I understand the idea of drawing inspiration from something, being creative and adding your own twists to something. But to blatantly import something as well as have the audacity of expecting a chance is too far for my tastes and apparently a chunk of the community. Unless you want to be the most despised unofficial faction, I suggest you take this back to the drawing board and drop it.
Or if you want to be really safe, take this concept behind the barn and shoot it.
@Wild Eagle - I do this cuz why not? I can't find any reason to not make goon faction in disco it has rp potential, can use pirate id and its something new.
@Reeves - As i said i wouldn't waste my time to make faction if im not goin to take it seriosly.
(07-09-2016, 09:55 AM)xManBG Wrote: @Wild Eagle - I do this cuz why not? I can't find any reason to not make goon faction in disco it has rp potential, can use pirate id and its something new.
@Reeves - As i said i wouldn't waste my time to make faction if im not goin to take it seriosly.
You evidently weren't serious enough when you decided to actually make this a thread.
(07-09-2016, 09:55 AM)xManBG Wrote: @Wild Eagle - I do this cuz why not? I can't find any reason to not make goon faction in disco it has rp potential, can use pirate id and its something new.
@Reeves - As i said i wouldn't waste my time to make faction if im not goin to take it seriosly.
You evidently weren't serious enough when you decided to actually make this a thread.
Lets be honest bruh most comments in this thread are not constructive at all but just whining how bad this import is . Gib it a chance bruh stop being conservative cuz thats prolly one of the main reasons why the community is not growing . From now on only constructive feedback will be taken seriosly rest is just spam.
Seeing as how this is becoming a thing for people to base their opinions against, and since it seems that people are actually getting mad over it, I thought I'd try and provide a bit of.. well, let's call it 'constructively-not-so-constructive' criticism.
Firstly, I've never played EVE, so I'll figure that I'm missing crucial info that could help me understand the direct port people are raging about. As @Reeves stated, influence is fine. There are dozens of inspired factions, characters and even ships across Disco. Porting..? Not too well received, at least.. from what I've experienced here. Porting just shows an aptitude for laziness and no sense of creativity, something that doesn't really flow well in a universe flowing with creative thinkers, characters and factions on top of all the drama. If you can, spice it up, so that it looks less like a port and more like an actual attempt to create something interesting.
Secondly, the background makes almost little to no sense. The Navy would, realistically, have a battlegroup of warships at Los Angeles, if not for any other reason but simply because of the Yukon. War may have broken out in the south, but Liberty isn't dumb enough to take the hold off of California. If anything, they'd be awaiting some form of surprise attack from other forces, like the Outcasts, Hackers or even the Legion. Plus, I'm certain that if the whole group could 'hyperjump' out and end up in Kansas, there would be a Legion force either in waiting, or ready to head out at a moment's notice.
I'm probably getting way too technical with this, so take some of it with a grain of salt. My lore isn't fully fleshed out, and I'm still grasping the pasts of most of the disco factions, even after my time here. It just goes to show that you can't skimp out on the subtleties of the lore, and just insert a faction into the hell that is the Disco universe.
If you can fix up these little bits, and distance yourself from the ported faction you've brought into Disco, then I'd look forward to seeing you in space.
Until then, however, I'm afraid this may be some of the only 'positive' feedback you'll get. Ta-ta!
P.S.: Also.. 'Bruh' got old like three decades ago, so I'd suggest you stop with it, or at least tad it down a bit, if you want to be taken seriously.