Hello, I apologize I just got in from work right now. I wasn't aware that we had set a date, so I didn't think it would be running today. This would be the reason the Hogosha didn't show up. However, seeing now that we're ready to run it, how does next week work for everyone? same time next Saturday?
Duty and honour
Elder Ruuku Ochi, So-Honbucho of The Black Dragon Society
I'm sorta glad it's getting resceduled. Ronin can't make it, Friday went to bed, Taro's on vacation, Saheto is on break, ProwlerPC is working on a writeup, and I am going to Dimi McEwan's funeral procession.
Anyway, I am fine with a week from 21 minutes from now.
And wasn't the event supposed to be in 21 minutes? Some people seem to think it was 39 minutes ago.
' Wrote:Haha don't call the KNF 'gaijin', it's a quick ticket to a spanking. (Edit: Plus, Ronin won't be fighting them... sooo.....)
The real concern is that we have not heard from the Hogosha or Corsairs recently.
Comm Id: Ronin|Mitumoto_Rosanjin
Incomming Transmission:
And who will do the spanking, sir?!?
Gaidjin was the best word I could manage to call to a person that still comply the orders of the corrupted. Altough they call themselfs the Kusari Naval Forces and they're under the orders of corrupted goverment. The Emperor, that we all know, it's badly advised by corrupted councelers and court nobles, even if he trys to be fair, honorable and correct, can not see things with open eyes but with the point of view of the corrupted (and that view, ladies and gentlemen, it's blured and follows the interrest of their hidden agenda).
OOC: it's really hard to keep track of all the in game characters that a person has, when they just post things without identifying if it's RP char opinion or their OOC opinion.
"Political correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end"
While it's better I'll be keeping the above as 'rumors'...I hope the original comment which was maybe making some more sense...has been received by the involved parties.
Quote:Will not be able to make it today. Also, in the future I suggest you don't have this an hour before the KNF/BAF event.
My suggestion for a more appropriate time would be sometime not during the weekend, as everyone and their dog and the fleas on their dog is going to be online and trying to hold events. Of course, I do realize that this doesn't work for a lot of people, but it sure works better for me.
Also, the event planning forum is by default OOC just to clarify for those who don't know.
edit: besides, "gaijin" means something like "barbarian foreigner". Not even KNF and BD call each other gaijin, despite how much they hate each other. It's the difference between talking to people in your "family" and talking to strangers.
In terms of non-weekend events - I have every second Friday off (part of the reason for my username;)) - this means every GMT Thursday onwards is potentially free for me.
In terms of an 'endearing' name for the KNF and Ronin to call each other...
I agree gaijin is not appropriate. Factions should choose an english name, and I can offer some Kusari translations based on this translation server...
For example we call a Hogosha 'Batu' or pig, a play on the Hog in Hogosha.
In turn, the Hogosha could call us 'Shouki', meaning swamp gas or methane (and we know what that smells like;)).
For the Ronin, I would suggest a less antagonistic name for Naval Forces personnel might be 'Boushin', meaning blind acceptance; blind faith; credulity.