Section I: Personal Pilot Information
Section II: About You Why do you want to join the Primary Fleet?
i want to join the primary fleet to eradicate the nomads who destroyed planet toledo
How long have you been in the Secondary (Independent) Fleet?
i have been in the independent fleet for 3 weeks
What do you think you can bring to us in the Primary Fleet
i can bring honor to primary fleet
Please rate your combat skills out of 10 (10 being the best)(Please note: Having a higher score does not affect your application)
fighters 5/10
bombers 10/10
freighters 2/10
gunboats 3/10
battleships 9/10
Section III: Pilot History
Please provide a brief history of yourself.
Some things you can include are;
Your Origin
About your personality
Any previous ventures you have undergone
i was born on planet toledo. i moved to battleship atum when i was eleven, just before the destruction of toledo where my father was killed in action. i was raised up by my mother and was an apprentice pilot, flying an old starflier. once during a gunboat assault on the atum, i was asked to fly an anubis fighter into combat. after scrambling i engaged a sascya assasin and destroyed it. it was followed by a labraid fighter. then all ships engaged the nammu gunboat and destroyed it. after this sortie, i was invited to the order. i refused it then. but recently i felt the urge to avenge my father. hence, i am filling this form.
Section IV: Other (OoRP Section) NOTE: Skype is a requirement for communication purposes
Skype name: neellohit2222
Timezone: gmt +5:30
Please provide a summary of how active you think you will be in the Order|? Example: What hours do you come online? Do you check the forums regularly?
i visit the forums regularly Have you ever been sanctioned on the Discovery RP 24/7 Server? If so, please provide details.
no Do you agree to be excellent, follow and the rules of the server and forums, and to respect the admin and moderation team and your fellow players?
Applicants Samantha Lawyer and Rusell Hunter, you will be contacted on Skyp3 protocol ASAP. Applicant John Sina - you will have to acknowledge that to fly a gunboat in ranks of The Order you will have to prove your worth from the lowest ranks... that means using fighters until you are proved to be worthy of promotion.
Rachel Nash, marking you also as accepted given you run AiT in our ranks for some time now.
whoever goes through this, thank you for your time!
Section I: Personal Pilot Information
Name:Aaron Johnson
Section II: About You Why do you want to join the Primary Fleet?
I wish to contribute to the protection of humanity. How long have you been in the Secondary (Independent) Fleet?
nil. Im just a fresh freelancer What do you think you can bring to us in the Primary Fleet
fighter/bomber skills , decision making skills, diplomatic skills and hope. Please rate your combat skills out of 10 (10 being the best)(Please note: Having a higher score does not affect your application)
fighters 8/10 (VHFs 9/10)
bombers 7/10 (medium)
Section III: Pilot History
Please provide a brief history of yourself.
Some things you can include are;
Your Origin
About your personality
Any previous ventures you have undergone
born on planet cambridge , Aaron johnson's father was Lt.commander aboard battleship norfolk and his mother was a professor of xenoarcheology int the cambridge university. after college(his parents were well off) aaron set out to explore sirius and seek his fortune. once, while moving around omicron gamma's malvada nebula with an osprey and a dromedary (zoners) aaron encountered some unseen ships jump from an unrecognized jump hole(later omicron 90). without warning, the visitors opened fire . badly damaged, aaron's eagle came apart and he passed out.waking up at planet crete , he worked there to earn credits and buy a ship. he vowed vengeance to the blue ships(nomads). he returned to bretonia to meet his parents. from there he left to liberty to earn credits and dispose his starflier.he reached planet erie in pennsylvania and bought a civilian shuttle. then he was back to bretonia, stationed at newcastle ( bs ark royal).he stumbled upon a jump hole while chasing mollies. there he was almost killed but was saved by the order(whom he had heard were nomad hunters).returning to pennsylvania, he sent a communique to them ,waiting , for a response..................................................... Section IV: Other (OoRP Section) NOTE: Skype is a requirement for communication purposes
Skype name:narrajayanth1212
Timezone: gmt +5.30
Please provide a summary of how active you think you will be in the Order|? Example: What hours do you come online? Do you check the forums regularly?
i come online about everyday around 7 pm(refer above timezone).i also check the forums regularly. Have you ever been sanctioned on the Discovery RP 24/7 Server? If so, please provide details.
no . I am just another player who follows rules. Do you agree to be excellent, follow and the rules of the server and forums, and to respect the admin and moderation team and your fellow players?
