' Wrote:Why then, do the Rheinland, the Liberty, and the Kusari, all land before Bretonia?
Bretonia lands 14 years after the last of the first three, which land in close succession, implying they all started from about the same point, with slight differences in their angles and speeds. it forms something of an arrow, pointing in the direction I expect they flew. That is, away from Sol. Sol is in the direction, from Liberty, of the omicrons.
' Wrote:The Bretonia's starboard engine array was destroyed during the Exodus. Therefore, it had to travel much slower than the other ships and arrived much later than them. (unchecked info)
There you have the answer for why the Bretonia flew slower than the others. Knew there was something around here about that.
So, forgive me, your point about the direction from where they came is, well, pointless.
Edit: I could actually imagine that Milkyway is the galaxy on your 12 o'clock:
taken in Lewis.
Coin sugested Tau 37. If we can trust to Wiki intells: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sirius
and comparing masses of stars...
Tau 37 dual stars is not what we call a Sirius star
First star Mass: 1.99x10e30 kg
Second star Mass: 1.52x10e30 kg
First star Mass: 2.02 Solar Mass( M=1.98x10e30 kg)
Second star Mass: 0.978 Solar Mass
Numbers just do not match,no matter if you take any combinations.
Keep trying,and I will keep searching errors in your search:P
' Wrote:Edit: I could actually imagine that Milkyway is the galaxy on your 12 o'clock:
taken in Lewis.
Notes: taken in Lewis (.84 system, not vanilla, ergo, background is not as carefully considered (no disrespect to the modders, but they can't read MS' thoughts on what the backgrounds should look like(well, I think they aren't telepathic...))), and that looks nothing like our galaxy. There are a lot of distant galaxies in the backgrounds of many systems.
I would say that looks more like a black hole than a galaxy. Besides, we should still be in the Milky Way Galaxy.
Carlos Rivera: Corsair Brotherhood Pirate - Retired, shifted to Tripoli Shipyard's Research and Development engineering teams Anthony Cameron: Guild Core Bounty Hunter - Killed in Action, committed suicide after being trapped in Omicron Minor following its destruction Juan Ruiz: Outcast Ghost of Razgriz Pirate - Killed in Action, killed by the Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army during Bretonian piracy raid Michael Winchester: Liberty Security Force Agent - Missing in Action, likely killed during Rheinland espionage mission or trapped in Rheinland Space Eric McCormick: Order Pilot - Retired, shifted to planetside training of new recruits
Indeed, a galaxy would not be that visible to the naked eye even in the vacuum of space. Unless you were looking back on our own galaxy from the outer star stream (remnants of Milky Way destroying another smaller galaxy).
Soooo...If bretonia flew slower than all others, and if Sirius is the closest star to sol..That means that Sirius is New London, or behind them, outside of the actual sector, right?
I've always assumed it was the black hole.
I still contend that Sirius cannot be in the Sirius sector.
You might just admit, that Fl developers didn't use real astronomical data...
Donate to the Poor Pilot's Fundation via Sirius Bank /givecash GreenHawk 1000000 now, and support poor pilots sirius wide!
Skype: jure.grbec
My primary char: Jose El Nino - Corsair Elder captain of the SS Greenhawk
Currently Inactive due to pursuit of life long dreams, will be back...*edited* As promised am back.
My opinion is that the "Sirius Sector" is a cluster of stars directly beond the Sirius system near Sol.
We know that all sleeper ships left from more or less the same place, and where supposed to be heading to the same system (the Sirius System). However, dispite this, we know that they arrived in the "Sirius Sector" very far apart from eachother.
The only explanation for this is that they overshot their target, and their slight differences in bearings lead, over massive distance, to them arriving far apart, in different parts of the area known as the "Sirius Sector".
A fraction of a degree is negligable when drawing something on paper, but can lead to massive differences in final location if you are plotting a course across space; with increased distance from the origin, influence of tiny angle-differences increases.
If the ships all overshot their destination, this would account for the huge distances between where each Sleeper Ship ended up. With all their crews in stasis, none of them would be aware of the time that had passed, or the distance that had been covered, until after they had been awoken far from the Sirius System.
Thus, the naming of the unknown region of space as the "Sirius Sector" could have been chosen due to a lack of knowledge of the area, and in order to be ironic.
I've no doubt the FL designers gave no consideration to any of this, as they diddn't with allot of things. Freelancer is good entertainment and a good story. Good stories are rarely scientificly accurate, or hold up to close scrutiny.
However, Discovery, as one of the few mods dedicated to moving this game forward as a dynamic sequel, must come up with explanations for plot-holes, and fill in gaps that the designers left.
If my theory where the case, the Sirius Sector would be a massive distance from the Sirius Star system, which in turn, would be much closer to Sol than the Sirius Sector, and thus too far away to be included in the game.