Crewmembers and I would Help as ExSec-Pilots too.
- Why are you interested in working for Border World Exports?
Bowex is one of the Trading Companies with the best Reputation. I am not looking for any Conflicts, so for me its the best to stay with a Group that is respected all over Sirius Sector
- You happen across a Gateway convoy that is under attack by Red Hessians. What do you do and why?
If I am able to help I would help the Gateway convoy. This decision is based on two reasons: 1. Pirates are way worse than some Gateways, In the end we all are Bretonian and the rivalry does not matter for me when there are Pirates against us. 2. The Pirates will try to attack me anyways... So if they Try to attack me I will Help those Gateway guys. But If those Gateways attack me... They will regret it
- You encounter a corporate trader of Gallic origin. It croaks mockingly at you. What do you do and why?
I am a Trader. I want to trade. I'll ignore those Gallics, they are not Important for me. As long as they are not attacking me I dont care about them.
- How do you feel about Glaswegian badgers?
Awesome...there is nothing better. *laughs*
Seriously no Idea.
- [b]Were you referred to Bowex by a Bowex) or BMM- employee?
Yes Perceval and a few other Members gave me the advice to employ for Bowex, but I was allready interested when I started with my small 250 Cargo Freighter.
Posts: 6,380
Threads: 335
Joined: Aug 2007
Staff roles: Story Dev Economy Dev
Dear Mr Miller
As ever, it is simply brilliant to see our independent contractors stepping up to the plate and seek to take on additional responsibilities within the Company. Between your past experience and positive recommendations from both Bowex and BMM staff, we are happy to extend an offer of employment. A provisional contract will be dispatched shortly, and should be received within the week. Should you have any further questions, do please feel free to contact your assigned Combine Supervisor.
Yours in Service to the Realm
Ms J. Frances
Director, Human Resources
Borderworlds Exports
* What was your Previous/current Occupation?
I am currently an independent procurer of hard to get supplies on my way to retirement.
* Write a short Biography about yourself here,
Let's see here... I was born in 777 A.S. on New London. My father was a procurer of cargo and my mother stayed home and took are of my sisters and me. When I was 14 my father took me out of school and I worked on his bucket smuggling. He was decent but thoroughly small time. When he got made by the Liberty Police... *he spits* I took over his vessel and business. I was better than he was and quickly upgraded to a better vessel and bigger jobs. During the Liberty / Rheinland confrontation and following embargo I made a lot of money. I also met my wife, well now ex-wife, we have 3 daughters who are all living with their mother. She wanted me to live with her and stop working. Well that was not for me and we called it quits. The money I did not loose in the divorce I lost investing in... uhm.. well it's gone now. So I went back to work. But since trade between Liberty and Rheinland is once again possible it's hard to get profitable work in the core systems if one is not willing to trade with the frogs. And since my reflexes aren't the best anymore I have decided that going to the edge-worlds as a one-man-operation was too dangerous for now. So this is why I am looking for a "respectable" job. And Since I have seen bowex) ships in the past and they seemed like decent enough guys I thought I'd try my luck with you guys.
So If you are looking for a hard worker who knows the Ins-and-outs of trading by heart and isn't afraid to get his hands dirty if needed. Well, then I guess, I am your guy.
* For what Division are you applying? ( Trade/Sec./Exp.)
Trade! Security if I have to.... But I prefer to work alone, send me on those long long trips That's where you'll get the most use out of me.
* Why are you applying for Bowex, what motivates you?
Well, I could tell you some rubbish about wanting to better the lives of the citizens of Bretonia or helping bowex, but you wouldn't believe me and I wouldn't believe it either so what the hell were all adults here... I want a cosey job then I had before and want to make some money. There I said it.
* You pass a Gateway convoy/ship that is under attack by Corsairs. What do you do and why?
I laugh, then I light a cigar, pour a glass and carry on.
* You encounter a corporate trader of Gallic origin. It croaks mockingly at you. What do you do and why?
I'd spit in his general direction.
* How do you feel about Glaswegian badgers?
Ha! Filthy liar do I look like a whippersnapper you can fool. Those annoying little critters got squashed years ago! Thank god for it too.
* Do you have a criminal record?
HA! As If they'd ever catch ME! Uhm... No.
Anyway..... Drop me a message!
G'day Alistar
//* Were you referred to Bowex by a Bowex) or BMM- employee?
// If yes, please tell us his/her name,
// I had some words with jammi via PM about something and bowex came up about 5 weeks ago.
- Where was your last place of employment? What experience do you have? Independent trader on the Omegas, i worked for some Zoner and Freelancer.