Order Recruitment File *** Wrote:Section I: Personal Pilot Information
Name: Classified
Codename: Tanis
Gender: Classified
Age: Classified
Height: Classified
Weight: Classified
Section II: About You Why do you want to join the Primary Fleet?
To assist in ensuring the systems of man do not fall to a alien or otherwise hostile threat.
What do you think you can bring to us in the Primary Fleet
Not a matter of thinking, but a matter of knowing. My team and I can bring to you hardened men and woman that specialize in infiltrating, sabotage, recon work, intelligence gathering, and unyielding resolve.
Please rate your combat skills out of 10 (10 being the best)(Please note: Having a higher score does not affect your application)
Section III: Pilot History Please provide a brief history of yourself.
My name is irrelevant, as is the names of my team. For the purpose of this application, you can call me "Tanis". My team, should we be accepted, will provide their codenames individually. For the past 4 years, my team and I have operated across Sirius, employed by various governments and militant groups. When they needed something done that their own men and woman could not achieve for one reason or the other, they contacted us to get the job done. As such, you will not find public record of us, and we intend to keep it that way. Rest assured, nearly every major house government has either contracted us or has felt the effects of our actions, though they would not admit it. Teams like mine pose a threat to the laws and governance that hold together houses and various groups. Coincidentally enough, it is for that reason that such teams like us are needed. Teams that can act beyond the confines and restrictions placed upon the normal populace and militant forces.
I personally have led my team of 5 for over 4 years, with nearly 100% missions successes. As of late, we have specialized in intelligence gathering and training men and women from at least 3 separate well known groups into special force units, to be used by their respective commands. Do not think this as indication that we have grown lax and are not at peak performance since we have assumed temporary positions as trainers. I keep a strict regiment of daily exercises and training missions to ensure we are at peak potential. This includes myself as the team leader. There is not one exercise or mission that I order my team to undergo that I myself would not participate in. So if my team were to be sent out without me, they are fully aware that it is within their grasp to achieve.
As far as our reason for contacting you directly, rather than the other way around, is quite simple. Humanity. Governments and groups will raise and fall, whether at our hand our not, but humanity at its core is fragile and is in need of protecting, many times from itself. But as we are aware, we are not alone in this universe. With such threats on our doorstep, my team and I are prepared to forgo our normal modus operandi, and fully immerse ourselves as an asset of the Order forces.
Section IV: Other (OoRP Section) NOTE: Skype is a requirement for communication purposes
Skype name: You know this
Timezone: Pacific (PDT) UTC−7:00
Please provide a summary of how active you think you will be in the Order|? Example: What hours do you come online? Do you check the forums regularly?
Daily. If not ingame, then in Skype and on forums.
Have you ever been sanctioned on the Discovery RP 24/7 Server? If so, please provide details.
Do you agree to be excellent, follow and the rules of the server and forums, and to respect the admin and moderation team and your fellow players?
Section I: Personal Pilot Information
Name: Doctor Josephine Schultz
Gender: Female
Age: 24
Height: 167cm
Weight: Pretty rude to ask a lady for her weight, huh?
Section II: About You Why do you want to join the Primary Fleet?
Mostly because of private matter. Wilds killed my father, so to prevent this to happen to anyone again I decieded to take care of the root of all evil. Alone this is senseless so joining the Fleet which is known to clean up Sirius from Nomads and infected people is logical, right?
How long have you been in the Secondary (Independent) Fleet?
A few weeks maybe a month or so…
What do you think you can bring to us in the Primary Fleet
I am a doctor, so I am supossed to take care of injuries from people. Tired or sick agents are mostly useless in a battle. Sadly so am I even though I am not injured.
Please rate your combat skills out of 10 (10 being the best)
I would say 3-4 not completely useless and pretty good in evading.
(Please note: Having a higher score does not affect your application)
Section III: Pilot History
I was born and raised in Bremen. When my father was killed on duty by some Wilds in Liberty my mother moved with me to Alaska. There my fathers partner trained me in using guns effictively and I began to study medicine. After I finished my training I practiced a bit and left my mother to join the Order.
My personality… well, you have two possibilities, either you accept me how I am or not. When it comes to taking care of my patient I allow no interferece, who dares to not listen to my appointment get what he deserves. But when I am not on duty I am a friedly, open person. Always up to some fun or anything that entertains me. At least that is what I think… Form your own opinion.
