I've been having a fair amount of fun with DayZ lately. Nicely put together stuff. Just hoping that new patch which fixes the annoying graphical bugs comes out, and barbed wire finally gets removed.
Few issues to fix with folks just alt+F4ing out of trouble, and some pretty serious issues with folks just scripting themselves a ton of crazy gear... But even with those issues, it's still a ton of fun.
' Wrote:I've been having a fair amount of fun with DayZ lately. Nicely put together stuff. Just hoping that new patch which fixes the annoying graphical bugs comes out, and barbed wire finally gets removed.
Few issues to fix with folks just alt+F4ing out of trouble, and some pretty serious issues with folks just scripting themselves a ton of crazy gear... But even with those issues, it's still a ton of fun.
Honestly my problem with wire fencing isn't that it exists, or that people spam it, it's that it's near impossible to vault over and unless you can find the middle-stake, very hard to remove. I think it needs tweaking, not scrapping from the mod.
Only reason people use it, is to choke firestations with it. It's not used for defending yourself against zombies, or creating camps or the suchlike... Just used to annoy everyone in firestations.
' Wrote:Only reason people use it, is to choke firestations with it. It's not used for defending yourself against zombies, or creating camps or the suchlike... Just used to annoy everyone in firestations.
Serves no purpose other than being irritating.
Hey now, Joe, my Enfield serves little other purpose than being irritating to people in Firestations. Should we remove that too? >.>
But eh, maybe you're right. I can't say I'm not sick of seeing entrance ways blocked by wire.
' Wrote:Hey now, Joe, my Enfield serves little other purpose than being irritating to people in Firestations. Should we remove that too? >.>
I've found plenty of uses for an enfield other than annoying people in firestations. Best use so far, sneaking up behind ghillie suited snipers and shooting them in the back of the face. That's got nothing to do with firestations, and is probably doing most people a favour.
Stopped playing DayZ while I was playing the base game... Now that we've realised the large-operation AI is broke to **** (yeah... we really just thought we were that good, that's out the window until Bohemia fixes it.
So, went back onto my few week old character at out camp, killed some nearby zombies with my M4 SD for kicks, and about two seconds later was dead with (presumably) a bullet in my head.