The VWA's Logistics Division is always happy to hear about more pilots coming to bolster their ranks. We're happy that there's not just outsiders joining the Widerstand but older members of the movement too.
Born under a military father and 2 older siblings, Julia was the black sheep of the family. Her father Hanz von Manich a known BDM operative along side his boys Erik Manich and Franz Jasper Manich were known to love the military and the Vaterland. On the other hand Julia was an outsider, she did not love the military aspect of her life. During her school years around the age of 16 she fell in love with a boy whose father was a member of the Volksrevolution. Blinded by the first love Julia left her family in the chance for love. The beginning was easy, William loved her to a certain extent, but his love for the Hessians was beyond any human understanding. So at her last gift from Julia to William she joined alongside him into the Red Hessian Army. Until the age of 20 her life was hard rough for a girl which wanted to study to become a lawyer and the army was never a thing for her. At the age of 19 she decided she needs a break and faked her own death. After a year spent on New Berlin, memories of her past life came back and she decided that trying to taste that particular life would be good, so she decided to return. After months of service she came in contact with the VWA and that encounter changed her life. She then decided to send an applucation to the VWA movement and see if she might get a chance to have the life she wanted.
What brings you to our cause? I am sick of having to do horrible things. I am sick of having to kill innocent people when this putrid land stinks with those which need to be killed the RHA enforced me to kill people that wanted to live, that had families and all, but after VWA opend my eyes i knew that the RHA was not my home anymore
The Vereinigte Widerstandsarmee has at present seen fit to decline your application. We encourage you to resubmit an application after five months if desired.
Place and year of birth:
Planet Stuttgart, 800 A.S
Personal Background:
Born into the wealthy von Thalberg family as the only daughter, and the youngest of 6 siblings, although I may have once said it was not great, I can now look back and say I was incredibly lucky.
As the only daughter, I believe that I was being groomed to become married into another powerful family, and so I was quite blind to what was happening in Rheinland for about 16 years of my life.
At 17, I began to realise. My brothers began coming home in crates - most having died "brave and noble deaths for Rheinland", but ultimately achieving nothing. When the future head of the family died though, it was different. I wasn't told until I was 22, that he had in fact been shot for treason - objecting against the Federal Republic's treatment of the less-fortunate members of society.
This made myself and father the only thing standing in the way of the other families taking our possessions and wealth. Father became anxious, and after a night alone in his room with a few bottles of wine, he told myself and our servants to begin packing our valuables.
Myself and a small number of our families ships hurried to our estate on Hamburg, whilst father and 2 larger Uruz class ships gathered our belongings from Stuttgart. However, in his haste, and perhaps greed for his possessions, he both alerted another family but also took far too long. As his ships attempted to flee to the Omegas, he was apparently stopped by the corrupt authorities. I don't know any more than that, but I assume he died trying to escape. He was a very stubborn old man.
Of course, the authorities eventually caught our ships, trying to escape the Hamburg system. But now I'd had enough of running. Running does not stop a corrupt government or manipulative families in power from oppressing the people. I would not allow myself, or my loyal servants, to be captured and condemned to a prison to rot.
I lost perhaps a hundred brave men and women fighting for our lives, and not to mention the number of freighters and escorts. But we defeated them there, and myself and the remaining ships escaped to New Berlin.
What brings you to our cause?:
Despite what I've been through, Rheinland is still my home, and I'm not sure I could just leave it and live my life elsewhere. No, I've seen first-hand the extent of the corruption, greed, and terror which now plagues Rheinland, and I cannot leave and live in peace with this knowledge. I will do whatever I can to return Rheinland to its former glory, even if it means dying to further the cause of overthrowing the tyrants in power.
But we are no barbarians, we are not terrorists. We will not turn to common piracy, we will not harm the people of Rheinland, we will not harm the defenceless.
We can still think for ourselves; the bloodshed and the fear has not addled our brains. Fighting for a cause against such deep-rooted corruption alone is suicide - my eldest brother proved that.
I ask that you may consider my own application, and after that, after showing you my devotion, perhaps my servants... no, friends, can also be trusted enough. But for now, they must hide. I wont place their lives in danger until I am sure it is safe enough to emerge.