Section IV: Other (OoRP Section) NOTE: Skype is a requirement for communication purposes
Skype name: Minou.Scarlet
Timezone: +01:00
Please provide a summary of how active you think you will be in the Order|? Example: What hours do you come online? Do you check the forums regularly?
Depends always on my mood and the things I have to take care of in RL. And it varies pretty much.
Have you ever been sanctioned on the Discovery RP 24/7 Server? If so, please provide details.
Not as far as I know…
Do you agree to be excellent, follow and the rules of the server and forums, and to respect the admin and moderation team and your fellow players?
(09-24-2013, 07:55 AM)seven-alpha-one-one Wrote: whoever goes through this, thank you for your time!
Section I: Personal Pilot Information
Name:Aaron Johnson
Section II: About You Why do you want to join the Primary Fleet?
I wish to contribute to the protection of humanity. How long have you been in the Secondary (Independent) Fleet?
nil. Im just a fresh freelancer What do you think you can bring to us in the Primary Fleet
fighter/bomber skills , decision making skills, diplomatic skills and hope. Please rate your combat skills out of 10 (10 being the best)(Please note: Having a higher score does not affect your application)
fighters 8/10 (VHFs 9/10)
bombers 7/10 (medium)
Section III: Pilot History
Please provide a brief history of yourself.
Some things you can include are;
Your Origin
About your personality
Any previous ventures you have undergone
born on planet cambridge , Aaron johnson's father was Lt.commander aboard battleship norfolk and his mother was a professor of xenoarcheology int the cambridge university. after college(his parents were well off) aaron set out to explore sirius and seek his fortune. once, while moving around omicron gamma's malvada nebula with an osprey and a dromedary (zoners) aaron encountered some unseen ships jump from an unrecognized jump hole(later omicron 90). without warning, the visitors opened fire . badly damaged, aaron's eagle came apart and he passed out.waking up at planet crete , he worked there to earn credits and buy a ship. he vowed vengeance to the blue ships(nomads). he returned to bretonia to meet his parents. from there he left to liberty to earn credits and dispose his starflier.he reached planet erie in pennsylvania and bought a civilian shuttle. then he was back to bretonia, stationed at newcastle ( bs ark royal).he stumbled upon a jump hole while chasing mollies. there he was almost killed but was saved by the order(whom he had heard were nomad hunters).returning to pennsylvania, he sent a communique to them ,waiting , for a response..................................................... Section IV: Other (OoRP Section) NOTE: Skype is a requirement for communication purposes
Skype name:narrajayanth1212
Timezone: gmt +5.30
Please provide a summary of how active you think you will be in the Order|? Example: What hours do you come online? Do you check the forums regularly?
i come online about everyday around 7 pm(refer above timezone).i also check the forums regularly. Have you ever been sanctioned on the Discovery RP 24/7 Server? If so, please provide details.
no . I am just another player who follows rules. Do you agree to be excellent, follow and the rules of the server and forums, and to respect the admin and moderation team and your fellow players?
Recent change , 4 weeks of secondary fleet experience.
Name: Aelita Xandra Stone
Gender: Female
Age: Twenty Four
Height: 5’4
Weight: 57.7 kg (127.2 lb)
Section II: About You Why do you want to join the Primary Fleet? She stands before the camera and crosses her arms and looks around “Well I believe my work would be better suited for the Primary fleet because I’ve been in the Secondary Fleet for a while but always felt that I was doing the least I could do to help humanity at best…”
She taps her foot on the floor thinking “Well I’m not sure what else to say; like I stated; I feel I’m doing the under amount of best work possible that I really could be doing and wish to help the Primary Fleet beyond that of my normal stature.”
How long have you been in the Secondary (Independent) Fleet?
“Let’s see…close to four years now? Maybe a bit longer…kinda hard to remember exactly how long ago I joined the Secondary Fleet…but my rough guess is four years max time.” (//2-3 years rough total for OORP standards\\)
What do you think you can bring to us in the Primary Fleet
“Well I know my way around Sirius; I’ve been in most of the houses; including Gallia and know a lot of people. Yes I know that’s nothing major however in some cases it can be. Beyond that I know my way around crafting small drones…erm…” She pauses for a moment
“Well I guess I’ve always hoped to do more for the Order ever sense what happened back in Minor; those damn Nomads and Bounty Hunters damaged my ship enough that I was stranded in space for a good year and a half before one of the Primaries found me and rescued me…” She pauses once more
“Anyways I am hoping I can prevent that which happened during the genocide of Minor by supporting and working with the Primary Forces”
Please rate your combat skills out of 10 (10 being the best)(Please note: Having a higher score does not affect your application)
Fighter Combat: 7.4
“I’m not that good in a fighter but I know my way around the block with one and can take out a target sometimes in basic combat.”
