Allright, over the past few days, I've been pouring considerable time into one of the last tasks for 4.86 Final: The rephack and techmix nerf configuration. I've put them up for public review. At the moment, only myself and Blodo can edit this.
Note that both these are still drafts, there's bound to be a few glitches in it. If there's valid concerns or requests, or just plain errors, post them here. I've taken into account: The changed lore for various organizations. The requests from official factions for the technerf. Balance limitations demands in regards to techmix nerf.
Guiderule for the technerf:
1 civilian tech (Siriuswide, Borderworlds or House) and 1 faction tech at 100%. One additional civilian tech at 90%.
3 groups at 90%.
3 groups at 75%.
Official factions may request changes to this for and towards their parent factions - but keep in mind that any changes must match the RP for the NPC faction, not just the official faction portion. So no Blood Dragon guns on Odins or Corsair Valors.
Guiderule for rephacks:
-0.89 for at war
-0.7 for kill on sight
-0.55 means no shooting but no docking - mainly used to enforce ID restrictions that say "may not dock at bases belonging to faction ..."
-0.3 means "you can dock but I'm keeping my eye on you". IE quasilawful factions versus the lawfuls they sometimes attack. Prevents quasilawfuls from repping military to green and pirating NPCs right under their nose.
Official factions may request changes affecting how specific IDs are treated by their NPC faction. Again, keep in mind that changes must match the lore of that faction - Rogues wanting Outcasts set to hostile or no-docking for instance, wouldn't be accepted.
The rest is pretty selfexplanatory.
The customary whining about this can be done here.
DEADLINE: I'm looking to do the nes configurations the coming weekend. It's a lot of work and I'm not sure it'll be feasable to do all those values in two days without losing my mind, but try to have the values in by the end of Friday 11/5. Anything coming in later will probably be tacked on the first of periodic updates to reflect changes in the roleplay environment or factions getting annoyed with eachother. Once this is in place, it should be relatively easy to maintain.
Wide awake in a world that sleeps, enduring thoughts, enduring scenes. The knowledge of what is yet to come.
From a time when all seems lost, from a dead man to a world, without restraint, unafraid and free.
Mostly retired Discovery member. May still visit from time to time.
First Major Kudos for doing this, I would discuss with others and whine in a while.
Indeed Kudos for this hard task.
(10-09-2013, 10:51 AM)Knjaz Wrote: Official faction players that are often accused of elitism, never deploy them and have those weird, immersion killing "fair fight/dueling" suicidal hobbies. (yes, i've seen enough of those lolduels, where house military with overwhelming force on the field willingly loses a pilot in a duel. ffs.)
Just looking at some of the other stuff and I see that Kusari lawfuls do not have any rephacks for Bretonian unlawfuls. This is the only lawful-to-unlawful that is undefined, and ever other house lawful (including Gallia) has rephacks against the other houses' unlawfuls. Even Bretonian lawfuls have rephack against GC, and they used to be able to ally with each other. In that context, it looks like an oversight for Kusari lawfuls to be able to get green rep with Gaians and Mollies, who all used to shoot each other.
Aet: You're right, that should have been the -0.3 rephack: Unfriendly but not hostile. Both the GC/BD and the Hogosha/FA have dealings in Bretonia.
I don't know how you managed to make this colour-spreadsheet look so much nicer than the last one, but you have; congratulations.
Rephacks discussion:
Cryer and Corsair (and Sails I guess) should be 0.3 to each other rather than 0.7 - The NPCs are neutral to each other and Corsairs dock Atka (vanilla), and there is some ongoing supplying of Corsair bases with drugs by Cryer for several years in game/forums
Aet: Good call. OSC needs a similar limitation due to the situation on liner Hawaii.
Can't thank you enough for splitting the former "house corporation" cells up into seperate ones for each corporation. Much appreciated.
My only issue is that having the BHG at "no docking, sorry" will cause an awkward situation with Deshima in Shikoku due to the rather strangely chosen IFF of that station. God knows why of all the factions inhabiting it, Digital Anvil had to give it the IFF of the newest and in the rest of Kusari least popular faction.
Aet: Good point. I'll have to go asymmetric on the BHG/Kusari lawfuls. BHG may not dock in Kusari space, but Kusari lawfuls may dock on Deshima. Except for the Hogosha. The BHG really don't like them. I think.
' Wrote:Go play the game, within the given limitations. That is how role play games are played. Not by trying to work around those limitations or whining about them.
Interspace ID allows docking on GC and RH stations, and yet is marked those factions are marked as hostile.
Unioners by lore are allowed to dock on Bonn Station, so I think they should be marked as -0.55.
The, Hogosha should be marked same as FA, -0.55.
Also, what's with the: ALG, Daumann, Kruger and Republican, all being -0.55? Is this planned for next update or is this already in effect? Plus, hostile rep to RFP and RM should do the trick in making those factions hostile as well, unless one has full green light. Some people might have worked hard to get nice reputations, and you would actually ruin it in an instant.
In addition to these related to IC:
GC ID shouldn't be -0.7, to be disallowed to dock. (make more friendly)
Xenos shouln't be -0.3 to be allowed to dock. (make more unfriendly )
Bundschuh ID shouldn't be -0.55 to disallow docking. (make more friendly )
Red Hessians ID shouldn't be -0.7 to be disallowed to dock (make more friendly)
Unioners ID shouldn't be -0.7 to be disallowed to dock (make more friendly)
Aet: Trying to make sense of all of this, you're a little vague.
Interspace ID to GC and Hessian and vice-versa: -0.3 set now.
Xenos vs Interspace: -0.55 now
Bundshuh vs Interspace: -0.3 now
Unioners vs Interspace: -0.3 now
However, with those rephacks, I can very much understand why the RM is pushing to get that interspace station to RFP or Republican IFF. As for the Rheinie trader factions: I wager the Kanzler has banned Interspace from all Rheinland owned stations given the current RP line regarding Bonn. It's a reflection of economic sanctions against the faction. No docking, no shooting. I don't care if people have worked centuries for their reps - if the current situation warrants it to be changed, it will be. Don't like it? Pressure the RM into resolving the Bonn crisis.