Operative spot and inspected 2 Bounty Hunter ship. They took attention on themselves for unknown activity on New Tokyo high orbit. When they where spotted again in Shikoku decision to perform inspection was made.
After scanning the Kusari Naval force high ranked officers of Gunboat Captain and Cruiser Commander ranks where found held in the cargo hold of one of those Hunters.
They refused to immediately liberate Kusari Citizens and engagement has been performed in attempt to set them free. Said vessels where pursued towards well known Deshima station and where destroyed right on it's doorsteps.
Citizens of Kusari Empire where successfully picked up from their wrecks and returned to Planet Junyo for medical treatment.
Battle assets stationed at Core Kusari space where dispatched to enforce the word of law and embargo policy across the Kusari core space. 2 minor illegal shipments where intercepted in attempt to slip through the hands of Naval Forces and State Police and one pirate bomber was intercepted and terminated as a result.
Increased activity of illegal Plutonium traffic forces us to patrol the known routes in search of transport ships that are trying to carry the strategical resources off from Kusari.
Today, both traders after IDs of -=AHTOHOB=- and Remedy.Corp.RS-II has surrendered without forcing us to use force and cargo was confiscated and destroyed in space. Since it's the first time they where caught on that illegal business they where warned and left alone without fines placed on them. All operatives are to note them and use lethal force in case of recidivism.
Pirate bomber after the name of Rip.Van.Rorry has been elliminated after Kusari Naval force commander's report of him committing unlawful actions in system of Honshu. Operative NITO ICHI managed to chase the target all the way to New Tokyo via the jump hole where he was intercepted and neutralized.
Newly created KITSUNE STRIKE WING in cooperation with codename KENSHIN scrambled to deal with a Junker vessel reported in SHIKOKU system. We immediately locked down the system exit points and waited for the Junker to fall into the trap. The vessel came into scanner range near the KYUSHU JUMPHOLE, and the active operatives started closing in on his known position immediately. After a chase, the Junker was finally disrupted in the southern sector of the system, where it was disposed of.
Today was an eventful day. Some minutes after I sat down in the Briefing Room on Akita Border Station an emergency call arrived. The enemy somehow broke through the frontline and played out the Kusari Border Patrols, and were now threatening the Capital System near Planet New Tokyo. All KPT-Operatives who responded to the call proceeded immeadiatly to the source of the distress signal, double time. When I arrived at the scence the enemy position what was very close to our Capital Planet, some ships were already there and tried to hold the line. The scraps and sunked ships around showed me, we already had some casaulities and there would be more...
Several minutes after I tracked down the enemy contact, a Kusari Destroyer approached. It had a strange identification, ATC transponder showed to me that it was not a friend but a foe. At least now we have an idea how they managed to breach into our defensive lines... they used our technology against us. Our brave commander marked the destroyer as the primary target, after exchanging heavy fire between the two forces, we finally managed to destroy the treacherous destroyer.
Meanwhile two KNF-Bombers got shot down in the process, not only from the Bretonians but the Golden C pilot nearby, worked for them and she used her guns against our forces.
The Dragon's Tooth forces targeted one IAB) at the time, and we destroyed three of them without any losses. the enemy tried to pull back with the cover of GC but none of them left Kusari space in one piece. Meanwhile some outsider-pirates tried to take advange of the situation by plundering ships in the Honshu system, while we fought in the New Tokyo system. Two corsair vessel and a pirate gunship were destroyed in Honshu almost immeadiatly after we finished the remaining Bretonian forces.
Initiating OPERATION: CLOUD CONTROL, dispatched Kitsune-wing to neutralize Junker presence in the Sigma-13 system, one target was confirmed near Helgoland Station. Successful kill-shot was made.
Today we were ordered to assemble at Stokes in the Leeds system. Our work today was to proceed with Operation Burning Arrow, harm the Bretonian economy. My long-range reconnaissance wing was ready when a [Convoy] transport rushed into our arms with his gunboat escort. The escort first tried to protect the vessel, but when the captain realized how he could provide little to no help against superiour firepower, he decided to abandon the transport to its fate. We destroyed this ship, close to Stokes.
Seems like the gunboat captain alerted system-wide forces, because the other transport just disappeared from the system damn fast. Our squadron headed and jumped into the Dublin system. As soon as we arrived, the convoy gunboat, whom followed us charged with other BAF forces. we destroyed this escort and some other too, and some other bretonian warship, including a Battleship, at least two destroyer, gunboats, a dozen of fighter etc.
Seems like the emergency channel worked here too, because we catched only a mining ship here, and a junker who tried to steal the cargo of the sunked miner. Both were destroyed of course.
Losing the element of surprise along with having our location compromised, we decided to withdraw, it was also a good time to do so since we had received minimal damage. Today's operation gave some results, but I think Commander Yamakazi expected more commercial targets to be neutralized. A change of the structural plan for the Bretonian systems are required to improve efficiency.
The Junker Congress have with their latest attempt of a fabricated rescue mission drawn their final straw with Kusari. Their attempts in direct combat have proven unfruitful and naturally their next level of attack would be through information. They have mistaken us however, to assume we are specialized in combat, we are even better at intelligence gathering.
Each and every intelligence asset will be dedicated to this operation, other data-gathering operations will be secondary prioritized. Of course if you find intel on other intelligence missions they are still valid.
Your mission is to find Junker Congress .:J:. tagged vessels smuggling contraband. This is Sirius Wide, but lay focus on getting evidence of what system they were in during the smuggling. Prioritize getting evidence inside House Space. Any space, even Bretonian. The HQ is well aware that the Liberty and Bretonian House will require larger convincing to use these evidence for Kusari's interest. We even expect the Bretonian House to fully ignore it, but that is fine.
Stockpile it anyways.
They wish to have an information war. Now let's show them a real one.
It seems a Molly Destroyer and one identified Molly Gunboat have arrived to the Sigma-13 system, claiming to be there to assist the Junker Congress. Data regarding such statement is saved for further use. We had expected this attack to occur in advance thanks to a Congressman's statement retrieved from the sirius wide communications channel that was used in an attempt to slander the Kusari House for a fabricated rescue mission.
Target was destroyed on sight. KNF watch has been alerted and more combat assets have been dedicated to take care of any future engagements. Fortunately it seems these large-ships are proving to be very clumsy in the Sigma Gas Fields.
A normal patrol path, a normal view at Yanagi, a junker bomber, a normal nonsense speech, a normal end of the discuss. This is shortly what happened in Sigma 13 on my patrol route.