I dont understand the fuss, although I do think the OP idea is super cool. Traders are what keep the server running, they are at the bottom of the food chain. More traders=more fun, even if the trader is acting silly (but not actually violating server rules). I don't see the big problem with a lot of people having caps, as most true capwhores are OC or Corsairs (both of which supposed to have a massive super aggressive and somewhat flatly organized fleet (OC's at least)) and don't infringe on more "vulnerable" systems such as New York. Besides it doesn't take more than three half-decent bomber pilots to bring down a BS, and any bomber pilot I know would jump at the chance to sink a stray Legate in Liberty space.
I just think this is a case of people thinking RP=strictly organized hierarchical factions and faction players thinking they are somehow magically better qualified for the job because they added a few names to a skype account...
Not that this should be a rage-thread about factions, but I would actually say that some of the people I have met that are the most un-welcoming to unknown players are some faction players, not even bothering replying back to what you say to them, or asking you in private chat what your forum account name is before commencing dialogue, like that should have any importance whatsoever.
I think the "problems" (I don't really see it as that much of a problem) with lolcaps are mostly language-related - people simply not being comfortable enough with English to actually RP/read the (somewhat complicated) server rules/know the ZOI/write a background story and such. A way to circumvent this would be to introduce a bs license (given by admins and not factions) based on player submissions of their capship's background story, while focusing not so much on the actual RP content/lore of said submission, but on the level of English displayed. Does this person read/write English well enough to be able to read the rules and understand what is said to him? And so on and so forth... If they are, you can always (in a friendly way(!)) give them pointers on how to improve the RP, and actually perhaps make it even more fun for the player to play the game, giving him clues how he can fit in better with what's going on with the rest of the RP-willing fleet.
You can't limit lolcaps by limiting powertraders, as it has been stated before, because these people are just as committed as "Mr. Look At My Faction Tag" to get a cap, and WILL do the trading required.