Bomber Combat: 7.9
“While I might not be good in a fighter craft; I know how to use a bomber craft better than a fighter; as a matter of fact, the bomber was the first ship I got during my time in the Secondary Fleet.”
Gunship Combat: 9.8
“Over all my top skill; a gunship is where I am at my peak of combat skill; as I know how to almost challenge on other gunships and still come out alive or take on groups of smaller classes.”
Cruiser & Battleship Combat: 4.0
“Ehh…Capital ship combat; not my best skill; as a matter of fact I hold almost no skill in capital ships to say the least; as most the time when in fighting with one; I normally have a hard time holding out on my own.”
Section III: Pilot History
Please provide a brief history of yourself.
Some things you can include are;
Your Origin
“My native house I came from is Kusari and Liberty however my parents were both Zoner’s. I joined the Freelancer’s after a group of angered Corsairs destroyed my parent’s ship when I was sixteen and I remained on the run from them for a good year. I eventually found my way to Liberty and over time I joined the LSF for a short time before defecting to the Order after my supervisor said I was not cut out for the LSF…”
“Uhh…And by saying I was not cut out for the job; I mean he came into my office with two armed guards and proceeded to turn my office into an Oh-My-God-Look-At-This-Mess kinda thing…”
About your personality
“Calm, Collective; I can remain calm in most situations where…others may not…I however can get aggressive when the time requires me to never the less; however more often than not I can stay collective of my mood or actions.”
“I also can say in the past others have found it to be a joy around me for reasons I cannot fully recall. But I guess it’s because I tend to try to stay on the good side of people rather than the aggressive or angered side; unless I’m required to survive that is…”
Any previous ventures you have undergone
“I could go on for a while really to say the least; I’ve been in many armies; and kicked out for various reasons. I’ve been in the Red Hessians and Freelancers for a while as well. Above that I tended to travel a lot in the past from the Omicrons to Gallia and from the Omegas to Kusari. I also was…almost killed by the Bounty Hunters and Corsairs but that was the past…”
“I also used to travel to other house locations to study and Learn about them. For a while I just was a Freelancer who traveled and learned a lot about the people of Sirius; and Gallia’s to…Uhh…when I was twenty is when I joined the Order; from there on in; a guy named Jimmy Patterson and Jeremy Hunter helped me on my way in the Order.” She smiles slightly and looks down
“I remember walking into the bar one time…and god I nearly pulled a gun on Hunter is how much I nearly freaked out…”
Section IV: Other (OoRP Section) NOTE: Skype is a requirement for communication purposes
Skype name: Boogie Man (Clayton/Shizune)
Timezone: (UTC -06:00) Central Canada & American Time
Please provide a summary of how active you think you will be in the Order|? Example: What hours do you come online? Do you check the forums regularly?
Very active; I got a lot of down time as I’m only in two other primary factions that require little to almost no need of my time unless requested.
I come on 3:20 PM normally during the school year and leave around midnight’ish; sometimes earlier and later on the weekends
Have you ever been sanctioned on the Discovery RP 24/7 Server? If so, please provide details.
For a recall; yes and no; I can recall two times it was nearly close enough however
1: I had a FL ID’ed Fearless that I was still repping and got caught by a player and got warned about that.
2: I posted an image in the flood that I didn’t fully think it over before posting; my fault never the less so I lost posting rights for 48 hours.
Other than that; no, I try to keep a clean nose around the server and forums.
Do you agree to be excellent, follow and the rules of the server and forums, and to respect the admin and moderation team and your fellow players?
I have yet to go against this. Most people know I’m not a disrespectful person because normally its against my nature to be disrespectful.
Yes I follow the rules to the letter and to my best abilities. I respect the admins and mod’s fully; they might not be the best of the people on the server but they try their damn well best to keep the server up.
Yes I’ll be respectful to fellow players; although I can be a butt sometimes on some topic’s; I tend to keep to myself over all.
Applicants Stone, Schultz and "Tanis" - we already spoke concerning your membership. You are accepted. Meanwhile to Aaron Johnson, you will be under probationary period under my agents. They will decide whether you are good enough.