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Vincent.camwell (//Already in your skype group - Abol)
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Fraulein Thalberg,
After careful consideration, the Vereinigte Widerstandsarmee has seen fit to accept your application. See the logistics men for a ship and equipment if you do not have a ship of your own.
Robin Angela Cornell Place and year of birth:
April 3, 791. Omega-7
Personal Background:
Okay, it's a long story but I'll try to summarize it quickly. I was born and raised in the Omegas, dad was an IMG pilot. I took over his job when he died. I wasn't enjoying it too much, made a mistake by joining the BDM. I was only a pilot for a few weeks before I went AWOL, I couldn't handle the atrocities they were committing. I hid out in Bretonia for awhile, hopped between jobs. Got an offer from Gateway, accepted it, ended up as the CEO. Retired from that, went back to doing security detail in the IMG. Then I met the VR. We became friends, I acted as kind of an unofficial member. I freelanced for them, helped defend Kansas, stuff like that. I even bought land on their planet and started a colony. I also met Sparks around that time, and she helped me rebuild my old Bergelmir. It was kind of hard to work near Liberty though, with me being wanted for my time in the BDM. So I turned myself in after the Raiders stopped needing my help. Served 8 months in a Liberty jail, got out, and since then I've just been hanging around Rheinland doing whatever.
What brings you to our cause?
I've met some of your patrols when I was helping out the VR and you seemed like awesome people. The current Rheinland authorities are, for lack of a better description, the big bad evil guys. I do what I can against them, but I'm only one person. And I don't think Sparks, wherever she is, would be happy to hear that I've been trying to fight Rheinland without contributing to the Bundschuh movement. I know my resume's kind of, well actually, really long, but I hope that the last few years of me working against Rheinland show that I'm here to stay.
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In the halls of Kaiserslautern, a slightly greasy-looking man in a heavy jacket who looks like he needs a good shave and somewhere without a no-smoking rule finds himself leaning against a wall, with his begloved hands inside his pockets. After a few moments, he pulls a crumpled old polaroid out of his jacket, gazing longingly at something not quite in the picture but clearly perceptible to himself, before checking the time on an old-fashioned wristwatch that's just as ruffled as the rest of him is. With a sigh, he runs his fingers through his hair and moves to step quietly into the VWA office.
Name:Matthäus Jepsen
Place and year of birth:Williamstadt, 13th Federal District, Planet New Berlin - 791 AS
Personal Background:My origins are unremarkable - just another lower-classer working under the table in Berlin, trying to make it and survive the cold air and the even colder politics. I never had the chance to go to university, but, like many others, had a friend who knew somebody who knew somebody. I ended up flying with the Rheinländische Volksfreiheitspartei for a time, but it was a decision made in haste, and under a lot of stress. It wasn't long after that I realized my family back on Berlin needed what little income I was providing for them, but there wasn't much I could do towards going back then - I'd made my choice, and the Police don't take kindly to "youthful naïvety".
It was a mixed blessing when Strausburg died, and Ratzenberger went under the radar - nobody went looking for me when I slipped off to do mercenary work for the Hessians and the IMG, since Briesen and Kaiserauer did the same - we all went our separate ways. It's a story that the Bundschuh know well. I sent whatever I could back to Berlin, working with whatever freelancer would launder the money for me. But I lost that sense of comradery, and all the folks that I knew I could count on. Regardless, supporting dear old mum is no longer a concern, and so, here I am now.
What brings you to our cause? The same things that bring anyone to the Party - a yearning for change, for freedom, to see the oligarchy thrown out by force and the bureaucrats and federal agents subjected to true justice for all the despicable things that they've done. I'm no stranger to the Movement, even if I never spent as much time with it as I would've liked, or should've done, nor to the conditions that your everyday Max Mustermann lives in. I like to think that now, with no more strings left for me to tug on, I can finally devote myself entirely to the best cause there is - the cause of bettering things for every true Rheinlander in this Republic.
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Herr Jepsen,
After careful consideration, the Vereinigte Widerstandsarmee has seen fit to accept your application. See the logistics men for a ship and equipment if you do not have a ship of your own.