Comm ID: Peter Kristall
OK, this tomfoolery has gone on long enough.
Mr. DeVirgo. As has been stated -multiple- times on this channel: - Bounty Hunters Guild vessels have free docking rights on all Zoner stations currently open to the public.
- The Order has free docking rights on all the same stations the Bounty Hunters have docking rights on.
-The Corsairs (those that aren't busy shooting at us) have free docking rights on all public Zoner stations too.
- If we could prevent them from infesting and/or attacking people, Nomads would have free docking rights on all public Zoner stations.
In short, the docking rights of Freeports are just that. Free. And they will continue to be so for the forseeable future, for any faction that doesn't persist at attacking us.
Your docking rights were revoked earlier this month due to a severe infraction of Freeport 11's no fire zone. This restriction has been lifted.
I seem to recall at the time, you saying words to the effect that we ought to strengthen our ties to the Order if we wanted protection from Nomad attacks. We have made no particular diplomatic effort in this area.
Now, you seem to be upset because you think we followed your advice? When in fact we did not? Needless to say, the vast majority of us are confused, with a vocal minority suspecting you of bias and prejudice. Please, stop this insane countdown and hold a reasonable dialogue with us.
Be kinder than necessary, because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
J.M. Barrie
Listen people, Core don't want permission to dock, because they don't need our stations. They want us to refuse docking rights for their enemies. They want their enemies - The Order - don't use our stations.
This condition is impossible and I think, Core is perfectly aware of this. I am convinced that the aggression was planned and decided already. Nothing can be done, we can only prepare for defence.
Of course we know what they are really asking.
And of course they know that we know what they are really asking.
And on top of that, we know that they know that we can't give them what they ask.
But we must play the game and go through the motions. And yes, get ready our defences for a yet another assault.
Your demands might be considered if you'd provide the evidence to support your accusations. I was hopeful that this may have been a wild misunderstanding, but I now realize that you wish for nothing more than unprovoked hostility.
Toward Zoners, of all people.
Demand all you want. Just because your organization chooses not to dock on Zoner stations does not mean that we must force others to do the same because of your diplomatic stance with them. I believed at one time that we might have been able to work this out, which is why I railed so much against Mr. Coen. I still don't agree with his diplomatic strategy, but regardless of his resemblance to a broken record, you still have made your intent abundantly clear, Director.
This time, I stand by the decision of my Zoner brethren. Regardless of the route, we will weather this storm as we have weathered so many before it.
::::: transmission opened ::::: From: Omicroners, (]o[)
To: Max DeVirgo
Subject: Terms of Deliverance
your terms have been delivered, certainly more than once. The Omicroners, remainders of the evacuated Zoners Trading Consortium and other Zoners of Theta and 74, cannot answer to your terms, although Mr. Coen has tried with all possible reason, and other Zoners here tried the same. Since reason cannot be unidirectional, the Zoners had to fail. We are convinced that any Zoner must fail when dealing with you.
Good luck,
Omicroners ::::: transmission closed :::::
You're very astute, and very close. Not quite, though.
As I have stated in here, and the historical evidence shows, a group claiming to represent all Zoners banned us from staging at your bases. Docking - well, that little burp, as Mr. Kristall mentioned - was simply transitory. If you are now suddenly stating that we CAN stage from your facilities, then we need assurances that someone won't come along tomorrow and change their mind.
In writing, and with both legal and physical reprecussions should you violate those terms.
Quite frankly, after dealing with an assortment of people over the last several years, all of whom claim to represent either their individual base, their individual ship, or even your entire peoples, we don't trust you. Especially since every time we end up dealing with your people, we end up receiving either discrimination, ridicule, or worse, our ships end up attacked.
As I stated previously, we have no issues with you or your operations in Freeport 5 in Omega 41.
Mr. Mace -
The hostility has been provoked, sir, towards us - time and time again. I have given you what we demand. If you choose not to agree with those demands, that is of course your choice, which I believe is the Zoner way of doing things. Enjoy your life, sir.
