Load the game, it lags and 1 FPS. I land, log out, close the Freelancer disco game, remove it from the task manager, restart the program, no lag, runs fine.
I'm not going to mess with files until 90% of the people say it works.
I checked this with Cannon. In fact, he told me how to do it initially. Is that good enough for you Mr. Spire?
Also Skullz, your problem is with data transfer nothing to do with the files (probably). This guide is to fix problems with FPS, not loss of data packets or delays in their deliver.
However, as a former ultra lagger (used to have ~1000 ping with very high lag and loss, Cannon might remember trying to help me to fix it), most of the time the problem is with the wireless connection, could be large metal objects, or even the placement of your wireless receiver being behind the computer (relatively to the router), I know since that stuff used to be the problem with my connection in the past, and when I switched to wired connection it was all gone.
Seems not working for me.
I tried this yesterday, but after changing the ini file from the Disco/EXE folder, the game freezed after I undocked.
(It still showed the Docking bay screen;
I heard the sound of moving out from the station;
I minimized the window, tried to reactivate the game with the taskbar and got the typically Mickeysoft error dialog)
' Wrote:Seems not working for me.
I tried this yesterday, but after changing the ini file from the Disco/EXE folder, the game freezed after I undocked.
(It still showed the Docking bay screen;
I heard the sound of moving out from the station;
I minimized the window, tried to reactivate the game with the taskbar and got the typically Mickeysoft error dialog)
Are you sure this was the only thing you changed? Only disabled the gunserver?
' Wrote:no changes for me tho.... Running on Win7 x86
Did you also try to replace your Freelancer.ini with the one I linked in the OP?