Blossom shrugged it off and trotted toward the hangar. She took off in silence.
"You still have your half of the deal to keep up, Naomi." She said as she ran the regular weapons and engine tests. Ravager sat in her Raven Claw practically rolling back in forth in laughter.
"Oh, you mean that 'wasn't' my part?" Naomi replied, giggling.
"Well... there is the fact that the ship you're flying looks like a Giant nose... Aren't you supposed to be scary?"
Naomi paused for a moment, looking back and forth between Ravager's ship, Margarita's horrific Waran, and the various other ships flying about in the vicinity of Ainu.
"I've got it! Follow me."
Naomi lead off toward the Jumphole to Tau-65. While normally, non-chrysanthemums were rarely allowed within, and certianly not without proper authorisation, Phantoms were the noted exception.
After a moderately long flight, they arrived at Takeda shipyards. The Guard patrols and service ships kept their distance. Naomi docked first, followed closely by Blossom. As soon as she touched down, Naomi got out and walked over to the Phantom ship.
"So, Margie. I think I have something here you'll like." She said, leading the Phantom over to a parking area.
Several newly completed GC bombers sat idle on the pad. All ready for distribution to the sisterhood's squadrons.
Blossom took off her helmet as soon as she landed. When she left her ship, Naomi was waiting and motioned her to follow. Blossom pulled the few knots out of her hair as she followed Naomi.
"You like?"
Blossom looked around nervously, "Well, uhm... They're... Very pretty." The excitement was visible on her face.
"Well then, just wait here." She said, walking over to the local dockmaiden overseeing the hangar. Naomi spoke in Kusarian (in a slightly distressed tone), barganing with the Dockmaiden to let one of the ships go. Initally, she seemed hesitant, until it became apparant Margarita was a Phantom.
Immedietly, the dockmaiden became frightened and ran to get the activation key for one of the ships, handed it to Naomi, and hid in the control booth. Naomi walked back over to Margie waving the key infront of her.
Blossom smiled and blushed deeply when she was kissed. She stood awkwardly while watching Noami talk to the dockworker. Not understanding the conversation, she smiled and waved when they looked at her... And the dock worker quickly ran off. Blossom sighed, but perked up when Naomi began strutting back.
"Alright hon, it's all yours!" She said, smiling.
Blossom brought her hand up to take it, "R-really?"
"Yeah, really." She said, opening the cockpit with a remote attached to the ship activation key.
"I'll bet the scary Phantom guns will go great with it. And it's a whole lot better then that crap-box you had." She said, lieing about the last part. "Just transfer the guns and stuff from your ship, and you're ready to go."
She smiled at the glee and excitement in Margerita's eyes, happy that she had made someone's day. Even if it was a Phantom.
Blossom jumped on Naomi and gave her a big hug. "Hehe... Thank you!"
The Orchid was already being moved to the docking bay where the weaponry would be transferred. She ran after her new ship giggling, mostly to make sure no one made off with any of the tech on the old Waran that they weren't supposed to.
Margarita stood with her head on Noami's should watching the techs detach the weaponry of her old ugly "nose" to the new, beautiful instrument of death. By comparison, the Orchid was a work of art a true masterpiece with which to further the goals of her Empire... Fun.
When the techs were done, Margarita kissed Naomi on the cheek and ran off to her Waran to make sure she didn't leave anything in there before throwing her helmet back on and jumping in the Orchid. "See you in space!" Her voice came through slightly distorted by the audio system in the helmet.
Within minuites, the two Phantoms and Naomi were flying about outside Takeda. Naomi, tired, and with little else to do, prepared to head back to Ainu.
"Well, it's been fun... hope you enjoyed our little girls night in, Margie... *giggles*. And the new ship."
Naomi blew a kiss as the two Phantoms prepared to depart themselves. Soon afterward, she turned and left, heading back home to Ainu.
Several hours later, she lay falling asleep in her bed on Ainu, the sheets still tossed about from 'earlier'. It was at about this point, now in the middle of the 'night' on the station, that the realisation hit the Chrysanthemum.
"Ack! I slept with a PHANTOM! And Lived!..."
She lay awake for several hours, her thoughts going back and forth between Margarita's sweet demeanor, and the reality of her nature. In the end though, Naomi felt happy for herself, and the woman she had met.
Margarita waved goodbye, quietly and followed Ravager out of the system... Enough time had been wasted, and there was 'business' to conduct, but first she had to return to the Eidolon to explain how she lost the ship she was assigned. Once in Hokkaido, she plotted course to the Temple of the Eidolon and split from Ravager's wing.
The Walker Nebula in Omega-47, an orange glow that reminded her dreadfully of her home planet. Margarita sighed. There wasn't much to do but explain how she managed to get a new ship. She decided to keep mention of Naomi to herself as a memory of... Temporary caring and warmth, even if it was superficial.
Margarita didn't like the Eidolon. It was sparse, and she was constantly reminded of the orange drug she was still addicted to by the cloud hiding the base. The Revenant wasn't much better, but at least it was near her home, and looked as dreary as she felt. The Eidolon was never built for effect, it was built for efficiency. But it was her new home until she was assigned to a sector of Sirius or was recalled to the original Temple.
Surprisingly, no one took notice of the change of ship when she landed. No one cared. It was almost as if this was a normal occurrence. She quickly realized that she shouldn't be too surprised, after all their fleet was comprised of ships from across Sirius, each pilot choosing a ship to fit. Moros with his Eagle, cute little Pitchfork with her Praetorian...
...and Gloom, standing next to his old Rheinland Military Bomber, wearing a suit of powered armor, white in color and polished to a mirror scheme, the light reflecting off its surface...
a sight not matching the empty gaze of his eyes, focused on some distant star out there in space, and the sad look on his face.
He was singing to himself, quietly, almost impossible to hear by anyone else around...
[font=Palatino Linotype]"Turn the tear-stained pages of our story.
Our world, our friends, our families are warring.
Behold, the blood bathed fields are drenched with battle.
In a world of death, does anything really matter?
The fire's decided to chase us away,
The darkness has come and it's chosen to stay.
We're the ones you want to be here waiting for,
We're the children of the war..."
...until he noticed the new arrival.
He turned around, and the look on his face changed.
The stare was gone, the sadness was replaced by... no sign of any emotion.
Until he spoke.