Wolfpack98,Nov 17 2005, 04:27 PM Wrote:Since the concept of lag has come up..
For those of you on CABLE MODEM of any kind, please remember this.
The technology isn't advanced enough to provide each user with their own dedicated 'pipe' yet. If you use cable modem during peak TV times (prime time, usually) you'll notice your connection rates go down. it happens here and in Germany i'm told.
The connection rate is heavily dependent on the load on the line. This can have several factors:
1) number of TV viewers using digital cable
2) Number of people surfing the web on digital cable modems
3) speed of the upstream providers (ISP)
So, the connection can very from person to person. the ping times I get from my home to the FL server varies between 180 and 280 (yes, it hit 280 at one point..)
Just a FYI for you non-technical guys (and gals)
-- from a Network Administrator...
The technology used in cablemodem is rather old. It is a bus topology, half duplex, that uses RG-59 coaxial cable. That was one of the first topologies for networks.
The speed of it is not affected by the amount of TV users. Given that TV is not bi-directional, and it is not transmitted on demand. The TV signal is allways there, being transmited continuously. So the bandwidth used by TV is constant.
Also, the internet signal goes on a different frequency, it uses channel 001 to transmit and 125 to receive (it depends on the provider).
But the speed of cablemodem is affected by the amount of users connetced to a node, because the ports are shared among users. So, the more users, the higher the lag.
Also security is a concern on those networks, because all the machines on a node are in the same network, and can see each other perfectly. (believe me, with a friend who had the same provider, we could access each other machines as if they were in the same LAN, and accessed files and folders that were shared)...
180-280 is quite good for this server. I usually get a lag between 300 and 420. (the lag goes to hell after the trans oceanic cable, goes from 70 to 300 in one hop).
Quote:Thats what where here for igiss, rolleyes.gif , to bad ill be in another country when i comes out lol
Wait a Sec.....THATS IT!!!! Igiss see the ship that the person is flying?, thats the one that was designed off a sleeper ship!!, maybe we can have that one 2??, pretty plz?
Hey. nice ship. Are those going to be included in 4.78?
And what kind of ship are you flying?
(If you find any mistake in my English, please let me know via a PM)
(Really, I speak terrible English, so please, tell me if I make mistakes. I'd like to improve it a bit )
talking about that ship Igiss is flying....... i might be wrong as i don't really like the starwars films (well, the newish ones anyway), but i think it looks more like a "Torpedo Frigate" from Homeworld 2 (or a similar frigate)
I thought it looked more like the Higgarren Battlecruiser than the frigate...
Still, they look very cool.
This is the real true story of rock and roll; it was not about anything more then, how to live your life, as a gangster, in sartorial splendor, and turning the world into a place where normality would never return again...- Malcolm McLaren
as founder of one of the best clans on hw2 online and a homeworlder since 1999, i can officialy say that this IS a higgaren (spelling, dont tell me IGISS!! :rtfm: ) battlecruiser, this is realy cool. will more hw2 ships be incorperated into the mod?
-----------------------off topic---------------------
can someone please help me find the ultimate mod that contains the largest amount of homeworld ships? please...
so thats cool :yahoo: :cool:
Little off topic, but was just wondering what mod package to download to get the HW2 ships? had a look on lancers reactor but can only find the first games ships and soemthing about ***EDIT 'WTS'*** mod with it. (my bad, keyboard wrote something else there lol :$ )
yep wts world is the only 1 i can find....
still back to the update topic....
will more hw/2 ships be incorperated? cause that would be awesome and i would tell the whole hw community to get freelancer AND DOWNLOAD THIS MOD AND ALL WILL BE WELL IN THE WORLD!!!!
:yahoo::yahoo: all will be well in the land of the good.....
(takes deep breath)