No way! Table top warhammer is SO much better the DoW.
Even though ir costs like 40 dollars canadian for 20 guardsmen, its worth it. I play Imperial guard BTW, and I have around 2100 points, which includes a Inquisitor Lord and his Retinue. NOt too mention a HUGE fleet of around 2200 points of battlefleet gothic. GO PLAY BATTLEFLEET GOTHIC!!!! IF YOU LOVE FREELACNER YOU WILL RIGHT NOW!!!
' Wrote:No way! Table top warhammer is SO much better the DoW.
Even though ir costs like 40 dollars canadian for 20 guardsmen, its worth it. I play Imperial guard BTW, and I have around 2100 points, which includes a Inquisitor Lord and his Retinue. NOt too mention a HUGE fleet of around 2200 points of battlefleet gothic. GO PLAY BATTLEFLEET GOTHIC!!!! IF YOU LOVE FREELACNER YOU WILL RIGHT NOW!!!
' Wrote:No way! Table top warhammer is SO much better the DoW.
Even though ir costs like 40 dollars canadian for 20 guardsmen, its worth it. I play Imperial guard BTW, and I have around 2100 points, which includes a Inquisitor Lord and his Retinue. NOt too mention a HUGE fleet of around 2200 points of battlefleet gothic. GO PLAY BATTLEFLEET GOTHIC!!!! IF YOU LOVE FREELACNER YOU WILL RIGHT NOW!!!
As you can see right there Exile, it leads to the dark side..
NOTE: Double posting is evil, hence playing 40k table top leads to the dark side.. :P
Wtf, thats weird. I didn;t mean to double post and it didn't auto-merge them....
WEll, at least go to your local bookstore and pick up all the Warhammer 40k books u can see. the best war novels ever, and they are all really well written.
Yes! the Novels rule! I personaly would get the Omnibuses, because its 3 books in one that cost the same as 1 and bit more regular books! Its totally worth it!
This is the official webpage for the Warhammer and Warhammer 40K online bookseller.
But remember, ALL these books are found at your local book seller. I was told by a Gamesworkshop employee once that the Games Worksho people don't put the acctual official stores on hgh priority for shipping their books. The big places like CHapters or Barnes and Nobel will have them, and then small independant places will have them too.