Righto, last one for the night.
This goes waaaaaay back.
I'm pretty confident I'm the last one on this forum who still knows the answer to that, so you'll have to guess.
Again, only lower case. No such things as station in the pass. Just the name.
The prize is 100 mills.
Once upon a time, six or seven years ago there was a wannabe faction, the [CCS]
Which station served as the base of operations for that squadron?
Also, when someone finally gets it, do post here and tell me if it was luck or you actually knew it.
/movechar Hardcore.Oldschool
Seriously, not two minutes and it's gone.
That was like, 28 minutes faster than I predicted.
Okay, now really the last one for tonight.
I might give away some more tomorrow.
I have two transports, one is named Businessman, the other is a now a slave liner.
It was an Advanced Train, then a Pirate Train. It was used to smuggle Cardamine since early 4.84.
Question is, what is the name of that ship?
/movechar Iron.Hammer
Prize is 100 millions.
PS: First letter coming in 5 mins if no one gets it.
PPS: Claimed.