Oh, and just a reminder...
6 hours remain
---End Transmission---
(11-21-2013, 12:53 PM)Jihadjoe Wrote: Oh god... The end of days... Agmen agreed with me.
You're very astute, and very close. Not quite, though.
As I have stated in here, and the historical evidence shows, a group claiming to represent all Zoners banned us from staging at your bases. Docking - well, that little burp, as Mr. Kristall mentioned - was simply transitory. If you are now suddenly stating that we CAN stage from your facilities, then we need assurances that someone won't come along tomorrow and change their mind.
In writing, and with both legal and physical reprecussions should you violate those terms.
Quite frankly, after dealing with an assortment of people over the last several years, all of whom claim to represent either their individual base, their individual ship, or even your entire peoples, we don't trust you. Especially since every time we end up dealing with your people, we end up receiving either discrimination, ridicule, or worse, our ships end up attacked.
6 hours remain
---End Transmission---
You can take this as permission to "stage" from our bases. Obviously you will have to pay the equipment dealer for any equipment, the commodities dealer for any supplies and the barman for drinks. There may be other costs, but that is all I can think of, off the top of my head.
As said previously, we do not care what you do before you land on Freeport 11, or what you do after, as long as it does not involved the Zoners. Freeport 9 has it's own council on it, and they should have a similar policy once their station is not held together by duct tape any more.
If you want a signed contract, the Omicroners, which I represent, can draw one up. However, one with physical and legal repercussions, will take more than six hours. The message that you can "stage" from our facilities was meant to be conveyed with my first transmission. Apparently, it took this many repeated attempts for you to understand that.
Again, if you want a contract, we can make one, but it will take more than six hours, as it involves negotiations over the terms.
I got your point from the very first message you sent. You failed to get mine. Your words to me at this point are practically meaningless, since from the beginning you have refused to do what I asked.
We quite honestly don't care anymore about being able to stage from your bases. We want you to deny that ability to the Order. If the one is within your power, then so is the other.
And I'm quite certain that your legal team could whip something up in a hurry, if they actually felt the pressing need to do so. I know our legal team is always available, certainly yours should be, too.
Here, I've even got a very simple draft form for you, at the end of this message, so that you don't even have to think about it.
Otherwise, you have...
2 hours remaining
---End Transmission---
Draft Form:
To: All Order vessels
From: xxxx, commander, Freeport XX / Zoner planet XX
Effective Immediately, you are hereby prohibited from staging any attacks out of our facilities. You may still dock there for fueling as normal, but you may not stay there to stage attacks on others.
(11-21-2013, 12:53 PM)Jihadjoe Wrote: Oh god... The end of days... Agmen agreed with me.
I got your point from the very first message you sent. You failed to get mine. Your words to me at this point are practically meaningless, since from the beginning you have refused to do what I asked.
We quite honestly don't care anymore about being able to stage from your bases. We want you to deny that ability to the Order. If the one is within your power, then so is the other.
And I'm quite certain that your legal team could whip something up in a hurry, if they actually felt the pressing need to do so. I know our legal team is always available, certainly yours should be, too.
Here, I've even got a very simple draft form for you, at the end of this message, so that you don't even have to think about it.
Otherwise, you have...
2 hours remaining
---End Transmission---
Draft Form:
To: All Order vessels
From: xxxx, commander, Freeport XX / Zoner planet XX
Effective Immediately, you are hereby prohibited from staging any attacks out of our facilities. You may still dock there for fueling as normal, but you may not stay there to stage attacks on others.
Oh, so we are back at square one where you are going to shoot a group of people for being neutral.
Let us know when you want to deal next Mr DeVirgo.
To: All Order vessels
From: xxxx, commander, Freeport XX / Zoner planet XX
Effective Immediately, you are hereby prohibited from staging any attacks out of our facilities. You may still dock there for fueling as normal, but you may not stay there to stage attacks on others.
If the citizens of Freeport 9 sign this document, will you take down the bounty on the people living there?
If your answer is yes, we will begin a vote.