Name: Hidetaka Kojima
Ship: Odani-maru
Konbanwa, friend.
So, how are you doing these days? I had plenty of trouble in Bretonia. Not only that because of my past, but also because BAF went pretty nervous after one of their officers shot down Kusari Imperial and whole Kusari Exiles will be withdrawing from Bretonia.
Guess they are still pretty annoyed by the fact that Kusari crushed them at Leeds.
Since I'm pretty out of date, what is happening around there? Should I keep my brand-new neutral Freelance papers or revert to old good times? I'm thinking about the latter, because BAF pretty pissed me off after all these interrogations and I don't quite care about Bretonian and Gallic war, conquest and that stuff anymore...
Not that I would be visiting Bretonia in a peaceful way soon. I'm pretty close to be triggered and pirate indiscriminately all the targets that have any cargo of value.
Oh yes, I obtained another Pelican, callsign is Odani-maru.
Odani-maru must take some repairs, as the engine happened to infuse some sort of dust from Omicrons - I think buying used tech from Corsairs hasn't been a good idea, I need to get engines from one of these Core guys - there's plenty of lost ships in Omicron Delta at the moment to choose from.
In the meantime, I have contacted one of the "highs" from 343, cause there's a guy causing some trouble in Taus. To be honest, I've heard he wanted to contact us, but on the other hand, joining Blood Dragon in directl assaults onto 343 was a bit too much. We must cut down the tensions in some manner, until they get out of our control. We already have Hogosha goons after us, as they - again - grew pretty active.
As for the guy, check after some ship called Rogue. If it is played right, we will have an additional vessel in our collection - with or without its captain. I prefer the latter, since he made some huge mistakes.
Its always good to learn you're still out there Hide. I've spent the last while zipping in and out of the Barrier Pass, on the lookout for a bounty target and gathering information for another job for a Junker friend. I could always use an extra set of hands, and ships, to add to the mix. I'm not far from Tau-29, so I'll swing around Freeport 6 the next chance I get and keep an eye out for this 'Rogue' you speak of. As long as whoever's in command is playin our tune, I'm happy to give them a chance. Perhaps you and this other ship can be of help to me out here. As to the 343, I'd be happy keep this one out of their hair with a few well paid tasks here in the barrier. That way I get closer to my goals, and help you folks avoid arousing any of the local forces, whoever they are.
Once you're back in good shape, make your way over to my side of Sirius and we can get out and about again. A recent hiccup in neural net comms eradicated my old frequencies for our Pelican captains. I'd like to try to track some of them down out here as well, and you could help me cover a wider area. Until then, fly safe. The Argo should still be in once piece by the time you get here!
Our meeting has been a pretty interesting one, because I wasn't really expecting you in Cortez, while all these attacks around by GRN are happening. On the other hand, it would be one of the most vital routes between Bretonia and Liberty for now, unless GRN would stop their actions in Magellan.
As for the GRN, I've double checked the area and it happens that California is under constant assault. Good and bad for us, I say, since the efforts of Liberty finally pissed GRN off, so there wouldn't be another body to govern around Tau Systems. On the other hand, it's bad, because Cortez may also be target for the GRN sooner or later. For now, traders await.
Oh yes, you were talking about the Congress and shipments. Please do elaborate onto their actions that might take place soon.
I found out that GMG have a new toy. I've heard its a pretty nice counter for the Corsair and Outcast gunboats, so it must give a neat punch and be reliable as hell. My current intel tells me that GMG obtains few these "Bishamon"-class (huh, I thought only Hogosha uses such a nomenclature) but they seem to be able to start a massive production in a few weeks.
Since I do not want to get into trouble with unchecked data, I must seek counsel with you or any of your comrades. Perhaps they would provide more info regarding that new ship, how much there are and - possibly - try to sneak behind GMG and get one of these beauties. Of course, it would mean I'd not to be found in Sigmas, because our GMG friends would be... pretty annoyed about it.
I also heard they do have some early prototypes of that vessel, but I'm not sure if Miners would be keep to scrap it. If not, We could always ask some Outcasts to... make that vessel missing. Even the pure hull of that vessel would be suitable for me, as I know some tricks to fill it with all other electronic crap.
