It doesn't lack in creativity or the like, but there are plot holes.
Why didn't this organisation, or the psychic dude not blast the Nomads with psychic powers?
He could have had the Bundschuh sneak him into Rheinland, and mental-fried the Nomads.
With RPs for characters and factions, especially ones that aren't evil, it is often a good idea to have humbler beginnings. That makes good's triumph all the sweeter.
but, in all seriousness, thats a good point...try, er...killing the founder...have some people, following his legacy...more of a dynasty than a god figure...have enough of those..
Even then, they sound like the Order MkII. This grates a touch.
Maybe, simplify a bit.
Maybe a group of Outcasts that wish to forcibly unite the Hispanic systems as the House Hispania, under 'Don whoever'.
They would most likely not pirate, but be attempting to reunite these peoples and be seeking to be regarded as a House in their own right. They might also end up coming to blows with other Outcasts.
...well, there's the fun little thing where Rockwood can't control the telekinesis thingies, for balance reasons (remember, trying to avoid the powerplaying?), and yes, Sol did explode, have you not seen the happy extended intro?
Rockwood didn't fry the Order's Nomad operation because, bluntly, the Foundation screwed up. It's one of the finer RP points I haven't written down just yet. The Nomad invasion the Order took down went completely under the Foundation's radar and almost took them down. Thank god the Order showed up and opened up the Hypergate.
Quote:Quick comment - we thought that Panzer was the Leader, Swift. -Agmen
It claims a certain dude from Pluto founded the Order. Orillion did, because he accidentally found out about the Nomads.
Plus, if the Nomads had such big guns, why didn't they use them on the Houses?
Now, it seems like you want semi-lawful Outcasts. I think you are going too deep into it. That can be done like in my previous suggestion without mentioning psychic powers, the Nomads or such like.
Baah...I don't think you really understand the way I play, do you? I don't do simple. The inference is that Rockwood founded the Order, but it doesn't actually say Rockwood founded the Order, hence, where did he go if we've got Orillion? I've got a place for him. And besides, at this point I'm not even trying to fit canon FL, or even semi-canon FL. Now I'm just warping it to fit my greedy little whims. As long as it works.
Quote:Quick comment - we thought that Panzer was the Leader, Swift. -Agmen
Isn't it easier to do reasonably simple, and let the story convolute itself in-game?
Hell, my SCRA character started off as a grunt, Corsair-recruit and is now a Corsair Elder, a ranked officer and a war-hero. He has a very complex character but started as a regular pilot.