thats what i thought, too - the hussar does not appear to be heavy for a LF - the slipstream is a heavy LF... - the husser is a rather average LF mk2 - at a very nice and small size though. - anything but "heavy" and not as annoying as the liberator ( although thats just guesswork, i never pvped against a liberator - i simply retreat from most LFs if possible, ( or when i run out of screamers haha )
It's my personal belief that the least maneuverable HF should be slightly more maneuverable than the most maneuverable VHF. Same goes for LFs vs HFs, and VHFs vs Bombers.
Bretonia needs a HF with good ('good' being as good as a very maneuverable VHF) maneuverability.
Quote:what about another bretonian bomber or a replace for the current one? I have to say I dont really like the current bretonian bomber very much... it looks like an oversized crusader.
What? Challenger is the nicest looking bomber of all bombers. I love it just for the looks.
Lucendez Wrote:
It is every Corsair's responsibility to die a beautiful death in defense of Crete, regardless of how OORP or how capwhoring the opposition is. Launch your fighter, joust the battlecruisers and die a beautiful death. Then, drink it down in the bar.
I was thinking the same thing as blunt, namely move the connecting point close to between the forward gun plates on the wings. That would give the cockpit better visibility (from a hypothetical standpoint) and shed a fair amount of the TIE impression it has now.
Maybe tilting the wings slightly (5-10 degrees) inward towards the top and outward at the bottom could give it more of a Fish with huge fins look.