Just as Erik took Peter's hand, Doreen did the same with Benjen. Both boys were tired as was Doreen herself. It had been a long day. Travel, a new job, new home and a nice dinner. She accepted Erik's offer.
"Thank you," she said, "I would like that."
As the shuttle traveled, Doreen looked out the window. New Thessolonica was pretty at night. "The city is lovely at night," she told Erik turning to him with a light smile of a tired woman. For such a young settlement, for artificial cities, she was taking a liking to her new home. By the time the would arrive at her flat, Benjen would be asleep, leaning up against her.
"He's had such a long day," she softly told Erik, "he'll sleep well into the morning."
Her and Ben were dropped off at their flat. She managed to wake Ben enough so that he could walk himself into his room. She was still in her dress when she tucked him in and kissed him. As she turned to walk away, he spoke.
"Mommy," he said softly. She just sat next to him, her fingers running through his hair. "Mommy, Peter said something sad to me."
"Oh? What did he tell you," she inquired gently.
"Mommy, he told me his mommy died two years ago. I mean, we were talking about you and I asked what his Mommy did and he told me that. Mommy, he was sad. I hope I didn't hurt his feelings," he explained.
Her heart sunk and she sighed. "It's OK, Sweety," she replied gently, "You didn't know." Then she smiled, "I think he liked you. He was able to talk to you about it in a way that he couldn't to me or his father."
He just smiled back at her. "Nacht! Nacht!"
She smiled back and kissed him, "Nacht! Nacht!"
She then returned to her still unsettled kitchen to pour a glass of wine.