adding onto my cloning RP idea...what if in Discovery you could make it that when you die you lose your ship, spawn back at your factions base with money your ship and equipment cost to buy.....kinda like your clone becomes activated and the insurance you had on your stuff is there for you.
so you can respawn but you have to get your ship and equipment back...which takes don't lose money due to insurance, and the RP explanation of it is solved....even if the battle is at your home base and your home base sells a good'll take time to load it up and get back into the fight. plus for those that die it'll give you something to do and it'll make people spend more time in the game getting their stuff back....
Not to flame, Friend, have you ever had four IRON HAMMERS shot out of you cargo hold, and been forced to buy another set? Do you know how expensive it is to pay for a capship loadout?
Another problem: the same as farming cash with new chars. You could just take a big destroyer, load all the equipment from a bunch of fighters into your hold, line em up, and blow friendlies out of the sky. Instant bling.
Quote:Quick comment - we thought that Panzer was the Leader, Swift. -Agmen
' Wrote:adding onto my cloning RP idea...what if in Discovery you could make it that when you die you lose your ship, spawn back at your factions base with money your ship and equipment cost to buy.....kinda like your clone becomes activated and the insurance you had on your stuff is there for you.
so you can respawn but you have to get your ship and equipment back...which takes don't lose money due to insurance, and the RP explanation of it is solved....even if the battle is at your home base and your home base sells a good'll take time to load it up and get back into the fight. plus for those that die it'll give you something to do and it'll make people spend more time in the game getting their stuff back....
everyone wins
whatcha think?
Not sure how that would work or if you would get all the money back because in FL when you go to buy a ship it's always a little less in worth then when you actually bought it so unless the admins can work out that kink not sure it will work, but nice idea anyways.
' Wrote:i'm new to discovery but i'm not new to role playing.....
-docking in combat makes perfect RP sense especially in a home system.
-rearming and repairing(getting a new ship) makes sense too, your attacking someone's home base so it shouldn't be easy. Saying they shouldn't be able to dock and come back out would not make much RP sense...attacking a fully fortified and populated base and not expecting to run into defenders resembling a swarm of bees is not realistic.
-In other space RP games (EVE-Online) they dealt with death by having Clones which would make sense RP wise. at the home base you could have a clone of yourself and you could say that everytime you take off your memories are downloaded as a backup incase you die.
-having your opponent dock in battle seems like it would make it harder to dominate their home system which makes sense and it would make it an even sweeter victory if you can completely drive them back to their homebase and keep them there for an extended amount of time blasting them everytime they undock.
am i making sense?
i don't argue that it's frustrating to have an enemy almost dead just to have them dock. maybe pick your battle ground a bit better next time...either way if an opponent runs count it as a win and run yourself...chalk it up as a skirmish and try drawing them away from dock.
- maybe one thing to help with the docking problem is not enable the instant docking (with stations or planets) to me instant docking with stations or planets doesn't make RP sense either unless you want to take damage and possibly blow your ship up anyway. to safely dock it needs that sequence.
i hope i'm not talking out of my butt, i just had some ideas i thought i'd throw at ya
You use the examples of EVE-online, yet your also talking about legalizing the dock and repair method. I play EVE-online. There are ways to keep people from instant docking and repairing. One of these methods is to set up warp disrupter bubbles around the station. They would have to rely on afterburners and MWDs to get to the base, which can be stopped by the enemy using stasis webifiers. In Freelancer, you can't do that. The only way to stop someone from cruising to the mooring point is to cruise disrupt them, which can't be done once the other ship is in cruise. And there is no way to stop them from going just on thrusters which if they are a fighter, is 200 m/s (gets there quite fast enough..), or 130m/s for GBs/transports/Cruisers.
Yes, it SHOULD be allowed to dock and repair, except that the game does not allow us to have any form of stopping them from doing it. We can't stop them from insta-docking a mooring port. Because of this, battles WOULD NEVER END. Everyone would just keep docking and docking. 'It would make it an even sweeter victory if you can completely drive them back to their homebase." No it wouldn't The other team would just keep undocking and instant-docking until you were dead. The amount of time it takes to kill a ship in FL would stop you from being able to kill them instantly every time they undock. Though this isn't a pvp server, its an RP server, alot of it is still pvp. RP-fights are everywhere. If this was done, those fights would be won by whoever has the right to dock at the base thats 5k away. There would be no pvp on this server AT ALL.
QUOTE: "Not to flame, Friend, have you ever had four IRON HAMMERS shot out of you cargo hold, and been forced to buy another set? Do you know how expensive it is to pay for a capship loadout?
Another problem: the same as farming cash with new chars. You could just take a big destroyer, load all the equipment from a bunch of fighters into your hold, line em up, and blow friendlies out of the sky. Instant bling."
i never said anything about replacing stuff in your cargo hold did i? with my idea you only get money back for what you have money too...not the sell you don't lose money which means that you could make new characters for money because you'd only get a small amount per kill, you'd be better off mining or something. and i would imagine the admins could see someone making new characters and deleteing them over and over anyway
i've not played EVE in atleast 3 years, i quit when they introduced the first big named expansion. there some way to have the minimum dock distance changed for planets and stations? i know that if your in a big ship and you come in at a wierd angle on some stations and hit dock it makes you go back out and align with the docking moor and slooooowly come in....would it work to increase the minimum docking distance? so that even if you get right up next to the station it would make you go back out to the minimum and slooooowly come in....if that is possible what distance would you say the minimum should be to make it fair.
surely this idea is possible seeing as you can make new mooring points and such right?
these are just ideas to help your problems guys i don't know if they are possible. i figured i'd try to help
The game engine for Freelancer has rather a lot of limitations, and the work involved in changing a great deal
of the existing parts would be enormous.
Eve it ain't ... And I stopped playing a while ago too. While parts of this mod, and the roleplay are going gently
in that direction, and not a bad thing for those wishing to make more of the overall opportunities, the core game
cannot support massive upgrades.
We have to live with obvious limitations, and make the best of the situation we have. Lets not try to complicate
the game or the rules so much, it becomes unplayable.
Some say he is a proud member of: "The most paranoid group of people in the Community."
How's this sound...i was just on my "thinking chair" and came up with this.....
why not make all dockable entities act like trade lanes? when you take a trade lanes life bar down to zero, you can't dock with it. why not have everything else act the same way? makes perfect RP sense and would limit docking in combat...yes they would repair themselves via repair crews but it would take time and would be easy to keep the life bar down so they can't dock.
it's already in game so i'd think (i'm no programmer) it'd just be rearranging some code as opposed to writing new right?
to me this seems like the best bet to solve the it'd be kinda tricky too (which makes sense) to have part of the attacking force concentrate on keeping the base down while the rest take care of the defenders.