are the Molly-Gallia rephacks intentional or an oversight?
Aet: Do the Mollies welcome Valorspam in Dublin or not? Honest question, Molly politics are... ambiguous. Thought they were as anti-Gallic as they were anti-Kusari.
gone four years, first day back: Zoners still getting shot in Theta :|
The matter between GMG and Kruger has never been resolved through either player RP or lore. Kruger is still strictly forbidden from entering GMG space even though player RP had re-opened the border and if caught must turn around on penalty of death (NPCs on the bases seem to prefer we just flat out blew them up). I still continue to point out that there is a Vanilla lore hook to use to go further with this story. It's a Rheinland piece that mentions that DHC was the true culprits that pushed Imperial Rheinland to war with GMG and not Kruger but it's still a large secret...
I'd request that GMG and Kruger be set by rephack at .55 towards each other. No ability to land on each other's bases (kinda silly to see a GMG landing on Mannheim after nearly 2 centuries of raiding with impunity that ended only 8yrs prior to the Nomad War or for a Kruger pilot to walk into a GMG bar filled with people holding a grudge) but like the situation with Samura it''s best to not go full red with all the weapons as these trade factions have a habit of lighting up lawful NPCs like X-mas time all over Sirius. As it currently stands Kruger activity in the Sigmas is that of smuggling themselves through or stealing He-3 (which I wish they will do) to bring to Mannheim. Meanwhile GMG has to diversify it's mineral imports and still needs to secure a true singular cheaper bulk source of minerals before it can begin bigger ship building plans.
Other then that one faction I can't see anything else. Looks good :cool:
' Wrote:I see nearly all special forces (LSF, BIS, Kempetai, MND) will be allowed to use Nomad Energy Blasters/ Cannons with only 90% nerf. Its a great idea since nearly everyone can get his hands on a nomad technology aka
Then the line "This weapon can only be mounted on Order, Wilde, Nomad and Keeper IDed ships" should be removed from the infocards of those guns as well. Otherwise it will resemble the situation with the Zoner Whale, which can only be used with Zoner ID because the infocard states so.
Aet: Indeed. Technerf makes the line obsolete anyway. You want to mount Nom weapons at 10% efficiency? Have at it I'd say...
Also, please set guard rephacks to be the same as the regular rephacks. I've got a couple of ships where ~Corsair Guard is 2nd highest after having to fix the regular ~Corsairs faction with bribes multiple times
Aet: The guard IDs are all listed to be obsolete, with the exception of Core. I'm not setting any rephacks for them, nor technerf. They will simply count as "no rephack but max technerf to all" for any ID not currently in use anymore, as if the player had no ID at all. People who abuse them to get around certain rephacks will find the result disappointing.
' Wrote:Aet: Good point. I'll have to go asymmetric on the BHG/Kusari lawfuls. BHG may not dock in Kusari space, but Kusari lawfuls may dock on Deshima. Except for the Hogosha. The BHG really don't like them. I think.
BHG are sneered at in Kusari, and corporations don't use them/pay the BHG to ignore the unlawfuls that they're friendly with. That doesn't mean the BHG can't dock there, or that Kusari people can't dock at BHG stations.
Aet: Yea, Dashiell set me straight on that one. Guess "unfriendly" is the rep we're looking for there.
' Wrote:Wait, you are sure civilian(house) things is red to Zoner ID?
Aet: Yea. Zoners can use stuff like the Titanic, the BW Transport - the stuff that is Siriuswide civilian but does not belong to a single house. They do not get to use the house-specific tech like Behemoths, Mammoths and whatnot. They are Zoners, they have chosen to live outside of house space, their tech reflects that. Plus they got one of the largest ship lines on the server...
Mhm, okay. But anyway, what about those civilians who have origin in house space. They're maybe like to keep their old ships, like my behemoth. If it's seriously going to happen, make BWT useful. It's just look, drive as trash. Even better, make Zoner 3600 transport... Zoners have only choose (in da house) between Firefly/BWT for now. Thats both ships is meh.
It's unlikely to happen, so I better to keep my behemoth with no turrets, as it was.
Aet: That's your choice:)techmix nerf doesn't prevent you from roleplaying with ships that have a max nerf applied to them.
And Dromedary, it's can be used without nerf? Since Zoner produce it and even using it on every freighter patrol. Dromedary and BW Transport are open to everyone.
In the way the chart is now Wild would be granted access to the technology of two houses which we do not play in because, well, that is not how we operate there.
Those two houses are Liberty and Kusari.
Liberty does not have any Wild presence in the way Rheinland has it. -If- there are any infected people in Liberty, they are well hidden and in really rare numbers, operating as the original nomad infestation did. Select influential people, and if they were to exist ingame, they would not have a Wild ID.
Kusari had some Wild presence, but after the fall of Tekagi's base the Wild forces revamped their modus operendi, becoming much like the Liberty infected, working to use contacts in Kusari to springboard into Gallia.
That would leave Das Wilde with Rheinland, Bretonian, Civilian and Borderworlds technology.
However we would like to request the ability to use Bounty Hunter, Corsair, Order, and at least some Rheinland unlawful (primarily Hessian and LWB) technology with a 75% rate as well. The current Bounty Hunter faction leader's character has been infected in previous RP by Das Wilde.
It's also a relatively common occurrence. We encounter and fight those people on a nearly daily base, so it's very likely that some of the missing in action would show up infected. If you look into the SRP directory as well as some other Wilde related stories, you will find quite a few of them that include people of the factions above getting infected.
I hope that we are not asking for something completely unreasonable here. In the past we were able to do this at will (or with a SRP) if we were taking over snubcraft, and we would like to continue that practice.
Aet: This request is different from your original one. Rheinland unlawful tech: Just use Borderworld ships - you've got a valid reason to be snatching those from the Outcasts, or various sources in the edge worlds. Order and BHG (Core) are specifically aimed at dealing with Nomads, I'd be opposed to you using their tech for lore reasons. Corsairs on the other hand makes sense. Make a list of what's what and let me know.