I dream about almost anything. Usually it's serious stuff though.
I also dream about Freelancer a lot, even though I don't play it much. One dream is that my Outcast Sabre (What? The only Outcast I've had was a Sarissa) was in New York peacefully conversing with a Junker and a LSF.
One that stood out to me as a kid was my mom and I running down a driveway to a house a family friend used to live in being chased by a giant, purple, cartoon T-Rex (Possibly the mascot to a restaurant we used to go to a lot). We were both eaten by it, and on the inside it was completely hollowed out, but it was red like the inside of something's ribs.
As for randomness, one I had the other night was me beating the pulp out of Justin Beiber for driving my mom's Pontiac Grand Prix 2+2:P
One trend I recognize though, is that if I really want something, or I envy somebody who has something, I dream about getting that thing, but wake up as soon as it's in my grasp. Curse you brain.
I dreamed. It was stormy outside, so I went outside, then tried to roll a cigarette, but that was impossible cause of the strong winds, all the tobacco kept being blown away. Then I was too tired and kept falling down on the floor.
It must have been a sign, because I just ran out of tobacco. Also it's storming here. And I tripped and faceplanted just 5 minutes ago.
I had a dream about Freelancer last night. Probably my mind telling me that despite the things I currently complain about the LN Dread and Liberty space, things could be much worse.
It was me trying to fight off HF spam around NY and I had no shield generator, class 10's or bots and the trade lanes had been made far to small to dock on and all the bases were gone. And then when I died I respawned in space and had to do it all again. I woke up after about 8 times when I rolled over on the the hand I'd cut open yesterday ...
On a positive though those Trade Lanes did look awsome. Shame I can't quite remember exactly how they looked. Only remember they were brilliant and I want some. xD
I hardly ever remember the dreams I had for more than one hour after I have woken up, nor do I dream particuarly often. The content is mostly utterly odd, I almost never manage to figure out its deeper meaning (in case there actually is one). Since I'm not plagued by perpetual nightmares or repetitive dreams, I do not pay too much attention to them and rather take them as a nightly extra-entertainment.
I actually remembered my dream last night. Mostly because it ended with me kicking something and I kicked the wall next to my bed at the same time. My toenail split. It hurt.