Kudos to TBH, CNS and whoever was a corsair back there that took part in the pew in Gamma earlier and also for that little rp there. To me it was fun, even if we lost.
I've never seen so many corsair ships at a time :p
(01-27-2019, 01:42 PM)Dark.Star Wrote: Kudos to TBH, CNS and whoever was a corsair back there that took part in the pew in Gamma earlier and also for that little rp there. To me it was fun, even if we lost.
I've never seen so many corsair ships at a time :p
It was almost like old times massive Kudos to everyone there!
(01-27-2019, 07:35 PM)Dark_Knight Wrote: Kudos to whoever played Ehrenberg of the Rheinland Military for the fun small RP between him and my Unioner, Val.
That'd be me. Came here to say: Kudos to you for not just ignoring messages and running. Great bit of RP. Thank you!