Flaks - can they be made LESS energy consuming? Two flaks drained my Bret BS core in short moment. Now I they are not that awesome or damage dealing but consume ridiculous amount of energy.
' Wrote:Flaks - can they be made LESS energy consuming? Two flaks drained my Bret BS core in short moment. Now I they are not that awesome or damage dealing but consume ridiculous amount of energy.
They're fine as is. In fact, they make caps overpowered now, especially BCs. Don't cry. Nerf them instead, cause they don't repel thing, they kill them too easily.
Flaks are interesting as you have to lead your targets manually, not aiming for the crosshair - their large proximity range and explosive damage makes them a friendly fire risk. I'm with Doj on this one: They are fine as is. Energy consumption ensures people don't cluster mount and spam them endlessly - you have Solaris and Solaris2 for that.
Wide awake in a world that sleeps, enduring thoughts, enduring scenes. The knowledge of what is yet to come.
From a time when all seems lost, from a dead man to a world, without restraint, unafraid and free.
Mostly retired Discovery member. May still visit from time to time.
' Wrote:Looked at this some more and now I'm convinced that the cruiser battle razor is just too slow for the damage and energy. Right now the refire rate is so long that the power core regenerates more than was consumed before it can be fired again; the weapon should fire faster than the core recharges the energy that was consumed. For what it uses now it should probably be bumped from .25 to .33 (the same as gunboat rzor) or maybe even to .50 (the same as gunboat forward gun). That seems wrong to me. If you want the refire to stay this slow, then the damage and energy consumption both need to be bumped up at least 1/3rd.
Just looked at difference between cruiser cerb and cruiser razor. Cerb has 4x refire rate and 2x the dps. It also has longer range.
Cruiser razor needs to have rate of fire significantly increased to be competitive with cerberus.
On the other point, the gunboat razor should have same rate of fire as the forward gun, since it is treated as substitute very often
I find that the Geb as a good capitol ship with the ability to take on almost anything is now lost. in 4-85 I had 14 characters with Gebs which I used for B/s missions (not farming) and could load "selectable" Lm's and Razors as well as "selectable" Pulse cannons. Now ALL the heavy weapons (if you can call them that) are located from weapon numbers 11-18 so if you want to do a long range attack you no longer have that ability as there are no longer any lm's or razors available. I am also disappointed with the Liberty carrier. what is the point of it. only good as a bulky slow (big target) gun platform.
I also find that the Geb has a hit docking average of 3/10 for trade lanes.
I am hoping that there will actually be missions available at all those new systems. (just scenery at the minute) and missions replaced at those systems that used to have them and had them removed.
I do realise that this is a Discovery R/P Mod but don't forget that the game is still called Freelancer and a Freelancer is:
1. A person who sells services to employers without a long-term commitment to any of them.
2. An uncommitted independent, as in politics or social life.
3. A medieval mercenary.
I also realise the commitment people have to r/p . I do not have that commitment, But have the same commitment to this game. I have been playing since its release (v1) as a replacement to the old Elite game, My online time for the 4.85 mod for instance was 4350 hours (I server 21 months) and 3120 hours of that was trading, The rest of the time was spent completing missions in every sector or Sirius. I did them in Svhf's, Gunships (16 Scorpions) 1 Osiris. 1 Phantom Huntress, 1 AI Cruiser and 14 Gebs. I did a total of 1750 missions with a total of 43000 npc kills.
I hope to have the same amount of enjoyment with this mod. But will have to wait till the restarts are all in place.
Thanks for the effort (all those involved) but remember that there are many none r/p players out there who are affected by the 'hard wired' R/P settings in the game.
- flaks may need to have their energy consumption reduced and maybe a higher refire rate. bombers now spam endless waves of torps and flaks simply cant keep up a high enough rate of fire to bounce them off, and the entire plant gets drained trying to fend off torps. leave the damage they do as it is or they become too effective vs snubs.
- maybe make solaris able to mow down torps? Kind of like the Goalkeeper. it allows for more chances at mowing down incoming projectiles but it still means the cap will have to stop its main task: shooting at enemy caps. Which kinda means the bomber is still doing its job: distracting the cap.
- cruiser BR is rubbish. The thing needs to be able to istaa a bomber. right now it's just... blergh. You need 2 of the things to istaa a bomber which means 2 'heavy' slots gone. it's silly imho. buff the damage on the thing so it can nail bombers in 1 shot, as it's supposed too. I really doubt that it would suddenly make the cruiser br OP vs gbs. Hardly.
- make bs Br class 9 like i said before. After some more ingame experience I have seen literally zero battleships with a razor mounted. I hardly need explain why...
Make the thing a class 9 and be done with it.
- cruiser turrets turn more slowly than the moon. Id say up their rotation speed a notch.
Cruiser turret turn speed does indeed need a boost. They are too slow as is. Currently cruiser turrets is so slow that on bigger slower cruisers like Corsair and Bretonian, the simply cant keep up with the pace of a fight and leaves the ship completely defenseless for many seconds while you change your camera angle.
Cruiser Cerberus need a range buff, its simply too short of a range as is.
Cruiser solaris also need a range/speed buff to be effective on mid-heavy type cruisers. Its too easy to snac a cruiser outside the 1k range.
Solaris turrets (all classes): Drop them from the mod. Hard to balance, which relegates them to being anemic and underwhelming.
GBs do just fine without them.
If the cruiser primary's refire rate was increased from 2 to 3.03, that would solve some of the AA problems without being OP.
BS secondaries provide decent AA.
Pulse turrets (all classes): Power usage to damage ratio makes them unattractive. Kind of pointless IMO. LMs and Mortars bust shields and hulls more efficiently. Deep six the pulse turrets.
Primaries: Increase the cruiser's primary's refire to 3.03 and/or increase their rotation rate. Otherwise, no problems with the other classes.
Cerbs: Good to go.
LMs, Mortars and HMs: I have honestly never understood the overall benefit of the HM over the normal Mortar, since DPS isn't only deciding factor in PVP. Even when I owned a Juggy, Mortars seem to be the best option due to lesser energy demands on the powercore. I'd suggest dropping the HM completely, but I suppose prevailing opinion would be against that. LMs are good to go.
Battle Razors: GB version is good, cruiser and BS versions borderline pointless in their current state. Other weapon types are more efficient and useful.
Flaks: Can't say anything useful about these. All I know is their usage is optimal in clear space, and downright abyssimal in debris and asteroid fields.