The incident F Wolf mentions about Mirage changing ships (1st post): he changed from a gunboat character to a fighter character to better match the opponent's ship at the time. The player did the transition out of combat and without offending anyone at the time. Later BDR Mothership and NovaPG Thomas East complained that he'd broken the death limit and much OOC system chat occurred until everyone agreed the KNF pilot had not stuffed up and was entitled to 3 fighter pilot lives against a capital ship. Now both BDR MotherShip and Thomas East were guilty of OOC system chat but they were not reported because it was too much effort for so little offence. If I see anyone mouthing off against KNF pilots either in game or here on the forums without correct information or screenshots I will fall on them like 2 metric tons of bricks.
In that encounter the BDR battleship turned up and killed everything in sight. He went afk twice for dinner. I think starting a lawn mower was in there somewhere too.
Now the BDR are talking about buying a second battleship which will make playing the game in Kusari space impossible. And they don't care. My comment about that in-game was met by 'it's all about winning and having fun'. Well, partly true, but no one will be fighting you if all you fly are battleships. New orders to KNF pilots and commanders: unless sufficient players and ships are available to mount an attack on a battlerazor laden battleship, the ship is to be avoided and ignored and no communication or conversation with the player is to be made. There's no point wasting ships against this tricked out behemoth or, worse, two of them.
Everyone in the KNF needs to read the faction rules : 2 foreign energy weapons maximum are allowed. No more . Applies to all classes of military ship. All other alien technology (eg Nomad thrusters etc) are not allowed. Rules for the KNT trading arm of the KNF have yet to be firmed-out: work in progress.
So, if KNF ships have more than 2 non-Kusari weapons, sell them. General discussion has shown Inferno turrets are common enough to be considered non-foreign.
' Wrote:We have explained many times.......Please get of our backs :sleep:
The game is unplayable when you rely on battleships. The KNF only has one for toe-to-tow BS combat but the ship is for use by only a few at limited times. We have standing rules about only using fighters unless encountering larger ships and most other experienced faction here have similar rules.
I suggest your play style is better suited to the PvP server. This is a role playing server and here Freelancer is played as a role playing game, not a simple space shooter.
Nadir, you have hit the nail on the head there ... No communication, and no engagement. Gives them over
one billion credits worth of flying scrap metal. Nice work BDR ...
Suggestions that your style suits the PvP are pretty close too. Think very carefully about your roleplay story,
If you wish to portray pirate/terrorists, act like they would. Take a leaf out of the NovaPGs book, they have
been here a little longer, and have a good grasp of how the Kusari politics works.
Its not all about buying battleships because you can ... There is no roleplay there.
Some say he is a proud member of: "The most paranoid group of people in the Community."
' Wrote:New orders to KNF pilots and commanders: unless sufficient players and ships are available to mount an attack on a battlerazor laden battleship, the ship is to be avoided and ignored and no communication or conversation with the player is to be made. There's no point wasting ships against this tricked out behemoth or, worse, two of them.
*Hands KNF a couple Taiidens.*
You don't need to completely ignore them. Have some caps/fighters kill their fighters then have two bombers with dual novas take down the BSs. Tip; get Nuclear Mines on those bombers so they can keep fighters off their backs.
Just because one faction goes way out of RP just to get big guns they don't need nor have justification for, doesn't mean you have to stop playing the way you have been. It'll be easier to teach them the error of using BSs constantly.. *Points to SF* Ever wonder why AW uses bombers all the time against the SA/SF? It is the perfect way to take down those cruisers/BSs when you have 2+ bombers.
You don't have to let BDR ruin your playing time by flying around massive caps. BTW, Taiiden is made by GMG I think, so Kusari can easily use them within their RP, since GMG is a Kusari company.
Aye, the GmG are a Kusari company but they are not really connected to them anymore. If you read around the bar's abit you can tell that the GMG don't really like the regular Kusari people that much. But the Taidan is easily useable by the KNF.
"Civilian bomber".... bit of a contradiction in terms there, like "military intelligence";)
They were working on bombers for all four houses, not sure what happened to that project. (no really, I haven't been keeping abreast of the latest mod stuff)
I always consider the Taiiden bomber to be civilian. Sold by a civilian company.. Made by a civilian company. As long as you aren't a Rheinlander, they'll sell it to ya.. And in the case of Rheinlanders it really doesn't matter.. They got their own.
' Wrote:I always consider the Taiiden bomber to be civilian. Sold by a civilian company.. Made by a civilian company. As long as you aren't a Rheinlander, they'll sell it to ya.. And in the case of Rheinlanders it really doesn't matter.. They got their own.
LOL.. it's a HarleyCo-inspired plot, you guys..
Would you be tryin' to get us into one of those escalation/nosepickin'/powergamin' vises again...?
OK.. all jokin' aside.. After bein' somewhat amazed at who's offering us constructive suggestions, I'm beginning to muddle it through my poor, tired, exhausted, ontological processors.
I may even have to consult my superiors, and my Pineal, about this... hmmm.