Well friend, sorry I didn't get back to you earlier. I've been trying to keep training some of the captains I recruited to join us in Pelicans last month. Due to the net crash I lost contact with them for some time. Thankfully we're getting back on track and I think it will work out well for us.
Firstly, as to this new GMG gunboat, I am certainly interested in any intel on the matter, especially if any of our enemies might wind up with such ships. However I doubt I'll be able to get myself or any of the others over to the Sigmas for a while yet. I've been running around all over, in and out of the Taus, back to Liberty, and basing myself out of my personal operations center on Barrier Gate Station. As much as I'd like to, I'd prefer to avoid rustling the GMG hornet's nest unless absolutely necessary. If things go well over the next week or so... Just try to rendezvous with me and any others, and we can discuss a way to get a 'volunteer' in and out for some information gathering.
Secondly, as to the Congress problem I mentioned at our last rendzevous, just look out for any of their ships as best you can, if you can. Its the usual problem with mercenaries cashing in on their dreams of heroism and 'honor'. We can't save every Freelancer or non affiliated Junker out there, but I am sworn to protect Congress ships regardless of what they're shipping. Their vessels have been warned about the threat and are taking measures. Hopefully we have minimized any potential losses, but I'll continue to base myself out of Coronado for a while yet. Remember, any extra work you do to help out will be additionally compensated for.
As to the GRN activity lately, it's been quite alarming to see such a Gallic presence in Liberty house space. This is getting out of hand. Unfortunately all we can do is continue our usual business for now. There's not much our Pelicans can do about an armada of battleships. I'll let the soldiers on the front do their thing. In the mean time, even just yesterday we intercepted a GMS Transport in Tau-29, and made him pay up for trading in occupied territory. I advise continuing to hit their economy as often as we can. I suppose if things in California turn even more sour, we'll have to stash our transports, take to bombers ourselves, and join the party... Something I never considered except in the event of another Nomad invasion. Try to stay in once piece, you know where to find me.
Ah yes, entire operation with Bishamon would made myself a number one on a GMG hit-list. Well, the Odani-maru will be refurbished for a way cheaper price, efforts and all other things - given that Rochester and some other bases are quite happily full of scrap. Perhaps I'd even give her a new name - what would give me some time to think about it.
As for the Junker Congress, I must keep an eye on that. While I cannot do much in order not to get too suspicious around house space, I could be always hired by third party smugglers and petty traders, so that's not a problem. But as for the mercenaries, I am clearly quite anxious about blade-for-hire out there. I don't need to point out I always hated such a sort like Hunters Guild.
As for the Gauls, California is a mess. And I mean it, with entire New York system. GRN, Nomads, Core, Liberty Navy, Hellfire Legion, ex-Core, Xenos... I'm not sure what I am to expect yet in there. Some say that Kusari is the place of the weird - Liberty proves it to be quite opposite, I dare say.
Hello there, I do recall you are still alive. Today's day was pretty easy-going, namely testing out new toy you saw some time ago. I named her Chikuzen - as my Kusari roots are still, somehow, present and they won't move even an inch. Ha!
As for the business, like stated in the previous message, I happily concluded the operation with The Congress. I came across their ships in Tau-29 as I undocked from Freeport-6 and offered them a free-of-charge escort duties to Omicron Alpha. Right back from there, I and The Congress' shipper - as I replaced the "Corvo"-class frigate as escort - went around into Kansas and Puerto Rico - all with Cardamine. Thank the gods that GRN and LNS were busy with each other in Magellan.
Then, I have encountered the other Junker ship "Salvager"-class vessel, as I shipped Cardi directly to Houston, instead of keeping it onto La Fortaleza, then returned with some Hull Panels for La Fortaleza. After roaming around Puerto Rico and making myself more familiar with that system, I docked with Arecibo Base.
Well, I believe that's all for now... Oh yes, my Chikuzen needed some repairs, because Neutron Star happened to burst some rays towards my ship. Well, if I start illuminate at night right now, it's something more serious than a low-level radiation I've encountered.