- To what division are you applying? Trading
- Why are you interested in working for Border World Exports? Well, the life is hard as a independent trader, so it's time to join the biggest corporation in Bretonian.
- You happen across a Gateway convoy that is under attack by Red Hessians. What do you do and why? Ahm... i just fly further, I mean aslong the Hessians don't attack me, i continue my run.
- You encounter a corporate trader of Gallic origin. It croaks mockingly at you. What do you do and why? I just use the "Block incoming transmission" button and I'm fine.
- How do you feel about Glaswegian badgers? What a question... I don't know.
- Were you referred to Bowex by a Bowex) or BMM- employee?No
Any questions or concerns about Bowex), just send me a private message.
- What is your full name? My full name is Jonathan Fraser.
- Where was your last place of employment? What experience do you have? I used to work for Cryer as a freelance transporter of Medical goods, mostly the new multifunctional bandages they produce at Cambridge research station these days. I would bring 'em to the troops on Leeds, and take unfortunate casualties back to Bretonia. In the process of that contract, I've saved countless Bretonian lives on the line against the Gallic menace.
- To what division are you applying? The Trading division. I can fire a gun, but don't expect me to take out cardamine-infused Outcasts.
- Why are you interested in working for Border World Exports? It's the premier shipping company in Bretonia, and probably all of western Sirius. I want to do my part for my country on a larger scale.
- You happen across a Gateway convoy that is under attack by Red Hessians. What do you do and why? If I have the capability to help them, I shall. At the very least I would alert the BAF. 'Competitor' or not, wartime requires a nation to stick together.
- You encounter a corporate trader of Gallic origin. It croaks mockingly at you. What do you do and why? Bretonia is a proud nation, and it will not suffer mockery from the French who are as always late to the party. That said, I will not risk my cargo, crew, or ship for my personal pride, but if I happen to know a poor Gallic Junker Exile I might just point them in the direction of said Gallic trader.
- How do you feel about Glaswegian badgers? Glaswegian Badgers should indeed be banished, but then again, when Bowex regains Glasgow station, I guess I'd feel inclined to hug one.
- Were you referred to Bowex by a Bowex) or BMM- employee? Unfortunately no, I have not had the pleasure yet.
Currently, mr. Fraser resides in Manchester in the Wordsworth his Percheron class transport, waiting out the weird Nomad appearance in New London. When he left the system in a hurry, he saw the BAF, LN, and even a few capital ships from a group known as the Colonial Republic in orbit and was politely asked to evacuate. Mr. Fraser certainly hopes that ended well; otherwise there'll be a new and desperate blockade to run. This application was sent to Bowex from Sheffield.
- Where was your last place of employment? What experience do you have?
- Borned and educated on the Curacao planet in provided familie. My father was liner captain, and i'm flew with him all my teenager ages. After 5 years of working with him, when i was 18, i leave him and start thinking about my self and what to do next, becouse i had great ideas and dreams. I had a good condition, some cash and fame around pilots, becouse i worked "righthandcaptain" and i know how to control ship and crew, and how raise them.
And i bought my own ship called "GrazySlon" = "Democritus" Luxury Yacht = becouse the best i know how to manage human resources. And i hired in local Curacao bar 40 workers, that was not a professionals at first. But after few years and tonn of runs around sirius, they become best crew i ever knew and work together.
And after 7 years collaboration, once we all have a discuss about what next, most of us wish to work with some cargos and supplyes becouse thoose ""VIP'S" and "Passangers" starts booring them, and i agree with them. We held a vote, and 30 including me, choose that way. And i stand infront of them, and ask "You realy wanna live for a Queen?" And they shouted "YES!"!
Becouse we all love Bretonian resorts, and most of runs we get there. We choose Border World Exports as our main copmany!
And as i sad, my crew like a fammily, where goes one, there will go others.
- To what division are you applying?
- Shipping Combine
- Why are you interested in working for Border World Exports?
- New opportunities for me, my ship and my crew!
- You happen across a Gateway convoy that is under attack by Red Hessians. What do you do and why?
- Here we got 2 options, just fly away, or sit back, and watch this show with pleasure, but in our economic situatiom, i think we might help them, better thoose resources get back in Bretonian, but not lost is space
- You encounter a corporate trader of Gallic origin. It croaks mockingly at you. What do you do and why?
- Kill them all or accept death for the queen, we wont see of thoose scums in Sirius, becouse they break our Our economic and financial market!
- How do you feel about Glaswegian badgers?
- I love them!
-Were you referred to Bowex by a Bowex) or BMM- employee?
- nope