' Wrote:That sounded like bitching. And bitching about a PvP oriented group going for official status when you're a member of CR has too much irony to resist not pointing out. Their RP is perfect for their role. They won't sit down with the people they're hunting for a cup of tea before they start fighting.
What? I even wished them good luck... how's that bitching? And I don't see what CR has to do with this? This is about a faction that wants to get official status. If you got something to say about CR, go to their feedback (maybe is not locked) but don't bring flames in the thread of these wonderful RPers and their group.
I hate where this conversation is going, and I hate myself for joining the ride..but meh...
It has happen to me as well, many times, and with the Reavers as well. They see me, preset message, pewpew, me is put out of action by them. Right there, admitedly, I might have been unhappy (note unhappy, not pissed, it's a game), but when I give it some thought I completely see the reasoning behind it.
If you target is still and talking to you, no problem whatsoever in chatting for hours. But if said target is thrusting/cruising towards a base, maybe completely ignoring you at the same time, why should you waste time typing?
Also, why this very blunt distinction between RP and PvP? You're the talkative guy, you like to RP with words. Okay. What is not okay, is when you flame/troll others for making a decision other than yours, for example to roleplay with guns.
Of course, no one likes to lose, but it's part of the game and, most important of all, it's still a game.
Bottom line, what I'm trying to say is, live your virtual life and let the others live theirs.
' Wrote:What? I even wished them good luck... how's that bitching? And I don't see what CR has to do with this? This is about a faction that wants to get official status. If you got something to say about CR, go to their feedback (maybe is not locked) but don't bring flames in the thread of these wonderful RPers and their group.
*Shrugs* I've got nothing against CR. Nothing at all. Your comment just seemed to register to me as some sort of sly, sarcastic comment. And I wanted to make some sort of remark back. Seems all I can do nowadays is snap at others.
Good luck Reavers.
[17:45:39] Wolfs Ghost (Murphy): Tom, you have problems. Go kill yourself.
[19:25:12] Johnny (Jam): Tomtom, I will beat you with a spoon.
[14:22:56] Prarabdh Thakur: KILL HIM WITH A SHEEP.
[17:40:48] Eagle (Junes): Tom should be slapped with a spoon.
[11:32:18] Warspite: Thank you for being so awesome Tom. <3
[18:17:36] Metano: I love you tomtom
[20:06:24] Warspite: I will seriously give you epic head.
' Wrote:Edit: also, Tomtomrawr, fappin' like a boss.
Hey guys, Dusty Here. Was doing a little editing to the Reaver bio and can't be bothered to change back.
I'm going to request that you abstain from debating the conduct of non Reaver factions in this thread. Namely if someone like "player X" feels that he needs to drop a comment on us which you feel needs be responded to with some rebuttal concerning his own conduct in kind please abstain.
While we appreciate the nod to the concept of turnaround being fair play it doesn't contribute to a healthy discussion.
Furthermore, I imagine some might have missed the original post in their commendable enthusiasm to respond to this thread. I would like to direct everyone's attention to the following:
We understand that the request that we are putting forward is going to draw a lot of fire. We only request that you attempt to the best of your ability to maintain a constructive tone. If you find that you are unable to do so because of strong emotions I suggest that you take a moment to relax before issuing your feedback, or send either Virus or myself (Dusty Lens) a private message.
It's a long road ahead. Let's maintain a civil tone, keep it on topic and abstain from dragging other factions into the discussion every time a representative from another group makes their stance known.
I highly disapprove of this.
The Reaver Mercenary Company has shown time and time again they are not worthy of official status, due to their continued refusal to correctly capitalize their signature and/or correct the grammar mistakes, claiming "artistic discretion" as an excuse.
As a self-proclaimed Grammar Nazi and Epic Writer of Words, this infuriates me, and thus I now hate all Reavers, and will form a gank squad for the sole purpose of hunting them down and correcting the spelling on their Sabres.....with PLASMA.
Also, once you guys shot me and i went all QQ cuse yer not supposed to shoot me, that's bad rp lol.
P.s. It may not be constructive, but hopefully you had a laugh.
gone four years, first day back: Zoners still getting shot in Theta :|
' Wrote:I highly disapprove of this.
The Reaver Mercenary Company has shown time and time again they are not worthy of official status, due to their continued refusal to correctly capitalize their signature and/or correct the grammar mistakes, claiming "artistic discretion" as an excuse.
As a self-proclaimed Grammar Nazi and Epic Writer of Words, this infuriates me, and thus I now hate all Reavers, and will form a gank squad for the sole purpose of hunting them down and correcting the spelling on their Sabres.....with PLASMA.
Also, once you guys shot me and i went all QQ cuse yer not supposed to shoot me, that's bad rp lol.
P.s. It may not be constructive, but hopefully you had a laugh.
Looks good, butyoucouldaddsomemorecolors.
I like your 'Is it worth the cash' policy a lot, because thats how greedy Mercs should behave.
Oh and good luck.