The bar manager stepped out of the back room and walked over to the senior bartender. After a brief exchange, the bartender pointed to a table near the bar. The manager looked at the man sitting there alone reading a data pad. "Strange place to sit for this type of meeting," he thought. He then walked over to George Masters, the man seated at the table and handed him this note.
Mr. Masters,
I am very sorry, but I have been summoned to deal with a crisis. I will be away for some time. I have arranged for an ambassador to depart from Rochester immediately to speak with you.
Jack Crow sat in his chair in the executive lounge of the Metaphysical. He could see out over the top of the ship as they neared the station. The ship eased into the dock. He took another sip of his drink and put his data pad down. He grabbed his long coat and headed for the door.
As he approached the airlock he saw his old friend and two guards waiting for him. He called out to his friend, "What's all this Stephen? We're on a Junker base after all."
"You don't even know why we're here."
"I know enough. I'm taking up for JT. We'll be fine. I've got some messages to deliver. Besides no one is going to mess with us on this base. Though, some intel might be nice. Tell you're boys to go exploring. See what they can find. I'll be at the Drunken Junker."
As he walked into the bar, the bartender recognized him immediately. "Hey Jack, didn't really expect to see you back here."
"Wasn't really sure I'd be back, but here I am. I'm meeting someone."
"So, I heard. He's over there waiting for you."
Jack walked over to the table. "Wouldn't a booth in the back be a better meeting place?" The man looked up at him, and he held out his hand. "Hello, I'm Jack Crow. I don't think we've ever been introduced."
George stood up and shook Jack's hand. "Hello, I'm George, leader of the Junker Marauders". Even though George was wearing a mask, if his face was visible you'd be sure he was smiling. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Crow". George let go of Jack's hand before he shuffled his datapad back into his pocket. "if you think a booth in the back would be a better meeting place, we can always move there"
Jack waved his arm and signaled someone from the staff to their table. "You know where I want to sit." He told the man. The two men were escorted from their table to a booth in the back. "This is much better for doing business, " he said as he sat down.
Another sever came over and placed a glass of rum in front Jack. Jack took a sip from the glass and leaned back. "Nice mask by the way. What exactly are you trying to prove with that. Wait, don't answer that. You're actually not the first Junker to try that. That last one did so out of some family or religious tradition, or something like that. Doesn't really matter. JT is tied up handling things no one else wants to tackle so he asked me to come here. I seem to keep getting farther and farther away from my new business transactions, but Junker business is good too. How are things for you?"
George let out a ghostly chuckle. "Things are good for us, we're placing a lot of fingers into the right pies. The way I see it, the universe is a toolbox filled with, well, tools. People can be manipulated into a shape or form that you see fit, then you can use that tool to your advantage. Sure, sometimes you've got to pay a little to get them to do what you want them to do, but you've got to break a few eggs to make an omelette".
George pressed a spot on his mask and the mouthpiece shifted away to allow his mouth to reach his drink. The rest of his facial features were still hidden.
"On the subject of the mask, I actually have it as a symbol of power. It gives me the feeling of authority. It also makes quite the bold fashion statement".
"Anyway, enough about me, how are things on your end?".
Jack took another sip of his drink and just sat in quiet peace for a moment as he surveyed the bar. He was taking the time to properly process what he had just heard. He had named the flagship of his own fleet the Metaphysical. This was his personal transport specially designed for his needs and he didn't give it that name simply because he thought it sounded fun. He had long been studying the works of Aristotle. Something that he believed was becoming lost out here in the stars. To hear this young Junker describe his belief that he can manipulate form only affirmed Jack's belief.
The mask was an interesting touch as well. This was far removed from Rudo, who wore a simple mask in the practice of an ancient custom. At least people knew who and what he was. This one was rather interesting. He his behind a mask while at the same time allowing himself to have a higher profile than any Junker should have.
He put his drink down. "JT wasn't really up to this meeting anyway. He's much more of a logistics guy. He came into this position well after the days when Bishop and I were guarding Tinkerbell's great secret. He's a good leader, but I think Tinkerbell's vision of the arbiter has gone the way of his mortal flesh" He scanned the bar again. Some unfamiliar faces were beginning to watch his booth. Was it him or this masked figure sitting with him? It would be time to leave soon. "I'm curious to know where your loyalties lie. Don't tell me with Junkers because that's a given. You wouldn't be sitting here if I believed anything else. However, I've been doing this long enough to know that no Junker can stand alone. How do you plan to carve a future for yourself. Your answer will tell me much about my own future."
He pushed on his mask, allowing the mouthpiece to cover his mouth again. "Well Jack, I wouldn't really say I carve a future for myself. I carve a future for all Junkers. Remember when I said that the universe is filled with tools? Well, I'm a tool. However I know how to function autonomously and take advantage of other tools. The way I see it, us Junkers stand out from all the other tools. Whilst everyone else is meant to be used, we're mean to function on our own and use others as we see fit". He passed for a moment to study the bar, then resumed "power, wealth, fortune, riches... Whatever you want to call it, it's out there and waiting for us. We just have to carefully pinpoint the correct moments to seize it bit by bit"
Jack finished the last of his drink in a quick swig. "It seems we are more or less on the same page. I needed to do this in this way. I'll be taking up my old office of Rochester as well as my residence there. I won't be there all the time, but often enough. The bottom line is I will be much more accessible than I have in a long time. I have considerable business interests in the border worlds at this time, but I should be able to run things from Rochester. The days of me being a fast and loose transport captain are long gone."
Jack reached inside his coat and a device beeped as he did. "I need to be going, my ship is waiting." He rose from the table as he made eye contact with the bartender. Then he turned back to the table. "I'm very glad to hear you say you have the interests of all Junkers at heart. That is the only way to survive out here. You should know we will hold you to that." He turned and walked out of the bar.
George watched Jack slowly walk out of the bar. After Jack had left, George realised that it was time for him to take his leave too. He got up from his seat and gathered his belongings before walking out the bar towards his ship.