Numbers tell me whether they are active or not. I judge from what I see on the forums. BDM, IC, and especially Mollys have a fairly high forum RP activity. Of course I don't encounter them ingame everyday, however, that doesn't mean they're not around. But whatever, this is not the debate.
Simply been stating my major concern, which is that Av abandons his factions once he grows out of them, then he starts a new project. Dunno', but if I was a member of one of his factions, I'd be sort of pissed.
Anyway, since this isn't about this new glorious project, enough of it.
Back on topic:
Liberty Air Force, hm. Well, I want to be honest to you. Yes, you've got the skill to write down some faction stuff. (Even though you mostly pick up already existing factions, and this is the case again). But well, I stopped counting all the factions that basically have the same motives as the Liberty Navy, which already exists.
Another point, your high ranked officers have the same weight as Liberty Navy HC ? Ahem, no. You've just started out with the faction, and crank it up to eleven. ( Like you always do ) That's not how it works. Put a lot of work and piss and blood and sweat into a faction, like, for example, Joe does. Then, and only then you can even think about something like that. I'll say it again, put some work into the faction. Creating one is fine and great, but actually leading one, going through all the crap you have to go through as a faction leader, and that for a longer period of time than a few weeks, then we'll talk.
Basically, this is the Liberty Navy, not more not less.
Firstly, a carrier is a naval ship. The Air Force of today tends to be based off of airstrips and other bases, and tends to act in a long-range strike or short-range defense role. Navies are used to project power, specifically with the mobile air bases called carriers. To be honest though, this is a bit irrelevant, as this is space, and not the sea.
I can't see atmospheric-only aircraft being used to support any offensive actions, as this limits their ability to land anywhere except on ships specifically designed to extract them from the atmosphere. As for aircraft already being able to go into space for a short time, I'd say that's more due to the momentum generated by going up at an angle of 45 degrees at mach 3 than any real method of propulsion once in space. Again though, Im not an aerospace engineer.
My main issue though is that, at the moment, and contrary to how you believe the LAF will be seen, I do feel that it is "just another Liberty group". It's not really fresh as an idea, as we saw with the LMC (marines, airforce, different department, same reason for creation). I also feel that we may encounter similar problems with cooperating. This is what causes me to groan the most, as [LN] has been down that well-trodden path many times before. When I hear "seperate command structure", I also hear "will be considered with the same authority as LN HC", which is what other groups have expected in the past, without putting in the effort required for such a position of authority. This was the root of the problems we had in cooperating.
By all means try to succeed, but if you're looking for support, I am skeptical at best. Typical British cynicism, I suppose.
The carrier point you bring up is a valid one, and one I do agree with you on. I'll think about possible solutions. Maybe RPing that the Carrier is Navy commanded but Air Force pilots and maintenance crews? If you have any suggestions, please advice.
I'm not entirely certain what you're getting at in the 2nd paragraph. We're not in atmospheric ships. The Air Force has them, but we're attempting to RP that the Air Force is using Navy equipment to conduct Air Force Operations over a larger field of battle and into new fields of battle. I.E, space.
I won't lie, this is pretty much 'another Liberty group' but I'm wanting to make it one of the finest. Forum perfection and creation mixed with disciplined and exciting in-game action. We won't be flying Caps around trying to act like the big boys, we aren't going to attack every rogue we see. We're going to actually, for the first time ever in Liberty history. Act like a military and not a mix of cop and fighter pilot.
I am no way in hell saying that our 'Space Command' (Faction leadership pretty much) rivals the [LN] HC. Since inRP that wouldn't happen due to the Navy dominating space, but also ooRP, I'm not going to rival the chaps who A, have the experience. B, the official power and ruling & C, the manpower. I'm going to work with them, not away from them.
' Wrote:Another point, your high ranked officers have the same weight as Liberty Navy HC ?
Not sure where you got that from kido. Read this.
Quote:I am no way in hell saying that our 'Space Command' (Faction leadership pretty much) rivals the [LN] HC. Since inRP that wouldn't happen due to the Navy dominating space, but also ooRP, I'm not going to rival the chaps who A, have the experience. B, the official power and ruling & C, the manpower. I'm going to work with them, not away from them.
' Wrote:Basically, this is the Liberty Navy, not more not less.
Yeah... kinda what I've been saying. Just I'm trying to play the Navy, as the Navy and not a mix of Special Agent, Cop, Fighter Pilot, Investigator, Trader, Captain, Diplomat and whatever else.
Without [LN] enforcing against pirates and essentially filling in when the LPI aren't there, Liberty would probably be the most unlawful house. Not to mention, so much moaning from traders whining about how the taxes they apparently pay to Liberty doesnt give them any protection. Were the [LN] to disappear overnight, you would find it very hard to run LAF as a pure navy faction I think.
Furthermore, all the bits of [LN] that you mentioned are compartmentalised and seperate, to allow people to do those different RPs within the faction if they so choose. It makes things more diverse, which I think you might lack over time as your faction matures.
As for the power bit, that's reassuring, and quite possibly a first amongst Liberty factions.
Concerning the carrier bit, I was more getting at the fact that the Airforce doesn't really use carriers except in exceptional circumstances where other alternatives are out of range or otherwise unavailable for use. Translated into the game, this would mean that you would actually base from planets and bases, rather than stationary or mobile capital ships as the Navy would.
As for atmospheric operations, space-based forces even in this storyline have conducted fights in atmospheres, most notably the invasion of Titan (I think it's Titan, or maybe Europa) by Coalition forces that you can see in the vanilla FL intro. An airforce wouldn't offer the same flexibility, or any new capability to compensate, that I can see. Then again, thats viewing LAF from a strategic standpoint..